So im sitting at my terminal, (pulling an all nighter)
typing reports that will help keep the free world free,
and i check into my 405th account, to see what is to see..
I find MLP, escalating like the flood..
The damn coffee is burning, and so is my blood.
Enraged; i throw my reports to the floor,
begin to download intel so as to wage my war..
when who should appear? But Top in his combat gear..
"Jae... why is there a pony on your screen?" he says to me..
I reply "why top, the free world is under attack, and these ponys are the enemy"
He slowly backs out of my office, lightly closing the door;
doubt i will see him this nigh anymore..
I script and i scribble, foaming at the mout(h)
My only regret is there is only time for one bout.
So here is my rebutle, its plain for all to see,
ThE KillIngs Will ContinUe, until This Land Is FREE!!!!!
'in normal times, evil would be fought by a form of good,
but in times like these, evil should be fought by a different form of evil..'
He shouldn't say a damn thing since he had to wear pink when he was with the GF(not to mention curling his hair). He could have refused, but he didn't.
I actually liked. I now declare my self a BRONY!!
by the by, they put that *BLAM* in a friggin comma...
Im going back to work.. the mural will be up by morning.
this isnt over.