My 1st Project

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Thanks for the great coment, Yeah, I'm realy looking foward to the whole thing!!
Watch this space!
The torso

I have almost finished my torso pep. I have rigged a stand so when I use the resin it drys symmetrical.


I went out and got a dremel so I can sand and cut, the helmet was hell with out a hand held craft tool!!!!
On your feet soldier!

Now I'm getting excited! The second I dawned the torso and looked in the mirror, I just had to put my helmet on!


I have some BMX protection that I put on 1st to help hold the armor in place.

It's going to look sweet!!!!
Getting BIG, getting BOLD

I'v started on my green panels and I think it's looking good. I thought I would post a pic or two to show you lot!


I look at what you guys & girls do and I get blown away. I hope I can pull of a cosplay this complex!!!


Leave some feedback and I hope you keep an eye on my Noble 6!
This is my rifle. There are many like it but this one is mine.

So the PEP is done... this is my second gun. oh, do I hear a "why"? Well...
After 9hours of paper work, I transported the 1st gun to my work so to work on it on lunch:D
I get out my car to a football, YES! FOOTBALL flying throw the air. :(
The ball miss's everything.... but the hallow gun. There are no pictures. I thought I could salvage.... I had a tear,.. I hate FOOTBALL.

Anyway. V2, its stronger and also has foam within as I built, you know just in case!

Tell me if you like ;)


Show your medal of honor

Just added a nice touch. Torso should be finished this week. I will build the shoulders next.


I'm a filmmaker here on this small island and my crew saw my armour and have said that we will have some fun, so as soon as I'm finished I will post a clip or two!:cool
Dax, your armor is looking great! Shocked to see that you used the same chest pep-file I did. How did you get your head in& out of it? Because Elle & I built one as well & she has a smaller head & we had a great deal of trouble getting hers through.
Build is looking awesome love the gun i made one but did not reinforce it so the resin just flattened it. I might try the foam it sounds like a nice idea. Where did you get that unsc symbol?
Dax, your armor is looking great! Shocked to see that you used the same chest pep-file I did. How did you get your head in& out of it? Because Elle & I built one as well & she has a smaller head & we had a great deal of trouble getting hers through.

I cut out the flange around the neck, to put it on i must turn my headso my nose is to the courner!! its tight.
Born with a pin head LOL
Build is looking awesome love the gun i made one but did not reinforce it so the resin just flattened it. I might try the foam it sounds like a nice idea. Where did you get that unsc symbol?

I got the pin from a small games shop in Boston (Lincs) (UK) but i just popoed on ebay and noticed them there, its the little thing that finish somthing off.

The Gun is cool, I just want one next to my helmet as motivation! The foam is a good idear. I will post a pic soon of the magazen catrage I have added. Its the bottom of a fat PS3 hard drive cage... it is also cool!
I got the pin from a small games shop in Boston (Lincs) (UK) but i just popoed on ebay and noticed them there, its the little thing that finish somthing off.

The Gun is cool, I just want one next to my helmet as motivation! The foam is a good idear. I will post a pic soon of the magazen catrage I have added. Its the bottom of a fat PS3 hard drive cage... it is also cool!

Thanks im looking forward to seeing it progress good job and keep up the work


Lock it in soldier


So I added a PS3 hard drive cage as it is the exact shape and size as the Assault rifle magazine! Now the assault rifle is black I will work on the finishing touches.

The visor looks more like a recon visor, maybe you should vacum form your own that looks a little bigger and not so slim. But the helmet and body piece looks great though :D
Video Part 1

So I've been a youtuber for years and I am blogging my Spartan Have a watch and keep an eye on my "Building a Spartan" set!

Thanks to everyone helping and giving me idears and isperation!
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Their in the darkness...

So added my assault riffle light and added its trigger and grip. I will add two long metal plates soon down the sides to strethen and ( straten, our secret) the gun. It looks sweet!
Pic for ya!
Feed back wanted!


Things are going well but it's true, time is needed! Space is needed! My wife is slowly going crazy, my noble 6 gets bigger as her patents gets smaller.
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