Pepakura/Model Requests: Second Edition

Please help... and forgive. Yes I know this is mostly a halo cosplay community. which one day would be nice to add it to my costume collection. but right now I need help finding a pep file for star wars commander cody's jetpack. I have searched everywhere, for hours to no avail. I found a couple links on 4 shared. one was broken. the other finally downloaded after signing up to their site just for my computer to say it's unsafe file so I didn't try to mess with it. speaking of which, what is up with that site, I tired a totally different unrelated file and that site seems to want to trick me into downloading spamware. how does anyone get anything from there safely? anyways, back to at hand, if you have this file or can direct me to get it safely would be a big help. got a con coming up soon and haven't really messed with pep yet. plus was thinking of doing it in foam. which is all new too. but I like a challenge. thanks in advance
Please help... and forgive. Yes I know this is mostly a halo cosplay community. which one day would be nice to add it to my costume collection. but right now I need help finding a pep file for star wars commander cody's jetpack. I have searched everywhere, for hours to no avail. I found a couple links on 4 shared. one was broken. the other finally downloaded after signing up to their site just for my computer to say it's unsafe file so I didn't try to mess with it. speaking of which, what is up with that site, I tired a totally different unrelated file and that site seems to want to trick me into downloading spamware. how does anyone get anything from there safely? anyways, back to at hand, if you have this file or can direct me to get it safely would be a big help. got a con coming up soon and haven't really messed with pep yet. plus was thinking of doing it in foam. which is all new too. but I like a challenge. thanks in advance
have you tried the 501st it's basically the 405th but all about star wars
have you tried the 501st it's basically the 405th but all about star wars

Yes I did. Unfortunately they want most people buying from vendors. Which I understand for costume regulations. One guy I spoke to looked into the links. Which was a loss. He said he might have to just try and make it himself in pep but wasn't at his comp at the time. I'm still open to anyone wanting to help. If not, I understand a design like this isn't at popular anymore. And yes I know this isn't a star wars based site but the rest of the star wars ones i find dead ends. Maybe just me
Yes I did. Unfortunately they want most people buying from vendors. Which I understand for costume regulations. One guy I spoke to looked into the links. Which was a loss. He said he might have to just try and make it himself in pep but wasn't at his comp at the time. I'm still open to anyone wanting to help. If not, I understand a design like this isn't at popular anymore. And yes I know this isn't a star wars based site but the rest of the star wars ones i find dead ends. Maybe just me
Don't worry their are a lot of guys ( and girls) here who can help you all you really need to do is start a thread in the new recruit section and there will be lots of people who would happily leand a hand.
(Sorry chernobyl about clogging this thread up a bit)
Hello everyone. New recruit here so i am not sure if what I am about to ask is a stupid question. I am trying to open the files from this thread in the pepakura program but it does not seem to work. Are these files meant to be opened in that program or am I using the wrong one ? Sorry again if this is a stupid question.
Thanks for replying so quick. Trying to decide the easiest helmet to make for my first one. Looking at maybe an ODST helmet
I am probably doing something wrong but the obj file does not give me an option to unzip it. I have file i can open in pepakura which is a pdo file. Is there a way to change the odj file into a pdo or are the odj files just for 3D modeling and not pepakura.
Cypher can't post here yet, so i'm posting his issue for him:

Really there are only a few parts I am doing out of foam, namely the Chest core, the neck piece and the bicep piece, the rest will be paper and fiberglass. I am using 1/2 inch foam for the core and 6mm for the neck and biceps.

The issue I had is that pepakura lockes all axis togeather, you're right. so I pulled hugh's model out(using the export feture) and redid the scaling in sketchup. I really should have added pics to better explain my issues
This is the original unfold
View attachment 29978

This is mine
View attachment 29979

You can see how the frount of his has like 8 pieces where mine has more then 20. I am trying to get the part count down where the original one is. More cuts in foam is just more places to make a mistake.
Hi looking for a model of the Didact with textures. Would love to get him rigged. Also, I'd like to note that I'll share the rigged Didact with the community, to whomever is interested.

Hi looking for a model of the Didact with textures. Would love to get him rigged. Also, I'd like to note that I'll share the rigged Didact with the community, to whomever is interested.


I'd send a rigged model over, but it'd be in an odd format and you'd need an importer to be able to use the file - plus, I doubt that you'd be able to use it regardless, since the plugin for the file extension only works with 3DS Max.

Its all good. Obj.file with textures will do. The rigging isn't a problem for me. It will probably pop up in Blender separated. Then I can just delete the rig, then re-rig it again in Blender.

Also, you would be able to export the model in Obj. format? Correct if I'm wrong?

Thanks in advance Chernobyl
Hello everyone! Hoping someone can help, I am looking for a model for making a suit out of Fibreglass what I am making is a Halo 5 Security helmet, chest, and shoulders. Then the legs, shin, forearms and feet from Jorge's armour, as well as the attachment beside the head. If anyone can help that would be great!

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Its all good. Obj.file with textures will do. The rigging isn't a problem for me. It will probably pop up in Blender separated. Then I can just delete the rig, then re-rig it again in Blender.

Also, you would be able to export the model in Obj. format? Correct if I'm wrong?

Thanks in advance Chernobyl

Keep an eye on the Forerunner section of the Archive. I'll have an upload for you later.

Hello everyone! Hoping someone can help, I am looking for a model for making a suit out of Fibreglass what I am making is a Halo 5 Security helmet, chest, and shoulders. Then the legs, shin, forearms and feet from Jorge's armour, as well as the attachment beside the head. If anyone can help that would be great!

Raw models for the sets you're looking for already exist in the Archive. The pack containing the Halo 5 Security set can be found HERE, and Jorge's body files can be found HERE.
Hey everyone, I'm looking for the Vigilant armor (not the helmet) unfolded for foam please. I did try to unfold some Obj files/ raw models before but it failed miserably lol... I'd be very grateful if you could unfold it for me! Here are some reference pictures that will probably help:
3058184-h5-guardians-reach-armor-hero-overwatch+(copy).jpg H5G_Render-Model_Vigilant-3View.jpg
As you may have noticed, some armor pieces are found in other armors, such as the thrusters and kneecaps which can be found in the Noble Armor so that's something less to unfold haha! I hope it'll help you out. Thanks for reading!
Hey guys, I am looking for Gears of War files. Specifically Ben Carmine's helmet as well as Clayton Carmine's recruit helmet pepakura files. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I'm going to drop this in here just as a little aside, mainly as a reminder and encouragement to people, given some words I've said in other threads:

While there's absolutely nothing wrong with making requests here, please also consider contributing as well. Unfolding and preparing files for Pepakura and foam builds may seem daunting at first, but it's actually a fairly simple process when you get the hang of things - and, the community benefits from input from members taking the time out of their day to provide fresh new content for others to enjoy.

So, please: before making a request, please consider whether or not you yourself might be able to do the work. People are here to help, but we do need to see more people stepping up to process the raw files the 405th offers.
I'm going to drop this in here just as a little aside, mainly as a reminder and encouragement to people, given some words I've said in other threads:

While there's absolutely nothing wrong with making requests here, please also consider contributing as well. Unfolding and preparing files for Pepakura and foam builds may seem daunting at first, but it's actually a fairly simple process when you get the hang of things - and, the community benefits from input from members taking the time out of their day to provide fresh new content for others to enjoy.

So, please: before making a request, please consider whether or not you yourself might be able to do the work. People are here to help, but we do need to see more people stepping up to process the raw files the 405th offers.
Hey chernobly
I will give vigilant armour file a go if you want
Hey chernobly
I will give vigilant armour file a go if you want

Feel absolutely free. You don't have to do anything you don't want to, it's more a note for people to have a go themselves rather than simply expect others to do the work for them.

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