Hey Rube, Im new at 405th, but I've been watching your thread for quite a while now. Ive got to say you have impressed me with every picture youve posted. My interests in making a set of ODST armor for myself have brought me into the exact place that I need to be to get started. My armor wont start until the summer (SO glad for pep right now, unbelievable program), but for now I will just be posting questions and taking notes in order to limit errors in the construction process. Ill start with these, which I haven't seen asked in this thread so far:
1) Do you have a specific process for creating your vacuum former? It looks rather simple yet I somehow cant grasp the idea (im VERY unfamiliar with this type of mold creation)
2) What method and materials did you use to create the rectangular vent-like structures on the side of the helmet and the round visor piece?
3) How do you use those self-adhesive foam strips as a guide for filling? Yes i did see the pics, but once again im having trouble grasping the concept.
Rube sorry this is so long, but as of now you are my main guide for creating ODST armor. I have pretty steady hands, and an able eye, but not such a conceptual mind when it comes to these things. I like solid numbers that I can manipulate, but ive realized that with sculpting and creating pep figures you really have to have everything planned out in your head and pieced together like a puzzle to produce accurate replicas. So when I see your figures thats basically what I am trying to do.
I promise never EVER to be so long winded again, and great work my friend