Foam ODST: Version 1 was okay. Now for Version 2

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Im not completely sure but there may be a way to make the piece or pieces more "flexible", at least just enough to put it on.
"But I don't care"
Well it's Eva "foam". It's just a guess but it may be possible to stretch it. If that doesn't work possibly cut a little off the inside of the back and/or inside part of the front and it should be able to increase the flexibility but at a greater risk of breaking. Like I said, just a guess. And it's ironic cause I'm in class right now.
I only mean the part where you can't get your foot through. Maybe a arc style would help in a way. But the cut does not go completely through the foam, just into it a little bit and stripping half or a tiny amount of the layer. The cement maybe a obstacle. And the arc is on the inside of the front only.
The process or a way to simplify it is like sharpening a knife. This is very risky however, one wrong move could break or ruin it by cut or it being too flexible or its tension is too much.
Sigh. Not much to update. My build has stalled the last couple of weeks. I have not had any real opportunities to get any work done. Weekends have been very busy with spending time with family and what not. With fingers crossed, I am hoping I will manage some time to get started again this weekend. I am also hoping to purchase the Armorsmith program and start learning/using that to help with my poor scaling skills.
Okay. So I now have the Armorsmith program and started tinkering around with it to see what I can do (I should prob watch some YouTube vids to learn more). So far I set the avatar to my height, 5' 8" and it looks like the dummy scaled the proportion of the body parts. Then I imported the shin file of the ODST and adjusted the scale down 15% each on the x, y & z axis. It seems that it should fit me now.

For those of you who are well versed in this program or know people who are, any tips or tricks that you can pass on to me would be much appreciated.
Slow going on take 2 of my shin armour. Time is scarce lately. I finally got all the bits cut out today. Will start gluing things together tomorrow.... I hope. The weather is nice so I may do it in the open air. :D
Slow going still. Managed to get the knee pad done. I may have to re do it. I cut the bevels on too much of an angle so it's a little narrow. I tried widening it by heating up the foam and stuffing a tennis ball on the inside. It helped a bit but, not enough. As seen in the pic, the calf is done and the front of the shin is done.
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I getting a little ahead of myself but, I want to ask those of you who have made ODST suits a question. For the knee pad, do you attach it to the top of the shin guard or keep it separate and have it as an actual knee pad?
I joined them together, it kinda looks like it's combined in the game, so that's what I did with my secret ODST build that nobody knows about...:p
But seriously, I did do an ODST.
I joined them together, it kinda looks like it's combined in the game, so that's what I did with my secret ODST build that nobody knows about...:p
But seriously, I did do an ODST.[/QUOT
Yeah. I've seen picks the same way. Even in the "We are ODST" trailer the pads are connected. In some in game picks though, it seems as though the pads are separate.
Looking pretty good so far mate! I've build my fair share of Iron Man suits in foam so I know a bit about patience and the frustration that comes with it when you scale a 10 hour piece too small.. xD I'll be sure to watch your progress!
Finally! I finished a shin guard! Rejoice! Problem is, I still ran into the same problem where I couldn't slip my foot past the bottom part. Meaning my scale is still off a bit. Maybe I scaled down a little too much on the Z axis? As a solution I have left it loose as a flap and will secure it with strapping or magnets. Onto making the twin sister. Please excuse the bare foot on the last pic. I don't like to wear socks while at home. :p
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Oh, sheesh. DD...

That looks Papeesheewoosh! Sizing seems pretty good, could we see a pic with your knee bent? I'm just curious.

This build's lookin' great so far!
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