Pepakura/Model Requests: Second Edition

I feel like I just did Anubis. You mean this guy?

I also feel like like Thingiverse is kind of broken as this is not showing up in "my Designs" when I look at it:

View attachment 312078
That model looks sweet! I'm actually looking for the Anubis helmet from Halo Infinite.

three fourths view.png
This guy^
Would anyone be able game rip the brute armor from infinite?(Specifically the chieftain version?) I would love to make monkey suit
Requesting a foam unfold of these two please. Would love to add this to my collection


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Hi, I would love it if someone had the time/knowledge to make the new weapon AI model so I can 3D print her. Pretty please?


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Hey guys,
Looking to do an Olympia Vale build. I saw that theres Pep files available but I am wondering if anyone's made 3D printable files? Been only able to locate the helmet so far. Thanks so much!
Does anyone have pepakura files for a neck seal? A plain one (just basic shape) or (if someone happens to have one) an infinite Chief one would be best. Thanks
Another thing you could do is wrap plastic wrap or aluminum foil around your neck, and then wrap duct tape or masking tape over it. Then you cut a seam line in it so you can take it off. Finally you modify it and now you have a template for a neck seal.
Hey guys, I've been searching for a while for a model of the H3 Carbine (One with 2 holes in stock). Idealy I'd like a high-quality model for 3D printing.
Hey all! I’m looking for files of the halo 5 Shinobi armor. I don’t need the helmet but I haven’t found anything at all about it. Preferably for foam since I’m doing a foam build backed with fiberglass and epsilon pro. If anyone has recourses or would offer a service for making an unfold; please let me know!
Can someone unfold below 3d model (hand pointing gun)& share pdf link please ?? Have been trying without luck .. pepakura creates too many small pieces ..
thanks in advance ..


  • hand_with_gun.stl
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Can someone unfold below 3d model (hand pointing gun)& share pdf link please ?? Have been trying without luck .. pepakura creates too many small pieces ..
thanks in advance ..
Hi Satish, that model is extremely detailed and is almost 100k faces, way too many to be easily unfolded (I'm surprised Pepakura can even handle it!). You may want to look at simplifying it in a 3D program like Blender to make it easier to unfold, however you will lose detail.
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