Im a Beginner and I havnt started my first Build yet, I want to Scale things up / Makke sure I know how first.
dont worry you werent rambling on, its all useful info.
Thanks again.
Littlebigmikey .
You're Welcome. Anytime. If you need some more help with scaling, let me know. There are plenty of people on here that have done tuts in the stickies though in case you need something more in depth to read. I be willing to help you out as much as I can though.
Whenever I look at this thread, I always think how lucky your son is to have such a dedicated dad! It looks like Halloween was a big success for the both of you. Everything looks great and it's awesome that he was able to troop through wearing the costume for so two must be very proud!!!
Thanks so much Lil!!! That means a lot coming from such a talented builder as yourself. And yes. . . we both are very proud. Especially after tonight's Halo Parties we went to.
Thanks. I appreciate the compliment.
Awesome pics! I bet you both were so proud that night!
Thanks! And yes, very proud.
Looks good. It is nice to see a parent doing something nice for thier kid.
Amazing work! Can't wait to get my armor finished.
Thanks a bunch to both of you. We appreciate it very much. Good luck with your armor joseugai.
Having a Dad like this is Elite worthy... any way you go about it.
Thanks so much for the info on the logo you gave me. I appreciate that and the compliments very much.
If I had a father like you....... I just would be overjoyed on how awsome you are!
You are freaking awsome! ( excuse my language...)
Ay attachments for the armor... Plz us multi threat..
HA! Where have you been? LOL! Thanks a bunch for the compliments. As far as some add ons. . . I doubt that will happen. His helmet is already too small, and I'm not sure how much longer he will be able to fit into the rest of it. If there is something like a con that I could take him to SOON, I might think about a UA on the helmet or something, but not much else. I don't know exactly what you meant by the multi-threat thing. Thanks again.
HALO Launch Party Pics
First, thanks again for all the compliments. It really means a lot.
Man, I'm tired. . . LOL!!!!!! My son got bum rushed repeatedly. I got tired of taking photos. . . . LOL!!!!! There were over 100 of them from tonight. We went to the game Stop I was told was having the actual party first. He was bum rushed immediately. I was kind of disappointed and so was my son, though, because all they were doing was selling the game and were closed until 10pm. However, one of the guys working there unlocked the door and said he just had to take a photo and came outside. Then, he let my son be the first through the door. That was awful nice of him. After we stuck around there and got some pics in, we went to the one where the party was actually at. And OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He was mauled!!!!!! LOL!!!!!
There are so many pics I want to put up, I may have to double-post. So, Sorry in advance. I am waiting for the pics to upload in photobucket right now so I'll share this, because I thought it was awesome of the guy to do it. My son saw a couple of guys walk up that were wearing UNCS dog tags that they got somewhere at the first Game Stop we went to. They walked off and then he went on a mission to find them to ask where they bought the necklace from. He found them in line and asked where they got the necklaces. Mind you, he's in a full Mjolnir Armor set. One of them said "Dude. You're in a full set of Halo Armor and you want to know where I got this necklace". Anyway, he got the answer he was looking for and carried on. When he was able to get into Game Stop he couldn't find the necklace and started looking for the guy he spoke to earlier to find out which Game Stop it was he bought it at, but they had already left. So, we go to the second Game Stop. After the mauling he got calmed down, the guy that had the necklace from the first Game Stop came up to him there and handed it to him and said he could have it, because he deserved it and made his night. I didn't get the guys name, but he was referred to the site tonight. I thanked him obviously, but If you are this guy. . . THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. You Sir, made my son's night. He is so into dog tags and loves them.
The first pic I think was the best of all. . . . Ah the joys of being a Spartan. LOL!
The first Game Stop Photos
This is the Game Stop guy that let him be first though the door and came out for the photo op.

I'm about to hit the image maximum so I'll put the second Game Stop Photos in the next post.