ODST Project. Bobby Boucher --> 03MAR18 Latest

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This is some nice work!!! Makes me want to get going on my own ODST armour. I'm thinking of doing 100% foam, the only thing that worries me is making that damn visor. Figuring out how I'm going to tackle that slight lip under the top half of the visor has robbed me of many sleeping hours.

Nonetheless, keep it up, it looks great!
This is some nice work!!! Makes me want to get going on my own ODST armour. I'm thinking of doing 100% foam, the only thing that worries me is making that damn visor. Figuring out how I'm going to tackle that slight lip under the top half of the visor has robbed me of many sleeping hours.

Nonetheless, keep it up, it looks great!

Thanks! I felt that way making my visor, and it's probably the part of my build I'm least satisfied with. There are a few tutorials around that are very helpful, so don't sweat it! Took me 5 tries to get it right (sort of).

looking great, keep up the great work


Looking awesome! Great pepwork throughout. Keep up the fantastic work!

Thanks! Pepping is one of my favorite time-passers.

Today I started working on cleaning out the gauntlets, and making them wearable. I also learned another lesson in rondo, be careful how much you use! It took me almost three passes with the dremel to take out the plug at the bottom. Half a freaking inch of rondo! More gauntlet pics soon.


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lol i was wondering why it was so think.
well i look forward to seeing more pics :)
i wish i enjoyed pepping that much to be able to use it as a fun time waster lol
lol i was wondering why it was so think.
well i look forward to seeing more pics :)
i wish i enjoyed pepping that much to be able to use it as a fun time waster lol

Yep, atleast my gauntlets are solid now haha. And I was inspired to start pepping again!

Short Update: Started the pep work on the thighs. I am making pep/foam combination thigh pieces, the inner thigh slices will be traced on some foam. This is for comfort and for looks, it's easier to make the inner thigh look the way I want with foam.


After a while on the sideline, I did some more work on the flash bangs. After a coat of primer, I added some spot putty to some problem areas. Waiting to be sanded right now.



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How dare no one reply to your thread! Well I like it all, and I can't wait to see some more coming!

Hahaha thanks. I haven't been posting anything interesting in a while so I don't blame anyone.

I've finished pepping the thighs, and I sealed the outside but I don't have pics. I won't post any more progress until next week. I'll be away from my tools and printer :( AS MUCH AS I LOVE VACATIONS I CAN'T DO CRAP WHILE I'M GONE. I'm itching to get this thing done!
AS MUCH AS I LOVE VACATIONS I CAN'T DO CRAP WHILE I'M GONE. I'm itching to get this thing done!

Lol I can totally relate to that feeling whenever I'm headlong into a project. But, I suppose it is impractical to bring a cutting board and exacto knife on a plane with you...
Lol I can totally relate to that feeling whenever I'm headlong into a project. But, I suppose it is impractical to bring a cutting board and exacto knife on a plane with you...

Yeah I was going through withdrawals… But I'm back for a while now so I'm hoping for some good progress!

A while ago I decided to spoil myself for my birthday. And my spoils have arrived!! Tactonyx M7S and M6C! So stoked to get going on these! I know I'm doing a sniper, but who says I can't use an smg! ;)

And on a much more boring note, sealed the outside of my thighs.


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Yeah I was going through withdrawals… But I'm back for a while now so I'm hoping for some good progress!

A while ago I decided to spoil myself for my birthday. And my spoils have arrived!! Tactonyx M7S and M6C! So stoked to get going on these! I know I'm doing a sniper, but who says I can't use an smg! ;)

Nice! I bought both of those recently from him too. Mine is covered with a lot of tiny air bubbles (which is bound to give me a lot of headaches), hopefully yours is in a bit better condition. And snipers definitely need some PDW's to protect themselves in CQB situations. Looking forward to see how you tackle the weapons man.

And keep up the good work with your armor, its looking really good.


  • IMG_3545_zps76e6beb0.jpg
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Nice! I bought both of those recently from him too. Mine is covered with a lot of tiny air bubbles (which is bound to give me a lot of headaches), hopefully yours is in a bit better condition. And snipers definitely need some PDW's to protect themselves in CQB situations. Looking forward to see how you tackle the weapons man.

And keep up the good work with your armor, its looking really good.

Mine were like that too, they definitely need their share of sanding/filling. Hence why I have no progress pics after 3 days. But they are much better then anything I could make.

Thanks! It's getting there, progress slowed once the summer hit. Thought it would be the opposite.
Just out of curiosity, which sniper rifle do you plan on building? The one from Halo 3?
Re: Sniper ODST Project. mOWWck -> 7-1 Latest

Just out of curiosity, which sniper rifle do you plan on building? The one from Halo 3?

Probably the Halo 3 one correct. Big IF though, I have the M6 and the M7 already and I will have to make a sniper rifle from scratch. I can do it, just not sure if I have the patience to or not ;)

I'm heading out of town again so I have been swamped with stuff I need to get done. But I will try my hardest to finish my gauntlets before I leave!
Re: Sniper ODST Project. mOWWck -> 7-1 Latest

Your work is very good. I know me and my husband will be taking note of some of the things you did. We are working on ODST for him now as well.
Re: Sniper ODST Project. mOWWck -> 7-1 Latest

Your work is very good. I know me and my husband will be taking note of some of the things you did. We are working on ODST for him now as well.

Well thanks! Reading this makes me very happy, I'm glad this thread has been helpful to someone! :)

Last short update til August: I'm sorry I have been real busy, weird considering summer is supposed to be more relaxing! I'm going on another long trip the rest of July, so no progress.

Finally finished cutting out the foam for my thighs, after the pep part is reinforced I will glue them together.

Finished the paint on the flashbangs, the other two need some touching up, but here is what they all look like right now. While I'm gone, I want opinions on the color scheme. The base color is a darker grey with silver accents, I used what I thought would be appropriate.

See you all in August! Happy building.


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Re: Sniper ODST Project. mOWWck -> 7-1 Latest

Lots of good stuff on here, I'll be watching this one later for when I do an ODST too!
Re: Sniper ODST Project. mOWWck -> 7-1 Latest

The color combination on the grenades is very nice. You could do different center colors to denote say a smoke from the flashbang, say red for smoke, the yellow for the flashbang, and green for something else like pepperspray.
Re: Sniper ODST Project. mOWWck -> 7-1 Latest

Dude this all looks awesome! I have plans on doing multiple ODST builds later on but I am currently doing my first and hopefully one of my best builds yet.
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