MW2 Juggernaut Suit Foam build : WIP

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hmmm... first looks seriously good dude! props to the build!! as for strapping goes, i have racked mo own brain on strapping my armor together, although MW2 is alt different from Halo! personally im mostly using heavy duty plastic clips with velcro and straps mainly on the belt and possibly the thigh and shin. idk yet, but what will really help my build is magnets, and i think that may be what you need. i dont know much about the MW2 juggernaut, but if straps are required, maybe just make them cosmetic while you have the back and chest plate held in by magnets and a few plastic buckles just to properly align the armor. and have it mounted to the harness! that is how i would do it atleast. hope this gives you some insight! and keep up the work! really lovin the paint job!
nice yo, you could buy a riot shield too from for about $80 i belive :D? maybe play some paintball with that suit too eh? or have a rock fight :)
@ Massive Enigma:The Evike riot shields are small and over priced. You can make your own on the cheap with plexiglass and a heat gun, but thanks for the suggestions :)

@: Darth Oblivious: Thanks for all the help
Hey I've been following this but haven't posted much. Sorry bout that. Great work! I just made a table that used plexiglass for the top and I searched far and wide for custom sized pieces. They were upwards of $200 for a 2'x4' piece! Then I went to my local homedepot and they have precut pieces of just about any size you like. the most expensive one was $75 and it was 8'x4' haha. So something to consider if you need some cheeper plexiglass if you don't know where to start.
Thanks A lot, that's really going to help! Haha I would have replied sooner but I took a nap practically when you posted this lol. Great work on the Elite by the way, really coming along!
Looking really nice man. I look forward to your updates cause they aren't the normal halo ones I get. I know I should get back to my iron man build at some point but Masterchief waits for no one :)
Looking really nice man. I look forward to your updates cause they aren't the normal halo ones I get. I know I should get back to my iron man build at some point but Masterchief waits for no one :)

Thanks, it's an honor to have you comment on this post, you're like a god in the foam community! I was wondering how you did your detailing on your Suitcase Mark VI Iron Man suit, I have a heat-tool, but I'm not sure I have the right attachment :s
Any help would be greatly appreciated, and thanks for keeping tabs on the suit!
I've been watching this but havn't posted either, muh bad lol, i blame it being late at night usually. anywho, I'm digging this because it's diff, and prob not many people would think of doin this build. pretty excited to see the finished build.
Thanks man, your NCR suit was actually one of the things that inspired me to do this, along with Drack's Iron Man build, and a few others.. Thanks for the support :D
Update # 9-ish

Good evening fellow night owls, Psquiddy here with the next update. So not much happened here today, actually everything in this update is about one piece of the suit, so this isn't really an update... it's update-ish :D

The main piece I worked on updating today is the shin-protectors. No, not the drop-leg pouches you see in this picture, but the armor plates that are right above the knee-pads:


Well, these are what I was working on today, and along with the pictures of them (and several re-sizings) I have sort of a mini-tutorial on copying symmetrical items. Not much, but just enough to help with those things you need to duplicate.

First off, construction pictures:

So, say you have to make a symmetrical piece, now, that's easy if it's just a rectangular cover, but say you have some sort of wild curve in there? What do you do now? Well here's An Idiot's Guide to Symmetrical Cutting of Foam:

First, you need to create a template.. I don't have pictures of that exact step, but you get the idea, basically draw a life-size image of what you need to cut out (pencil), then size it correctly, making sure you scale it correctly. Now people have different ways of doing this. For pieces with noticeable curves in it, I tend to draw one half of the template... You'll find out why in a second.

So here you are, you have your template (or half template) and your hot knife. The first thing is to make sure you can fit the entire template on the foam. This is why I save every scrap that is bigger then 5 inches. After you're sure it fits, trace the template onto the foam (carefully) and cut it out. For this one, I only used half a template so that when I had the first half (with half a curve) and I traced it, the curve would be the same. It's more accurate than just folding the template in half, and it prevents warping of the template.. oh yeah, that can happen :p




After you have your now Perfectly Symmetrical piece, the next step is to find another piece of foam, and carefully trace the finished one onto the foam. Make sure not to move the foam, as you will want to cut on the Inside of the sharpie outline, and after carefully cutting it out (take your time), you should now have a more or less perfect match :D


Now shape the pieces on your body, and make any appropriate changes to the pieces, making sure to trace the changes onto the opposite piece:


...Add any minor details...


And Viola! You now have two perfect pieces for your costume, here they are (Sorry for the picture quality, couldn't use the big mirror, had to improvise ;)



(sorry for the blur on this one^)


Thanks for tuning in to these updates... Heck, thanks for just clicking on that link to go here. I need me some "Z"s, so goodnight folks, see you tomorrow, and remember, just have fun with it!
nice looking good, and starting to bulk it up too. wow, i was one of your inspirations, that makes me feel pretty awesome lol.

Yeah, it was Either your Ranger build (Which looks AMAZING by the way) or Drack's Iron Man that really kick-started me into the foam, so thanks! Quick question, how many of the Fallout games have you played, and which one is your favorite? I've played all of them, but I still love Fallout 3 the most :D
well thank you very much man. haha, sadly I have only played new vegas, I know i know hahaha. I started 3 but didn't play it long before my xbox died and my little bro sold his copy and got it on pc. my new vegas is on pc too because steam had a sale for it and all dlc for like 15 bucks haha. my lil bro has played them all and I have watched him play and talked with him about them. when i get some excess money i will most likely pick them up on steam so i can play them.
Update #10 + Bringin' you up to date

Welcome one and all to update #10 of this beast! As of right now, I am taking a break from my busy schedule of packing for Boston (graduation) I'm here to bring you updates on the suit. Given that I'm going to boston, I'll most likely not be on or posting any updates till sunday :/ But fear not, I'll be back.

So far for this update I have work on the leg pieces, as well as WIP painting and mounting for the leg pieces and knee caps. Here we go, first off: Painting...


The finished paint job :


First Attempt at mounting gluing:

What had actually happened was that I spent 2 hours gluing the elastic and velcro straps to the leg covers, only to find that the Gorilla Glue wouldn't stick, so I instead took 5 minutes and hot-glued them onto the pads..... so much time wasted :/

Test fitting:

Finished progress Shots:



A Much cleaner shot of the legs:

That's it for now guys, goodnight, and see you Sunday!
damn that is looking seriously beastly!!!! i so want my own suite! haha! are you going to distress the armor? black wash and dry brush some silver or steel paint onto that? also i would like to know how well that paint brand is working for you? i have used alot of spray paints before, but the only brand that seems to actually work for me is rust-oleum. it always sands perfectly for me, it doesnt bubble or lift or crack, it re-coats without a problem, has a 30 min cure time, and the finish is always perfect.
I'm thinking of doing a re-coat with Rust-oleum as the paint I used is showing signs of cracking when the foam is bent.
Update 10... Video Update!

Just a simple video update, yes, there will also be Video updates now as well as forum updates, Information might be posted on one but not the other, so keep that in mind and check both!

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looking good so far man! looking back at the first page, you have come a long way!! way to go! what are you going to do about your helmet though, just curious, are you going to use a real bucket or just make one by scratch? same for the grenades too, cause you can buy dummy grenades from your local military surplus store.
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