New Odst Armor Started

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I think we're up to about 4lbs. now which is still lighter than an army Kevlar. It's a mold master so it doesn't really matter though.
I left out the "throw something" and "mess up" steps for brevity as they are assumed. :) I sprayed the first coat of Slicksand last night and it looks a lot better with the little scratches and bubbles filled. My camera batteries went south last night so no pics till later tonight.
4 on the helmet 4 on the floor.


rube said:

My eyes are playing tricks on me... Looking at this pic, it would seem there is no back to the helmet... You can see through the visor hole to the table cloth... Whaaa happpennnn innnggg.....
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omg. are you for real? that is AMAZING!!!!!!!!! how discouraging....maybe I'll just make a MC suit instead

I was thinking more along the lines of 4lbs of bondo on on the helmet and the 4lbs I sanded off. I had to go look up the music reference. Man I'm square.

I messed up installing the active cammo and put it inside the helmet instead of outside. My bad.

:p You can't be serious...

Still a fair amount of sanding to do...panel lines too.

Wow... I cant even think of what to write.

This is just amazing I can not wait to see what the final product will look like, but I have a feeling it will be up there with some of the 405th's best!

Keep it up!

Spartan 118
oh but I Can ;)
did you use your trick with the card 'molds' for the small impressions you've added since the last pics? on the brim of the helmet and the temples?
and what do you mean by paneling? do you just mean a bit more angularity to it?

*scribbles furiously in notebook*
That my good man is truly impressive! I am amazed at what you have done with that. Keep us posted. I may have to get one of these once you mold it to go with your visor.
amazing, makes me want to abort my mkvi, and make some odst instead. fortunatly i know thats not smart cause id just be comparing mine to yours, so it would suck
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