Nerds with Girls???

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You guys need to see this. I'm so doing this as a skit with my fellow geek and gamer girls.

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Roxy : I saw that video, gives me hope that there might be someone out there like that for me. I just have to find her.
Roxy : I saw that video, gives me hope that there might be someone out there like that for me. I just have to find her.

alas, their is someone for everyone!

I actually just asked out a girl who I thought was way out of my league, and well, she said yes. We even kissed on the first date. With that said, I believe anything's possible.
alas, their is someone for everyone!

I actually just asked out a girl who I thought was way out of my league, and well, she said yes. We even kissed on the first date. With that said, I believe anything's possible.
Anything is possible when you smell like an old spice man and not a lady!"
Lol jk

Sadly but truly I have only been on 1 date in my life and have never been kissed... My rain of topping people has ended...
cheer up broski!!!! everything kinda fell into place for me all at once. it was either cosmic intervention or the skinny jeans and the "i do recordings for local bands" thing. HEY!!! that must be why justin long wore skinny jeans in those mac commercials! just but a mac and record some bands and you'll get more action then justin long!!!! SOLD.
Huh... Funny, my older brother used to call me broski all the time!

First date was in 7th grade, the girl broke up with me the next day claiming that I...
1. Stalked her while on our frikin date
2. Was cheating on her (serious WTF)
3. Claimed I was messing with her the entire time
4. Appearently I did somethin really mean (?)
5. I had a crush on one of her friends 3 years before...

Sucky first date... Eh what ever, turns out she was both a skank and cheating on me!
Eh don't worry about it Rhinoc. I didn't have my first kiss till I was 15 but now I get girls all the time ;) You can always tell that the girls who go for geeks are better because they've realized that they're too good for the douche bags haha
Seriously, I didn't get my first kiss- neigh, my first girlfriend even- till I was a senior in HS (17), of course, I live in your stereotypical small town with your stereotypical high-school and all the fun that comes with that. (minus the getting stuffed in trashcans/lockers by the jocks) I was everyones "token geek" if you will; always full of random, useless info that could pertain to any of the other high-school sects. (I was regarded more as "The Scientist" rather than "the geek"). Not that any of this ever helped me when it came to girls, aside from those who were strictly friends...
Relationships are overrated. I don't have one, nor do I desire one. I'd rather play with my computers and build armor.

Just wait, once you hit about 20 years of age, that'll change.
(In your case maybe a little more than 20... obviously :))
I've never been kissed at all and the one girl that I did go out with moved away and that was when I was 14 and I'm 16 now and have only been friends with girls......
I've never been kissed at all and the one girl that I did go out with moved away and that was when I was 14 and I'm 16 now and have only been friends with girls......
The teen years (and those right after) are so awkward. Believe it or not the weirdness and that feeling of being on the outside all the time, goes away with some practice. The single most improtant thing I've learned throughout my life is If you don't like yourself no one else will. Even if you have to fake it till you make it a little. It's a lot of work to always have to reassure someone about their hangups.

Just keep up a good attitude and always try and find at least one person with whom to foster a deep friendship. Being friends with a girl you like is akin to being flogged, but I hear it's not impossible.

Even as an adult who is married with kids, interpersonal human relations can be odd for me. I was painfully shy and a mamma's boy for a long time. So I can count my friends on one hand, but each one of those persons is a true friend having proven themselves time and again in moments of crisis. And they too, can count on me to have thier back.

I guess what I'm saying is relationships are the same whether romantic or platonic, male or female. It's the quality of the individual you choose to trust that makes them stand out.

But these are the things you have to learn from experience/time.
guys guys :)
I am gonna pass on a little advice that I was lucky enough to learn early in my college days ;)

You must save your money and go out and first purchase one of these:

then save some more and purchase one of these:

believe me when I say it dont matter what kind of geek you are if you cruise up in either of said forms of transportation its really hard not to be bada$$. The ladies love the rides.... and if they dont why do you want to be out with them anyways :)

:) just dont kill yourself on said crotch rocket before you get to "experience the fruits of your...." yea you get the idea

In all seriousness being a gamer does not make somone a geek. being ONLY a gamer definately trends toward that.
Its all in balancing things. Play sports, do other activities, party (not LAN party) really PARTY, go to the bar (if old enough) etc. etc.
guys guys :)
You must save your money and go out and first purchase one of these:

Haha, the girl I used to dance with had one of these herself :-D
She even had better grades in physics than me, and all that without a hint of nerdyness. But she still danced with a nerdy guy who didn't even have a license.

The point is: There is no universal approach to this. Not with a fast ride, not with a balanced life and certainly not if you try too hard. That last one is especially hard for socially withdrawn nerds who suddenly start to panic once they see even the slightest possibility of being left on the shelf.
alix965 said:
Being friends with a girl you like is akin to being flogged, but I hear it's not impossible.
This will literally drive you insane. I've done it twice, and I'm still trying to get over the last time.

I'm a complete geek, shy, and socially awkward, but I still have chicks notice me wherever I go. I just haven't been too concerned with getting a girlfriend.

And my best advice: DON'T WAIT!!! If you like a girl, ask her as soon as possible. I missed a lot of oppurtunities because I waited too long to ask her out.
When I was 19 I asked an older chick (like 27) how long a guy should wait to ask a girl out. She said if he hasnt asked by the second time hes seen her, hes waited too long. I followed her advice and it worked almost every time.
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