Pepakura/Model Requests: Second Edition

Does anyone happen to have the file for the Biofoam Canister from ODST? The file link is still in the old archive, but it is broken. I've tried several times and used 3 different versions of Pepakura Designer, but I think the file is corrupted. Thanks :)
Chernobyl resigned from her title as Librarian and from 405th and all of the files she made are now inaccessible due to her final request. That is about around 70 to 90% of the Archives. Your going to hope someone makes it or make it yourself. I apologize and wish you all good luck.
agentflorida, the files are hers, but the staff denied her. in fact, all the files were corrupt before she was considering leaving. However, Dracosfire has figured out a method of extracting files.
HERE: on the last page, he shows how. you just have to download everything as a .zip.
This begs the question, to whom do the extracted asset files belong then? I would absolutely love to analyze the MA5D in depth via the asset files. Would hate to be waiting for something that is no longer available..
By there, I'm assuming you mean in the ghostly archives, lol. I have indeed seen your work mblackwell1002, and it is a fantastic work of art! I am however inquiring to the asset MA5D in its base form. I'm placing my project on standby until the asset is released (or re-released I should say..).
I know its prolly in here somewhere. But I cannot find it. But does anyone have a pepakura unfold of the FOAM templates id need for a set of Reach armor?
excuse me, could I get the Halo Reach Elite helmets? in case you don't know what I'm talking about, The original ones were HERE.
I was going to make one as a wall mount, but I can't download the old ones. I'm mainly looking for the Elite officer helmet, but I plan on making the Ranger one, too.

thanks in advance!
can we get the halo 4 armors and helmets, as well as halo reach base armors and shoulders and knees? hope I'm not asking to much.
can we get the halo 4 ricochet shoulders, Stalker body, Rouge helmet, halo 4 legs, arms, and boots. hope I'm not asking to much.
Sry about the spaming. I thought I clicked edit instead of quote. then it all just disappeared. I was trying to narrow down my request to the latest post.
there is one in the armory, look there. All Reach files should be there.

I found a Noble 6 helmet, but I don't have access to the old files, unfortunately. Noobie problem, I think, since I wasn't on the old forum...? Or, I'm not searching in the right place, with the right keywords. I'll keep looking!
Jackshadow, Click 'The Armory', then look on the left side of the page. You will see a bunch of folders, one of which will say 'Halo: Reach'
click it, and all of the Halo Reach files are there. FYI, in Reach, noble 6 can customize his armor, so the Reach armor is noble 6. all of them.
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