The enemy may shatter our bodies... but they cannot break our spirit.
Even now, they advance on our homeworld to seize by force, what they cannot claim by right.
They cannot imagine what awaits them.We will SMITE the invaders from our skies!
For they sweep over our lands like the sands of winter.
Never again will we bow before them.
Never again endure their oppression.
Never again endure their tyranny.
We will strike...without warning and without mercy.
Fighting as one hand, one heart, one soul.
We will SHATTER their dreams,and HAUNT their nightmares.
Drenching our ancestors' grave with their blood!
And as our last breath tears at their lungs,
as we rise again from the ruins of our cities...
They will know... Helghan... belongs to
anyone but Bronies.
Burn Equestria!
Wow I have too much time on my hands, don't I?