I hope you find what you are looking for bud
Thanks. Keep Scrolling. . . LOL
If you want some great, strong rare earth magnets, I recommend
this site. When I was really into 40k, I got magnets from here but I still use them now for whatever I might need!
Thanks for that info, GuitarMaster. I bookmarked them to use for later if I need some.
Carpathiavh, this one's for you. Thanks for your help and suggestions on the magnum mounting to make it look better.
Well, I suppose this was the final thing that needed to be done and now it is. I've got a little tweaking to do, maybe need to add a couple more magnets, but otherwise . . . . The build is now complete.

I got somewhat lucky at Hobby Lobby today in my quest for magnets. I found some 7/16" round ones that came in a set of three. I only bought one set, because I didn't know if they would work. As it turns out, they hold OK. He will be able to walk around with it there with no issue, but if he starts running or bumps it, he'll lose the magnum if he's not paying attention.

Oh well. Next time I go back there I'll pick up another set for more strength and add a couple more when I get some time to do so.
The way I mounted the magnet on the thigh was just cut a hole in the side of the thigh and hot glued the heck out of it.
On the weapon itself, you can't see the magnet. I didn't want to ruin the way it looked by cutting a hole in the outside foam. So, I heated up the thin foam wrapping on the top of the slide, peeled it back, cut a hole for the magnet underneath and then glued it all in place. Sorry, I forgot to take pics before I got it all back together.
The magnet on the magnum is located right between the writing and what would be the slide lock in the above pic.
As soon as we can get some pics of him in everything with the way it looks now, I'll get them up on here to show y'all. Funny thing I learned today while in town. My kiddo wanted to go look at game stop to see if they had some DS games he would like. While we were there at one in Waco, they said that they were having a midnight launch party for the Halo 4 game. Hmmmmmm. . . . . I know it would be late and he has school the next day, but man. . . . it sure would be nice to take him into the public with Halo fans to have people looking at his armor. . . . . LOL!!!! I also learned that the Best Buy in the same shopping center is having a launch party as well. Decisions . . . decisions. . . .
Also, I am just about to the point where I can start getting my build started. Have some cleaning up to do before, but hopefully in the next couple weeks. So, stay tuned. Don't have a title for it, but stay tuned. . .
Again, thanks to everyone that's been following along, people making suggestions and helping out. It means a lot and this build is the product of everyone here on the 405th. Not just me. Thanks again, and until next time,
Keep Building and Make it FUN!!!!