My first armor: master chief mark VII

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Everything looks great! As for you bondo, looks like you put way too much on all at once. You want to do small sections first to keep it smooth, and don't apply it very thick. The good news is it can be fixed, the bad news is it requires a LOT of sanding and some spot putty. It'll be worth it though. Remember thin layers, small sections. Can't wait to see the finished product.

I think it's better to give more bondo cut the excess with razorblade then sand it down with palm sander or orbit sander(bad news for guys who is lowbudget and don't have this machinery like me) sand it and it give a rough look of it then next is applying thin layer. but yeah doing by small section is better.
thinner layer and working on small it! Thanks guys!

BTW, this morning (I'll be fired soon...) I applyed the second coat of bondo on these two pieces and it looks to me that after sanding a third one will not be necessary! If there will be some small hole still, I'll try to fill it or I may use it to simulate some battle damage...I've seen some wonderful tutorial to do that...
Everything looks great! As for you bondo, looks like you put way too much on all at once. You want to do small sections first to keep it smooth, and don't apply it very thick. The good news is it can be fixed, the bad news is it requires a LOT of sanding and some spot putty. It'll be worth it though. Remember thin layers, small sections. Can't wait to see the finished product.

Just to be sure...when you say "work on small sections" you mean that I have to apply the bondo on a small section of a piece, then wait for it to get dry and then apply the bondo on a nearby section?
Yeah, pretty much. It keeps things easier to work with. I tend to put it on in thin layers, in a smaller are, then sand that down a bit, then work ona different are the same way till it's all covered that way. I find it makes it easier to sculpt in small details that way, and you can keep it smoother as well. The smoother it is, and less air pockets, the less sanding you have to do and a better finished product will follow.
Your Armor is also looking GREAT!!! Keep it up and I look foward to seeing your finished product!!!!
I got a question: I'm completing my master chief armor (Halo4) and the bondo is taking forever (it is also my first time). I don't understand if that's correct or I'm just slow (or doing something wrong). For instance, imagine that you guy have to apply three thin coats of bondo in one piece of the master chief armor, let's say the shin or the thigh....How many hours of work you think you may need?
indeed...given that this is my first armor and thought that after the paper model, resin, fiberglass, the "bondo" process was a quick step toward the painting...well...I've been delusional ;) I see now that it is a long work, but the results are very good...
Nice build you've got going here man, the pieces are very nicely pepped. Looking good! And I don't mean to sound like an echo or anything, but krylon Italian olive is the perfect paint. It's really easy to find (the only olive drab my nearby walmarts carry) goes on really easy, and has a very nice color once it's dry. I used it for all the secondary colored peices on my ODST build, and I'm happy with that coloring. It's what most people seem to be using on their MC builds as well. Keep the pics coming, can't wait to see more progress!
Fast update. I've applied three layers of bondo on the knee pads and the cod, sanded, primed, and painted with a first coat of green. I also did some experiment with shadow and drybrush (all failed, by the way). There is still some imperfection....and the right pad fall just after I've painted it making some scratch and damage (grrrr)...but, hey, that's my first work and I'm proud of it ;)
I'm looking all your painted works to get ideas to make the paint in my armor looking real...




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you are doing amazing work, like people told me, try not rush and it will look so much better, but then again Halloween is just 5 days away.
Thanks guys. master chief armor this Halloween for me. As you say, I don't want to rush and make mistakes...
Wow, your suit's coming along nicely! I haven't seen too many people attempt a pepped halo 4 MC, but you're doing a great job with it! Your bondo work on the latest pieces is also way improved over your first attempts, and it looks very smooth. :)

For some good painting tutorials I'd check out Adam Grumbo or Cereal Kill3r's videos over on YouTube (I'm sure you've heard their names around this site), I used some very similar techniques to them.

Awesome progress so far man, and I think you're doing the right thing by not rushing to have this done for Halloween. Keep it up :)
Ninja, I don't find the tutorial that explains how to reproduce battle damages with scratches, vaseline and sand....I'll check again later and share it with you...
In the meanwhile, I did the boots....


.....maybe they're too small....


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