Pepakura/Model Requests: Second Edition

Haha, yeah. I usually check up on my facts too. I just pulled up pics on the internet, it appeared to be true. But then...the unspeakable happens...*ghasp*;)

make sure to post your build log, buddy. :D
Still need a good file for Ricochet Helmet in pepakura that is actually possible to do. I want to get this done before summer ends. If there is none can someone make one? I don't have the key thing to actually change and save changes to my edits or make the helmets.
I've got the same problem as agentflorida, can't import .obj into pepakura and edit. I'm looking for specifically FJ Para knee guards in .pdo format. But I'm building all of Noble team so there may be more in the future. Thanks!

EDIT: oops, found it. connected to the shin guards file.
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electricknite - I just finished pepping the FJ Para knees. They are attached to one of the Reach shin files. I'm on my phone so I can't look right now. If you don't find it by tomorrow, quote or mention me and I'll take a look.

Also, pepakura is not an .obj editor. You can only unfold object files. To edit use another program like blender and then unfold it in pepakura.
Hello! I'm looking for anyone who can unfold the XV-27 shifting forearm into a foam form. If anyone can help thanks
Kind regards,

This is not exactly a modeling request but i don`t know where to ask......
I have trouble finding certain data - i really tried though, found them neither in the forums and the armory (maybe i`m too stupid)
Im not sure but i think somewhere on the old site (no access for me) there were infos/models of the Spartan IV uniform (seen in the Spartan Ops intro)
Also i need the techsuit file from Halo 4
Does anybody know about this?
Your help would be much appreciated!
ReClaimer8015, sorry man, but our old site is no longer operational...nothing there anymore.
We don't have the uniform, but we do have the Halo 4 techsuit. If we do have the uniform, it's probably buried within these old dead threads...That is, if the links even work. :/

Anyway, I hope this helps.
Been a LONG time since I've been on the 405th and thinking of getting back into building. Checked out the armory and didn't seem to find anything on the Void Dancer armor set particularly the helmet in the halo 5 section. Any chance someone knows of a thread that has a file that can be downloaded? (Does not need to be unfolded) If you can help please comment or send me a message. Thanks!
Was wondering if there is a complete set of Halo 5 Centurion / Fred 104 armor. I've checked the Armory only finding .obj files. Will these convert to pep files? If so how?
Actually I think i found it on this website... its not blue tho, and idk how to make it blue. and its in object files as far as ive seen, which cant carry textures.. Anyone know how to make it a different color?
If you did find the rigged model can I ask where? If not as long as you give me the file for the model I can rig it through blender and it should be good to go!
However if you're in Maya then you should be able to assign a new material and create a lambert texture and choose whichever color you want
Hey, I've been looking for a good do able Unfold for the Enforcer helmet and for the Soldier Body Armor (With or Without the pouches, both if possible as I don't know what to do.) As the only ones I was able to find were objs. If someone could get this done by the 10th that would be great. Thanks!
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Was wondering if there is a complete set of Halo 5 Centurion / Fred 104 armor. I've checked the Armory only finding .obj files. Will these convert to pep files? If so how?
So I converted the OBJ into PDO but I don't know how to upload it to the armory and it's too big to attach here, does anyone know what I should do?
So I converted the OBJ into PDO but I don't know how to upload it to the armory and it's too big to attach here, does anyone know what I should do?

Most of the files there seem to be .zip, so compress the file. As for posting to the armory, I'm unable to help there. Can't see any button or link.
Hey, could anyone get me an unfold of the Halo 3 Mark Six Bicep Plate (connected to the CQB and Security Shoulder Plates)
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