This is definitely one to watch, it's looking great so far and I can't wait to see what you do with the undersuit

keep it up, I'll be watching... in a totally not creepy way.
Thanks, Sara. To be honest. . . I can't wait to see what I do with the under suit either.

And creepy is OK so long as it's not like crazed stalking. LOL!
I have finally surfaced! To view this wicked build! I am with you all the way my friend!
Thanks so much Croc. Appreciate that.
Great pep work! My mom is gonna be mad since I'll be using her cameo all the time for pepakura now lol. Thanks for the tutorial and I'm watching this thread like a hawk! Best of luck to ya and cheers!
Thanks, Drew. Glad that the tutorial helped you to commandeer you mom's cameo! At least she can't tell you that you don't appreciate what she has laying around the house.
Great job so far. I look forward to seeing what you have planned for this build.
Thanks, Vshore. Much appreciated.
It took me a little longer than I thought, but I got the main part of the torso pepped out as far as I want to tonight. I couldn't get it back on the duct tape dummy once I had one of the arm rungs on, so I put it on and did a test fit. Here's the pics.

To me, it looks fine. I was going for the look that I saw in the screen shots that I have. I was trying to make the top part of the chest and the overall back as narrow as I could to make sure I have room on the under suit for all the details that thing has in those places. After hardening, I may have to modify the arm rungs to give me a little more room. Everything else seems like it has plenty of room to spare though.
I opted to put the chest /arm seals in to help with structural integrity while hardening. I'm glad I put them in. After I got them in there, things looked a lot more even and it doesn't flex as much. I also opted to to put in part of the collar for the same reason. It also helped when I put that part in to pull the little channels on the top part of the chest together. Here's some overalls of it on a camera stand.

I did have an issue when I pepped this part on the back.
I didn't realize that it was curved the wrong way until I started putting everything together. So, I had to rebuild that part. So this was one of the mistakes I had to fix so far. Here's a pic of the difference between right and wrong. The one that was built correctly is on the right in the pic.
Doesn't seem like much, but it made all the difference in trying to get the back together the right way.
I have all the parts printed out and scored to do the control panel that goes just under the chest and the ab plate. I'm hoping that I'll be able to get those done today after I get up so I can move on to the belt. Then, I'll have to harden the torso and belt and get them on the dummy so I can start to work on the under suit. It'll be at least a week before I can get the cod done I'm sure. I'll get something for updates posted as soon as I can. As always, all suggestions and criticism are welcomed and encouraged. Thanks for looking.
Until next time . . .
Keep Building and Make It FUN!!!