Photo Day with Master Chief

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I couldn't get the feet to stick on, but I have them. I'll figure out another way of doing it.

I also gotta get some rubber for the bottom of those, because it sounds like a horse hoof when I walk with the toes on.
it sounds like a horse hoof when I walk with the toes on

Mine are like that too. I wonder if that one of the reasons that Nightmare used to use those platform boots...

It'd be really cool to create a complete Mjolnir shoe, with the tread and all. I'll call Nike, maybe they'll be interested. ;-)

Great pics again...

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Adam said:
Yeah, I'm very fat at 6'2" 175 lbs :ha:

I guess it's one of the reasons I don't post a

Please...The MC is also a big guy ;-) Can you image a skinny guy as Mc..

*Mister Sir Elite...Can you pretty please give the glowing sword? Some one has ask t me to finish the fight... :lindsey:

You still look great..
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lol.. I'm wearing two shirts and two pairs of pants, so I guess that explains the bulkiness.

Then again, when I don't wear that stuff, I get comments of being too skinny...

:cry1: :cry1: :cry1:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


It's like the true story of Charlie Chaplin coming in 3rd for a Charlie Chaplin look alike contest.

But I guess people will complain no matter how good it is

what do you expect, it's the same idiots you encounter playing halo on xbox live...
Yeah, don't take it too hard.

It's impossible to please everybody. Some people will just make dumb negative comments just to be different too.

You armor is magnificent. Congrats on all the acknowledgement!

Adam im your number 1 fan! thats spectacular! its better than links and seans!!! (no offence) :shock: :shock: ;-) ;-) ;-)
jesus! you have the ultimate life! that there is an EXACT replica, i would wear that even if i had to walk across a desert and die of dehydration-- damn what i would give for one of be to embarassed to walk around in my crummy pep suite......i cant wait till i older, and have acces to better resources......I THINK IM IN LOVE :shock: :shock: :$ops: ;-) :roll: :mrgreen: :hyper: ............ Adam is now my god! i have to create a shrine right now to worship you! do you accept sacrafices?
Sean Bradley said:
Resist.... I beg of you.

mmmf....can't......hold it in...

Adam, 2 questions. You gonna redo the right thigh? Also, you gonna add lights?
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smilie120 said:
Adam im your number 1 fan! thats spectacular! its better than links and seans!!! (no offence) :shock: :shock: ;-) ;-) ;-)

thanx buddy
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yeah, I tried a cast of the right thigh without the black inner ribbing, which I will add on the next cast ( I was just trying it out basically)

So next set of photos:

Fixed thigh

Toe pieces

Assault Rifle

Better Undersuit

Yeah, I know there are different opinions, but lets not compare directly of different armor types.
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