My Spartan Build

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New Member
This is the Spartan armor I'm working on from Halo: Reach. And yes, the color of the armor will be pink. Maybe one day, I will explain the reasoning for the pink armor.




This is the beginning of my foam Spartan build. The helmet is the E.V.A. from Halo: Reach. Right now it's just the foam and unfinished and still looks awkward and off kilter. Comments and criticism are welcome.
Yeah, it is fairly big, but I had to up the scale because the neck collar wouldn't fit around my head without upping the scale that big.
The top might need to be a little rounder in my opinion. Also, if you clean up th glue, it would look 10 times better. Just some constructive criticism from a fellow builder!
Thank you. Any help is good. And I agree. I had trouble getting the top part more round. It keeps wanting to stay flat. And yes I know there was a lot of glue left over that does need cleaned up. Thanks again.
Not a bad start dude, since we've been talking in pm I feel we know each other a bit and I think you can take it and since you asked for my opinion, some of the edges are really clean and some are a little scruffy so just remember to be using fresh blades. On foam that thick you should be swapping to a fresh blade every other cut, especially on your angle cuts.

As for that top piece. I'd make it one whole piece so stencil out the templates all together and then cut out and use your heat gun until its flexible and just bend it over your leg until its the right shape then hold it there till it sets in place.

It's a really good start mate, and I'm glad your enjoying yourself with it!

Yes I did notice that. I plan on cleaning up the scruffy edges. The razor I have has a breakable blade. I didn't realize how dull the foam made the blades. And I have a way of making clean cuts. After I put on that top piece, all I have left is that odd nose piece. I'll also put up a pic of the armor I'm going for. Thanks for the advice Mike. I'll be working on the forearm piece and maybe the upper arm piece next. I'll have to wait for some more foam for the chest piece.
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