03-20-2013, 12:58 AM
Continuing from Last Post. . .
The chest and back piece over the shoulder pieces. I somehow forgot to take pics when it was all sewn together before latex was added. Go figure.
Before sewing down the chest and back piece I decided to add in some more details to the collar area. I made a neck seal and lines extending out from those like I've seen in some game reference pics. I put the zipper on to mimic the thing in the center of the collar with the little raised section. I'll paint it all up later on.

Once I got all that stuff on there, it was time for latex. I've only got a couple of shots of this, because when I took it some other stuff was drying and I couldn't take overalls of everything.

These pics are after two coats of latex. Not everything is fully covered right now. After the first coat I could stipple it on pretty good with some foam insulation that you use for window A/C units that I cut up and it gave a really good texture to it.
Here's another stumbling block for me in this whole experimental undersuit process. I have put on some cotton pads in the area of the upper abs, because I need the detail work to be thin under the control module for the chest armor. After I put it down I coated it when copious amounts of latex. It is turning out how the attempt to just cover foam with latex. If you remember, I am referencing a predator skin build for this process that I found on the RPF. While it may be great for a predator skin. . . . It isn't doing anything for the look of a Spartan's undersuit. Here's what I mean. . . .

I've decided to rip up what I can of that and continue with the spandex covered foam like everything else. At least that way I can control the amount of latex I use and the detail to the pieces. That's what I am in the process of doing currently. That and buying supplies.
My son is out for spring break this week so progress is slowed until he goes back to school next week. I don't want him sitting here at the house all week just watching me work on my Spartan outfit. LOL!! Today I went out and bought some Bulldog Adhesion Promoter and some base paints. I got a black and what I thought would turn out good for a graphite base coat. That color was a bit too silver though when I coated something with it just to see how it would turn out. I can use it for a metalizer though instead of buying the Shrapnel paint I was going to. I found a granite gray paint code tonight and I'm going to go back to the paint shop tomorrow to see it they can mix a quart of that up for me.
I know that it doesn't look like much progress. It's been slow going since the wreck and with everything else going on. I have been busy with redoing everything and I'm trying to make up lost time on my failed methods. Now that I've got a system for the undersuit detailing though, I'm hoping progress will pick up now. Let me know what y'all think and as always . . . all feedback and criticism are welcomed.
Until Next Time. . .
Keep Building and Make It FUN!!!!
03-22-2013, 06:35 PM
Hey guys. . . and gals. Here's a pic of the paint that I got the paint shop to mix up as a base.

The color on the left is the one that I will be using as a base for the entire costume. It's a granite gray color by Nason (Dupont). It looks almost black in the pic, but it really is a gray. I think the flake in it is playing havoc on my camera when I try to take pics of it. Just FYI. . . I found out that it is a General Motors color from 2002 when I went to the paint shop with the color code for it. The color on the right is the silver that looked gray when I got it the day before. I was going to get Shrapnel to do the silver metallic parts, but I figured that this will do nicely since I wound up with it. Can't return custom mixed paints so might as well use it since I have a quart of it now. I now have all the paints that I need for what I'm going to do. I have three base colors (granite gray, granite silver and diamond black) that I'm going to put on. My plan is to prime the pieces with black then base-coated granite gray. After that I'll use a spattering technique I've learned to add the silver and blacks to age and weather it. After those are on I'll seal it and start the battle damage and further weathering with air brushing and other stuff.
I'm still working on correcting the area of the under suit that I messed up, but trying to do it right, so progress is slow. Hoping to have something done by the end of next Wednesday that I can take some pics of to show everyone.
Hoping that someone is still following along with me at this point. I know it took me forever to figure out how to view stuff after the update. If you're there, let me know.
Until Next Time. . .
Keep Building and Make It FUN!!!!
03-25-2013, 02:45 PM
Originally posted by spartan IV View Post
Good job on staying persistent and being innovative. You have tried many things that have never even occurred to me in the coarse of building my own suit.
Thanks for the kind words Spartan IV. I appreciate it.
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Mini Update
Yet another mistake on my part. I did a test fit a little bit ago with the cod and torso on over the under suit to see where all the foam needed to be to button up stuff so I can move on to the arms. I found that the way I did the padding that I used this time wasn't exactly like I had it before. I have to go back to the torso and cut it again to give me some more room again. I'm really running out of places to cut on the bottom. I can't do any more under suit work until I get the torso modified. . . . AGAIN. LOL!!! Oh well. . . . see. . . . still learning. I'm going to add a little more than I need this time to make sure I have enough overall for the finished product.
Stay tuned. . . . I'm about to go to the shed to make those modifications before it starts getting too cool to do it. We're at the high temp of 55 degrees right now and I'm burning daylight.
Until Next Time. . . Keep Building and Make It FUN!!!!