ODST Project. Bobby Boucher --> 03MAR18 Latest

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Re: Sniper ODST Project. mOWWck -> 7-1 Latest

Lots of good stuff on here, I'll be watching this one later for when I do an ODST too!

Thanks! Best way to get ideas is to looking at other people's builds

I love what you did with the grenades vary initiative :)

Much appreciated!

The color combination on the grenades is very nice. You could do different center colors to denote say a smoke from the flashbang, say red for smoke, the yellow for the flashbang, and green for something else like pepperspray.

Check back to post #25. As far as I know there is only yellow and blue, yellow is flash bangs obviously but I can't find anything on blue! I like your ideas for green and red though, maybe one day.

Dude this all looks awesome! I have plans on doing multiple ODST builds later on but I am currently doing my first and hopefully one of my best builds yet.

Appreciated! Good luck with all those builds, I hope you have lots of spare time haha

Big update!

FINISHED WITH THE BASIC BUCKET! Two things kept me from finishing it, inability to find rubber edge trim for the opening and broken fan wiring harness. The rubber edge trimming really makes this look good, and it's just a simple addition! It also covers up the trim on the opening that I wasn't very proud of, it didn't look good. But now it looks a bit more professional atleast.

The wiring to the switch snapped off twice, there wasn't much space to work with anyway. Finally got it right! It is pretty noisy; combination of an enclosed space and air being pulled through the small vents. I'm not disappointed, I knew it was going to be this way. It may not be very pretty on the inside but, who cares!! I'm the only one that gets to see it. And it's a bad picture.

Added some support foam in the gauntlets, and they are finished!IMG_4069_zps8e2fba75.jpg


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Re: Sniper ODST Project. mOWWck -> 8-1 Latest

I would highly recommend that you not have those batteries anywhere near your face and, in fact, that you purchase a battery cover for them.

There was a stormtrooper not too long ago with a pair of exposed 9-volts in the back of his helmet. Because of the moisture hitting them, they leaked. He got battery acid burns down his shoulder. Think about the difference in the amount of moisture on the back of your head as opposed to right next to your mouth…

I would highly suggest that you cover them and move them away from your face.

Also, it would just take a little bit of sweat to turn your helmet into a miniature joy buzzer that isn’t all that funny.
Re: Sniper ODST Project. mOWWck -> 8-1 Latest

I have very few places to mount these, and I haven't gotten around to finding covers yet. Maybe I'll throw them somewhere else when I get more wire so they can reach
Re: Sniper ODST Project. mOWWck -> 8-1 Latest

Some wire and a small plug set should get you taken care of if you move the batteries. The plug and end is so you can disconnect it from your helmet when not in use. Can hide the battery pack on your armor that you have space.
Re: Sniper ODST Project. mOWWck -> 8-1 Latest

Honestly I may just take the fans out or move them to the top. They do a little bit of work down by my neck, but they don't cool very much down there. For now I'm just going to leave them with the batteries unplugged and I'll decide what to do with them later.

Small Update

Before I work more on my thighs and the guns, I'm going to finish pieces that I have already started. So here is my visor. I didn't have a hope of making the pepped "lenses" round, because my bondo skills are still coming along. So I just took two piece of pvc pipe, some acrylic and e6000. Luckilly I had some slate blue spray paint left over from my sand trooper pack, because that color fits very well with the pictures.

However, I con't find the hardware I bought to install it!!! :facepalm I'll post another pic on this post when I mount them.



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Re: Sniper ODST Project. mOWWck -> 8-8 Latest

It's been a month!?! Geez. School has been sucking my time away from my project :cry so I have done next to nothing since August…

Here is a pic of my progress on the Tactonyx M6C, this thing needs tons of work. I've spent about 5 hours with a dremel working out imperfections and even more with a file. Hopefully soon I can sand it all and put it together. IF YOU HAVE COMPLETED A TACTONYX BUILD BEFORE LET ME KNOW, I'd be interested in your tips and expertise. Because I have no idea what paint to use.



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Re: Sniper ODST Project. mOWWck -> 8-8 Latest

oof thats a pretty rough cast isnt it? lots of clean up to do on that.
Whats up with the whole spring system? how does that work>?
Re: Sniper ODST Project. mOWWck -> 9-7 Latest

Very cool. I like the mixture of pep and foam. I haven't tried doing that with any of mine yet, but after looking at this it seems like the way to go. Foam helmets are doable, but they don't quite work.
Re: Sniper ODST Project. mOWWck -> 9-7 Latest

oof thats a pretty rough cast isnt it? lots of clean up to do on that.
Whats up with the whole spring system? how does that work>?

Yeah it needs some work, lots of small holes and excess material. I haven't had much time to work on it sadly. You can actually rack the slide, which is why the spring is there.

Very cool. I like the mixture of pep and foam. I haven't tried doing that with any of mine yet, but after looking at this it seems like the way to go. Foam helmets are doable, but they don't quite work.

A lot more mixing or pep and foam coming, I've been making some changes! It all depends on how good you are with foam, I've seen a few amazing foam helmets but they require a lot more skill than pep

Small Update! Sorry I haven't done crap since the summer! I got burnt out and needed a break, during this time I got some good foam templates for Hugh's armor (Much thanks!). So I'm ditching the pep for the thighs and shins, I'll do foam instead.

Look at those thighs! I would have needed so much bondo and resin to get these smooth and hard, and I was dreading it!! So I'm ditching the pep and going with foam.

I've completed construction on one, and I'm cutting out the other thigh as you're reading this.

I've got my motivation back! More to come soon


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Re: Sniper ODST Project. mOWWck -> 10-15 Latest

Another Small Update: I finally mounted the sniper goggles onto the bucket, and it looks so much better! I added some details to the upper slide with foam and some black paint, and it made it look so much better.

This was my first ever pep, first time with fiberglass, first time with resin, and first time with bondo. All-in-all I'm pleased.



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Re: Sniper ODST Project. mOWWck -> 10-15 Latest

This was my first ever pep, first time with fiberglass, first time with resin, and first time with bondo. All-in-all I'm pleased.

Hey, I would be! This is coming along really well, and I'm sure you have to be pleased with what you're building.

And good on you for going with foam on the thighs. I don't think those would be quite worth it to do all-pep, and they're turning out great!
Re: Sniper ODST Project. mOWWck --> 10-16 Latest

Things are looking really good here, man. I admire your dedication. The grenades are a nice piece of work, but it's a mile farther than I'd go. I'm expecting to do a simplified version, but instead of putting a window in, just paint a red stripe and some sort of flavour text like "MISRIAH ARMOUR INCENDIARY GRENADE", I'll figure something out.

I know it's a bit late, but I actually have a rather specific question, seeing as how I'm getting to work on my own build soon (shameless plug for the link in my sig). On your finished bucket, how did you get those nice lines in the bondo? I can see how they should line up with certain fold lines on the pepakura build, but how do you keep those reference points, and how do you cut them into the bondo? I'm really hoping the answer isn't "dremel tool" because I'm not particularly reliable with one of those.
Re: Sniper ODST Project. mOWWck --> 10-16 Latest

Hey, I would be! This is coming along really well, and I'm sure you have to be pleased with what you're building.

And good on you for going with foam on the thighs. I don't think those would be quite worth it to do all-pep, and they're turning out great!

They were until I got burnt out from going to fast!

Things are looking really good here, man. I admire your dedication. The grenades are a nice piece of work, but it's a mile farther than I'd go. I'm expecting to do a simplified version, but instead of putting a window in, just paint a red stripe and some sort of flavour text like "MISRIAH ARMOUR INCENDIARY GRENADE", I'll figure something out.

I know it's a bit late, but I actually have a rather specific question, seeing as how I'm getting to work on my own build soon (shameless plug for the link in my sig). On your finished bucket, how did you get those nice lines in the bondo? I can see how they should line up with certain fold lines on the pepakura build, but how do you keep those reference points, and how do you cut them into the bondo? I'm really hoping the answer isn't "dremel tool" because I'm not particularly reliable with one of those.

Thanks! I need to get back into it, since my goal of finishing it before I'm out of college is getting tighter!

As for your question, I only used bondo and the top of the helmet and the "mouth" piece up front. I spent a long time on the pep stage so I wouldn't have to bondo the entire helmet! I assume your talking about the lines around the cheek pieces? Hahaha I never use a dremel on bondo, mostly because I make sure I do the detail work as good as I can with the paper. If anything I'll add a little spot putty here and there, but that's it.
Re: Sniper ODST Project. mOWWck --> 10-16 Latest

Very nice work and great job for you're first 405th build. Really love the grenades,very nice detail. :)
Re: Sniper ODST Project. mOWWck --> 10-16 Latest

Very nice work and great job for you're first 405th build. Really love the grenades,very nice detail. :)

Thanks. I hope they turn out ok! This build is taking longer than I thought, and I haven't had the desire to crank it out.

I'm just finishing up my tactonyx m6c, and it is a HUGE pain. I don't know if I just got a bad set or what, but the large pieces are too deformed to fit right even after days of sanding. It will look great, though it won't work nearly as well as I had hoped. Just needs a few clear coats and it will be done.


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Re: Sniper ODST Project. mOWWck --> 10-16 Latest

Sorry to hear you are having trouble with the pistol, but it still looks awesome :)
Re: Sniper ODST Project. mOWWck --> 10-16 Latest

Sorry to hear you are having trouble with the pistol, but it still looks awesome :)

I do agree with you on the looks, it looks really good IMO!

I decided I didn't care if the slide/trigger worked or not. I gave it three coats of gloss, the reflective finish really brings out the different shades of grey, as well as the accent colors. M6C Done, M7S To Go :D


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Re: Sniper ODST Project. mOWWck --> 10-16 Latest

I really enjoyed reading through and seeing your work. You're awesome at this, mOWWck! Getting started with my own ODST build soon...
Re: Sniper ODST Project. mOWWck --> 10-16 Latest

I have a tip you can try in case you can't relocate your 9 volt batteries in your helmet. To keep moisture off of them, you can slip a small balloon over them and close the open end with electrical tape. I know a lot of guys that use push-to-talk buttons in their gloves for their vox systems and sweat and moisture is a problem for those little micro switches too. Easy fix, but a bit of a pain in the rear to do each time, but the tiny little water balloons you can get at the dollar store make a nice "condom" for your 9 volts.
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