My daughters Halo armor

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Well-Known Member
Hey guys I know I've mentioned building a suit for my daughter in some other threads, but never really got around to making a wip thread for it so I got her suited up yesterday and we got outside a bit.

I have progress videos on my channel if anybody is interested in checking them out. I'm just glad this pain in the butt is 99% done now :D
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Wow, this must be the most accurate child-sized armor I have ever seen! Good job, man!

Imagine 75 of these running down the street trick-or-treating. ;D
Wow, this must be the most accurate child-sized armor I have ever seen! Good job, man!

Imagine 75 of these running down the street trick-or-treating. ;D

That would be more terrifying than the Flood.

But nice work on that costume. It looks really good.
Excellent job on this project. Your little girls look like a couple of very promising Halo geeks, you lucky dog. You could see the pride the 1st one had in her armor by the way she slowly walked around and showed the side and the gun. Then Lo and behold panr right and the 2nd one is holding an assault rifle that has been expertly painted.
beautiful work
Very cool! you did a great job! I made one for my 9 yr old as well last year, hopefully more dads will do this and we could start a mini Spartan team. LOL!!
That is one of the most adorable things I have ever seen!! EVAR!! You did such a fantastic job on that tiny suit. Oh, it's such a shame that she'll grow out of it, but that will be an awesome thing to throw in the picture album and show to her boyfriends when she starts bringing them home LOL!!
It is amazing!!!

but I have 2 questions?

1. how hard was it to scale the armor?
2. how long did it take?

Scaling wasn't really that bad. I used my suit on myself and kind of compared where each piece fit on me to where it should fit on her then measured it with a tape measure on her, if that makes any sense. The forearms are female files that ended up the right size but too tight so I had to cut them up a bit. I won't be using them for the next Con here in May. I'll instead build her some proper forearms.

I started with the helmet in May and kind of casually built it up until a couple months ago, then I went at it pretty hardcore. It's a 5 month project alltogether. It would have taken longer but the meothd for strengthening it made it faster than using fiberglass. I poured and slushed Smoothcast 320 for almost the entire suit except helmet and some of chest. I actually still have enough 320 for her forearms and boots for next year.

She will probably be able to wear it to cons next year, then my younger daughter gets it for awhile so it will last some time still.

Oh, and thanks for all the comments guys! I feed off the feedback! :D
Let's hear it: daaaaaaaaaaw.

Ooh, y'all are in B'ham? I may run into you guys at con some time ^^.

yup yup.....saw Mr Bungle at Imagicon this year, and would love to meet more members of 405th here locally. I will be seeing all of you at Dcon next year HOPEFULLY!
Great armor, i showed it to my daughter and she loved it. Loved the pink. She wants to go as Kat next year. Maybe we will see you a D-Con next year.
here is a pretty good pic I took when she had it on. I've been using it as my avatar the last couple of days. We are both really excited and looking forward to the next few weeks with parties, contests and Halloween :D



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Excellent work on this. I just built my daughter an ODST helmet. I'll get her finished up over the next few months to add to the pint size warrior brigade.
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