Nerds with Girls???

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I've never been to a convention, but I've heard that there are three types of girls there.

1. Nice, Beautiful, and very much taken.
2. Big, Scantily clad or ugly, and very much single.
3. Murder you in your sleep crazy.

Granted, there may be a small handful of gems there too, just looking for a good time, but i'm not under the impression that most girls go to a convention to "hook up".
Lol. tsau-mia you seem to have gotten it dead on. most of the girls i know that go to cons aren't looking to hook up with guys, and the few that are going for that are the desperate ones, usually a combination of 2 and 3. and theni get great entertainment listening to the stories of how they stalked some guy for hours only to find out he's taken or gay.

that being said, the taken girls don't always stay taken, so you might still have a chance

If you stay in the "friend zone" while they're in a romantic relationship then you might get the "I just broke up with so-and-so" phone call, haha. As long as you can put up with the crying about another man and go through the waiting period, then the chance is all yours.

If you stay in the "friend zone" while they're in a romantic relationship then you might get the "I just broke up with so-and-so" phone call, haha. As long as you can put up with the crying about another man and go through the waiting period, then the chance is all yours.
-blam!- that! NEVER get a girl on the rebound. Then she's not in love with YOU, but the IDEA of you. She doesn't want you, she wants a guy, and you just happened to be the first guy. It's not even on your own merits. Last time I got with a girl, it was a rebound, and it's the only thing I ever regret doing.
Murder you in your sleep, you say? I like a challenge, lol.
Well, they may not be crazy in that sense, but that same chick from above was definitely -blam!-ing insane!

And keep in mind, it's not just that she was insane that I regretted catching that rebound. Every dude I've ever known who caught a girl on the rebound ended up dumped for no fault of his own, a few months later, or cheated on, a few months later. I was the latter. (And found out, recently, that a month after we hooked up, she slept with her cousin. INSANITY?)
We are the 405th! We have a duty to show the world that we are not like any other "nerdy" group who goes goo goo over any female with similar interests! We are military nuts where guns and armor comes first and girls 2nd.

Ummmm... NO. LOL
Please tell me I'm not the only one here that completely and utterly disagrees with that statement!
Ummmm... NO. LOL
Please tell me I'm not the only one here that completely and utterly disagrees with that statement!

I'm right here with you, brother. As much as I love Halo. Halo will not hug you when you're down or love you the way a girl can(I'm talking about love here. Not the other thing.).
Girls are everywhere... you have to MAKE armor. Until I can make a girl that fits just right... its armor first for me!
It takes a little longer but nerdy stuff and intelectual tendencies do fare well with females that are used to just interacting with meatheads and intelectully dead and shallow pretty boys. It's all about self confidence. I started out really late though. but I'm definatebly getting there
Well your wifes just not cool. :B lol, jk totally understand that. I just think that armor comes first, if I had a bf it'd come first before him. Thats just how I roll.
Yeah, but that's because girls can get away with that. If a guy puts anything before his girl, chances are, she'll find someone else. Them's the breaks when there are literally more men on Earth, than women. (Like 1.4:1)
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