Pepakura/Model Requests: Second Edition

Requesting the Extender helm (with attachment) from Infinite. You know, totally not Samus' helmet. Either 3D print or foam is fine.

Thank you!

With the recent generosity of Yelsanick0117 of showering us with his incredible Elite he has worked on for months, I would like to make a modeling request for the armor of the Silent Shadow Elites showcased within Halo: HeadHunters and Halo: Rise of Atriox, respectively.

I am able to "hunt" for more reference imagery as needed or screenshot during the film of Headhunters if need to grab as much as I can.

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I am currently working on this exact project as a worlds first. Follow me on Instagram at "Rusa_Azavayl" to see my progress
Does anyone know of a good pepakura foam file for Reach’s undersuit? I didn’t see it in the Armory but I possibly could have missed it in there somewhere.

With the recent generosity of Yelsanick0117 of showering us with his incredible Elite he has worked on for months, I would like to make a modeling request for the armor of the Silent Shadow Elites showcased within Halo: HeadHunters and Halo: Rise of Atriox, respectively.

I am able to "hunt" for more reference imagery as needed or screenshot during the film of Headhunters if need to grab as much as I can.

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I have the most reference images of Silent Shadow probably on the internet XD
Requesting this type SP kneecap for the mark 7 core. Oh and any rectangular shoulder pad pls


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Hello! I am looking for someone to help me with modeling a higher detail and poly version of the Halo 5 "Buck's" Helljumper armor. I know there is a file for it already in the armory but it's a low rez .obj without much texture and I would love a higher quality model to 3D print. Thanks!
Hello! I am looking for someone to help me with modeling a higher detail and poly version of the Halo 5 "Buck's" Helljumper armor. I know there is a file for it already in the armory but it's a low rez .obj without much texture and I would love a higher quality model to 3D print. Thanks!
Perhaps what you're looking for is already in the Free 3D Model Index? Lots of goodies in there

Perhaps what you're looking for is already in the Free 3D Model Index? Lots of goodies in there

Thanks for the link! Unfortunately it isn’t located in there either unless I’m totally missing it which is possible haha.
Thanks for the link! Unfortunately it isn’t located in there either unless I’m totally missing it which is possible haha.
Ahh whoops, somehow thought you were only looking for the helmet.

Hola chicos,
Buscando hacer una construcción de Olympia Vale. Vi que hay archivos de Pep disponibles, pero me pregunto si alguien ha creado archivos imprimibles en 3D. Hasta ahora sólo ha podido localizar el casco. ¡Muchas gracias!
Do you have the helmet file? Could you please send me the file? It's the only one I'm missing:(

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