New Foam Build

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One last question and Ill be good to go. I have been looking at some videos on this and I still cant find A sollution to somthing. Once I have hot glued the pieces together, How do I seal the Line between the 2 peices so that the line wont be noticed? Will The Plasti-dip spray do that? Or do I need somthing els as well?
well TheBradinator used the plasti-dip DIP to seal the edges, i just held them together real tight when i glued them
well TheBradinator used the plasti-dip DIP to seal the edges, i just held them together real tight when i glued them

Yeah I tried holding them togther really tight to. It worked only at certain times so I thought I would try and figure out a better way. Anyways thanks for the Answers, Im going to get started now. By the way, EPIC armor!!!
Yeah I tried holding them togther really tight to. It worked only at certain times so I thought I would try and figure out a better way. Anyways thanks for the Answers, Im going to get started now. By the way, EPIC armor!!!
Try locktite super glue gel to seal the edges, I forget who came up with that but it's supposed to work good.
if you get an open crease just put a small strip of masking tape over the edge and just plasti-dip over that a couple times give a nice clean edge, pics of my chest piece with this method are in my sig's link
drwas f ? i printed the pep for reference and kinda just improvised to fit it all together since the foam does not fit together like pepping

I need to do some sealing with plasti-dip and a whole lot more detailing, but here is what i've got so far.

a new COD piece with buckles on the inside


Then im working on the shins. needs more detail, and filling it in with padding to fit better.



here is how the cod and torso fit

AND SURPRISE SURPRISE kinda just whipped this up



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I have a question did you seperate the torso after assembly so you can put it on or find a way to slip it on without having to cut it part?
I kept it separate at the seam right below the arm and set up some buckles on the inside on both sides



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since I cant edit my first post, here is my goal



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That's a wicked goal mate, and I think you're well on your way.

As far as sealing the seams have you ever heard of 5 minute epoxy? It's a double barreled syringe that contains part A and part B for - chaching! - a 5 minute epoxy. The mix is 1:1 and you can purchase needle noses that automatically mix the epoxy, though after you are done with them they are useless. Luckily they only cost between 0.50-3 bucks a pop.

I use this stuff to fix broken slabs of marble and granite for my work, and the best part is that it is clear and can be shaved down once it's cured. I'm pretty sure you can purchase tinted mixes too, or just mix in a bit of pigment.

Might help hide those seems; I have yet to try it because I just remembered it now, but I'll be seeing what I can do with it for my next costume :D
thank you all so much for the compliments. and thank you for all of the advice.
like the epoxy, i was gonna use it for any edges that i cant get held together well
for seams though, i was gonna go with soul product's idea with the masking tape and coat it with plasti-dip
i actually used acenat's file, then did a little modification and just hand made the rest i.e. the spine and undersuit and such
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