Pepakura/Model Requests: Second Edition

Hi Satish, that model is extremely detailed and is almost 100k faces, way too many to be easily unfolded (I'm surprised Pepakura can even handle it!). You may want to look at simplifying it in a 3D program like Blender to make it easier to unfold, however you will lose detail.
Thanks PlanetAlexander for your quick revert/
i have simplified it to a low poly version using online site
Below is the low poly file.. can this be unfolded in pepakura please //


  • hand_with_gun_fixed_3dless_com_simplified.stl
    45.9 KB · Views: 312
Thanks PlanetAlexander for your quick revert/
i have simplified it to a low poly version using online site
Below is the low poly file.. can this be unfolded in pepakura please //
Anyone help..
i have found another low poly model of revolver as attached. can some generous soul unfold any of these & share pdf please .


  • revolver_3dless_com_simplified.stl
    35 KB · Views: 274
I've been trying to print really accurate light pieces for my Infinite Chief helmet, but I suck at 3d modeling. Would anyone be able to spare some time to add the pyramids on to the light covers since the details are only on the textures? I don't need the individual ring details on each pyramid, all I want are the pyramids. Here's the link to a google drive file with a blender file for the light Helmet Light - Google Drive. I think this is the right place to post this, if it's not, please point me to the right place. Thank you.
Screenshot (17).png
Screenshot (19).png
Question for everyone! Does anyone have a 3d file, or pepakura or anything of Jerome-092's Halo Wars 2 game backpack armor? Picture for reference below. This is the best I could find for pictures. Anything is appreciated!

I saw one cosplayer do Leon 011 online, and wasn't sure if anyone had any other Halo Wars 2 Ingame resources.


  • ebeHLcE.png
    443.3 KB · Views: 228
  • Screenshot_20220416-235502_Gallery.jpg
    200.8 KB · Views: 197
Hello! I'm starting work on Marcus Lehto's MK V remaster but i need the armor files to be unfolded for use in pepakura and armorsmith!
I've attached the blender files and the link to the discord file dump.
Thank you!
Could I trouble someone to export this jetpack model to .OBJ? Bit of a weird project coming up and this would save me a decent amount of CAD time. Speakers going in it (big speakers, 150mm triangle drivers). Should be able to fit it on the Ratrig printer. TIA

Edit: got it sorted now, not to worry


  • halo-reach-unsc-sola-jetpack.pdo
    1.8 MB · Views: 273
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Afternoon All,
Im well on my way to making my first chief mark v ish 3d printed suit and i have been thinking about my next build.

I always loved the EOD set however most recently the armour and helmet Vannak 134 from the TV show started to scream at me, is anyone planning on making any models in this form at all?
Im loving the tanky style look of his armour and the tubing adds a great effect.
Also havent seen an area for the TV show builds and wondering if anyone is focusing on these?

Afternoon All,
Im well on my way to making my first chief mark v ish 3d printed suit and i have been thinking about my next build.

I always loved the EOD set however most recently the armour and helmet Vannak 134 from the TV show started to scream at me, is anyone planning on making any models in this form at all?
Im loving the tanky style look of his armour and the tubing adds a great effect.
Also havent seen an area for the TV show builds and wondering if anyone is focusing on these?

Vannaks helmet has been modeled and is found on ETSY as a paid digital file for 3d Printing. Not sure about his armor.
Does anyone happen to have a model of this helmet? or would like to make a model of it? i know it's not exactly halo related but it's supercool!

I've been trying to print really accurate light pieces for my Infinite Chief helmet, but I suck at 3d modeling. Would anyone be able to spare some time to add the pyramids on to the light covers since the details are only on the textures? I don't need the individual ring details on each pyramid, all I want are the pyramids. Here's the link to a google drive file with a blender file for the light Helmet Light - Google Drive. I think this is the right place to post this, if it's not, please point me to the right place. Thank you.View attachment 316824View attachment 316825

Here you go:

I didn't use your supplied model since I did it using geometry nodes instead of modelling each individual pyramid so I wanted to set it up differently. You can just scale it to the size you need.

If you go into the geometry node editor you can also change the tiling size by scaling the UV coordinates up or down (the purple "Scale" box right after the group input) and the height of the pyramids by changing the Normal Scale (the purple "Scale" box right before the Set Position box.) You might need to download the pyramid.png file as well and put it into the Image Texture box if it doesn't do it automatically.

Hope this helps!
spartan Mclark if no one has responded to your post in under 24 hours, please use the edit button, do not make multiple posts in a row, one after another, in quick succession. This is considered "Spam" posting by most standards on internet etiquette and is frowned upon in this and most other communities.
spartan Mclark if no one has responded to your post in under 24 hours, please use the edit button, do not make multiple posts in a row, one after another, in quick succession. This is considered "Spam" posting by most standards on internet etiquette and is frowned upon in this and most other communities.
sorry ill change how i do that thanks
pepakura files please!

I've been searching for the infinite mark v b helmet files. The closest I can find are 3D print files on etsy, or the noble 6 helmet. If anyone knows where I can find/buy the pepakura files I'd be super appreciative. Thank you!
pepakura files please!

I've been searching for the infinite mark v b helmet files. The closest I can find are 3D print files on etsy, or the noble 6 helmet. If anyone knows where I can find/buy the pepakura files I'd be super appreciative. Thank you!
Halo: Reach - MJOLNIR Mark V - Mark V[B]
You think this would work? we have a whole armory filled with unfolds! It has the helmet!
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