Foam ODST: Version 1 was okay. Now for Version 2

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Once again a tiny bit of progress. I went back and did the knee pads again. My first attempt came out a little narrow because my bevels were at too much of an angle. Maybe 45 degrees or more. Also one big mistake I realized was that I, was not sanding down all my bevel cuts to make the seems and lines cleaner.

Obviously the one in the middle is my first crack at it and the bodyguards surrounding it are the new and improved ones.
I'm slowly chipping away. Started to cut the bits for the rest of the shin.
My original plan was to have this whole suit ready for the Toronto FanExpo. Not gonna come even close to that goal. Will settle for Halloween instead. Then take it to next year's Niagara Comic-Con and FanExpo along with a second suit for my friend who I usually go with.
Update: was lucky enough to get some time this weekend to get some work done. Finished cutting out the bits and did some assembly.

I may have thought of a solution for my minor scale issue. I would have to do some slight disassembly and add a piece maybe quarter to half inch.
Ah, foam surgery........the best part is, you don't need to anesthetize the patient and there is no chance of a malpractice suit.....Just be careful. free cutting a built piece is very tricky. I would start w/ a fresh blade, and do shallow cuts going deeper each pass. If you can get a ruler or straight edge in to that area do so......nothing harder than trying to add a piece that doesn't line up properly.
No real progress this week so far. Hoping I can maybe get the shins completed on Sunday. For the time being I did get to spend some time working on the Armorsmith program and scaling the rest of the suit. The head on the dummy isn't sized to my actual measurements but the helmet does fit on it. Maybe I got lucky and won't have to scale it. When I get to it I'll cut and assemble the templates and see how they fit. :p
One thing I did discover is that the chest plate file is missing in foam files for ODST. Would anyone have a copy of it or be able to post a link? Would be much appreciated. :D
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Rejoice! The shin guards are done! On to the thighs! In the pic below I propped them up on my airsoft boots which I originally intended to wear with the suit. Problem is the tops of the boots are thick and padded so the shins won't fit over them. Will have to wear different boots. :(

Also, I will have to cut out a section of the calves. They come up too high so I can't bend or step up properly.
you could always create a seam and use buckles to close it up. This way you can wear those ass-kickers.

I'm still working on my suit. Don't worry. I haven't forgotten about it. Tracing away on my thunder thighs. I almost forgot that I had to flip the template over so I could have a mirror image. Wouldn't that be funny if I ended up making 2 thigh pads of the same side.
Finally got some time in to work on my armour again! Rejoice! Today's update? I was fortunate to complete both thigh plates. The bottoms are a bit tight so I'm gonna have to cut it and a half inch or inch spacer to make it more comfortable and to keep my circulation going.. Also add a strap at the top to keep the upper half close to my leg. Next up are the hip, cod, butt and belt plates.
Small update:

Hip and cod plates cut out. The cod plate looks a little small so Imma gonna add some stuff to it. Eventually the straps and D rings will be o it as well.
I have been busy ( pronounced as LAZY ) hence the lack of updates.
I did manage to cut and assemble the belt, hip and butt plates. I would mention the cod plate but... there isn't really anything to assemble on that.
I also started on the shoulders. I had all the bits cut out for the first one when I noticed it look a little.... small. Seems like I failed to notice on my Armoursmith dummy that the scale was waaaaaaaaay off. The shoulder should pretty much cover the whole upper arm. I instead made it just cover the shoulder area.
This is what I get for being lazy and not paying attention to details. Note to self: make sure to have a reference image on screen when scaling parts.
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