Pepakura/Model Requests: Second Edition

I'm currently working on modelling some semi-functional (operating but non-firing) reach weapons and so I've got some models for the ammunition, would you be after the models dimensions directly from the game or the model dimensions from real life? Because I know the model they use for "7.62x51mm" is not the same dimensions as in real life. Also, are you after models for the magazines as well (functional or not?)?
im trying to go as functional as posible because i have a few scenes where i need people reloading mags and as for size i dont have any preffrence realy
Anyone know of there being a Halo Reach Military Police helmet you could 3D print? Trying to see what my options are so I can craft my best friend something for his birthday. I think making his favorite helmet from Halo would make him happy.
I hope it's not to late for your friends birthday, here is a 3d file for one: Halo Reach Military Police Helmet by Michaluk
Military Police Helmet.jpg

You may or may not be able to print this, it might need some cleaning up first, let me know if you need any help with it.
im trying to go as functional as posible because i have a few scenes where i need people reloading mags and as for size i dont have any preffrence realy
If you give me an hour, I can get you 3d printable .obj/.stl files for all the UNSC ammunition that exists in the real world, including the sniper round (it's a russian anti-material round) as for the SPNKr rocket launcher ammo that might take a little longer
If you give me an hour, I can get you 3d printable .obj/.stl files for all the UNSC ammunition that exists in the real world, including the sniper round (it's a russian anti-material round) as for the SPNKr rocket launcher ammo that might take a little longer
take your time lol where im at is still in lockdown so ive got time
im trying to go as functional as posible because i have a few scenes where i need people reloading mags and as for size i dont have any preffrence realy
Just uploading them now, I've got all of them on there except for the shotgun shell (already available in this thread) and the SPNKr rocket, which I am working on: Halo UNSC Dummy Ammunition: A Collection by Michaluk
Just for reference:
Magnum Pistol - M225 (real world counterparts possibly .50 GI or .50 AE):
.50 Guncrafter Industries.jpg.50 Action Express.jpg
Battle Rifle - M634 (no real-world-counterpart, modelled as an enlarged 7.92mm Kurz):
9.5x40mm Kurz.jpg
Assault Rifle and DMR - M118 (7.62x51mm NATO):
7.62x51mm NATO.jpg
Mounted MGs - 12.7x99mm (.50 BMG):
.50 BMG.jpg
Sniper Rifle - 14.5x114mm (Literally just the 14.5x114mm):
Looking for an HD version of the H5 Locus helmet. I know MoeSizzlac made a nice LD one. But the perfectionist in me doesn't want to start making armor again till I can utilize my printers to their fullest potential. So basically, looking for a model that has all the details we get in the normal maps. Thanks!
i would love to be able to get a model of the H5 Anubis helmet or just learn how i can convert a .pdo into a .obj or .stl
PDO into an .obj
Works with Pepakura designer.

Converting .obj into a printable stl, that takes more time and effort. I used this guys videos to get better at it.

I know it is a little dated but go through all 6 parts of this series.
Is there a pepakura file for the MK VII helmet yet?

Edit: Also looking for a Halo 2 helmet pep file.
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Does anyone have a model for the CQC shoulder from Reach? Preferably in non-pepakura format, as I want to 3D print it. Thanks a ton in advance. Also, I am aware of a file on Etsy but at the moment I'm trying to see how far I could go file and software-wise without spending too much money, and that file is $20 as far as I'm aware.
Re: Pepakura Requests: Second Edition

I have a request for the Dead Space Security Force Suit. You can consider this a request for a scratch model and unfold for pepakura and/or foam.

The Dead Space Security Force Suit was first seen in Dead Space 2 and the prequel animated film worn by the Earth Gov Military Security Teams. There isn't much reference I could find on google, but here are some.

View attachment 20367

View attachment 20368

View attachment 20371

View attachment 20369

View attachment 20370

View attachment 20372

View attachment 20373
What game is this?
I'm currently looking for a 3d model of the Halo Infinite Firefall and Anubis GEN3 model Helmet for my Spartan. Any help is appreciated!!!
Item Name: Firefall and or Anubis

- ANUBIS-class Mjolnir
- Armor customization (Halo Infinite)
View attachment 312021
View attachment 312022
Additional Info: Halo Infinite Legendary Helmet for MP
Looking for Infinite Anubis myself. Looking to make that bucket, and maybe a suit down the road. Does anyone have access to that model or rips that I can clean up?

Thanks in advance!
I feel like I just did Anubis. You mean this guy?

I also feel like like Thingiverse is kind of broken as this is not showing up in "my Designs" when I look at it:



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