Pepakura/Model Requests: Second Edition

Hi all, I was requesting a non-Halo model. If anyone is willing and able to undertake the challenge of turning the hard pieces of this Star Citizen RSI Explorer suit into a model for pepakura use, it would be greatly appreciated:

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I'm not sure where to post this but this seemed the most logical place I suppose. I'm looking for someone to possibly convert a pdo file to an obj file for me. I'm not able to export files with the free version of pepakura builder. Looking for the halo-3-mjolnir-mkvi-bicep-and-shoulder-left.pdo and halo-3-mjolnir-mkvi-bicep-and-shoulder-right.pdo from the H3 MKVI UHD file zip in the armory. I would like to make this file 3d printable I just need the obj file. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
i cant find some " pdo " files if someone knows where to find them ,would be great if you can text me :)

Halo Reach : Left & Right Shoulder HAZOP

Halo Reach : Chest Tactical / Patrol

Halo Reach : Wrist Tactical / Tacpad

Halo Reach : Knee Guards FJ / Para

Halo Reach : Helmet HAZOP

Halo Reach : Helmet Mark V (B)

Halo Reach : Helmet Scout

Halo Reach : Helmet Operator

Halo Reach : Helmet MJOLNIR Mk . VI

Thanks in Advance for all the help :)
[EDIT : Nevermind about the Copperhead helmet, I managed to find it on one of the topics in the 405th. For some reason it is not available in the Armory. I leave the images for those who need reference pictures.]

Hi everyone,

My girlfriend and I are planning to make two Halo armors using Pepakura files.
Therefore I have two requests for you.
[She would like to make the Copperhead armor (Vale's armor) but only the armor is actually available in the Armory. Could anyone make an unfolded version of the helmet as well?]
Secondly, I'd like to make the Anubis set, yet only the helmet is available. Therefore I ask if someone could make an unfolded version of the armor (arms, legs, body etc...). I'd really appreciate your help.

Thanks, here are some reference pictures to help you in your job.

View media item 2097 View media item 2096 View media item 2095 View media item 2094
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Look like the Anubis armor will need some intersecting faces cleaned up before it's ready to unfold most of it's minor but the worst of it seems to be is in the backside of the torso.

Halo-Kotobukiya-Blue-Mark-V-Spartan-with-Energy-Sword-Statue-e1431136463674.jpg s4markvspartan-inset1__19616.1461822765.jpg s4markvspartan-inset2__96284.1461822766.jpg s4markvspartan-inset4__35351.1461822769.jpg 3001393-halo-spartan-blue-team-leader-007.jpg Does anyone have, or can anyone make this a rigged model? Ive been searching for hours and trying to make a rigged halo model, but it hasnt worked out for me. So i was wondering if anyone has had any better luck.
Actually I think i found it on this website... its not blue tho, and idk how to make it blue. and its in object files as far as ive seen, which cant carry textures.. Anyone know how to make it a different color?
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Me and my friend are working on our own armor sets and we would like to use the Mk v chest piece from halo 5. I cannot seem to find it anywhere, would someone be willing to make a pepakura file of it for me, please.
I am wanting to make the body of the white Hayabusa armor, with the shoulders of the green Hayabusa. I have been searching for the past two days, but have found nothing. Is there any way that you could get a Pep file for these? I can scale everything myself.
Can someone create a high or med def pepakura file of the Ricochet Helmet. I don't need the bars for it and I need it without the logo or mark on it as well.
Can someone create a high or med def pepakura file of the Ricochet Helmet. I don't need the bars for it and I need it without the logo or mark on it as well.
The Ricochet helmet is actually the top half of the Air Assault helmet, with a reconstructed bottom half. If nothing else seems to work, you can probably freehand the bottom of the helm after building the Air Assault top.
I won't lie, the air assualt and ricochet seems awfully similar, but they aren't the same, I see very few of the same parts, appreciate the help though
well...good thing you didn't listen to me...:lol:

sorry, 'bout that...I was wrong. I guess they look similar...but definitely not the same.
XD yeah, whats that saying? Trust but verify? I did listen to you but I checked up on it first. Believe me I waned to jump right into the printing but I still made sure.

The trust thing was a Arrow reference.
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