Planet Comicon Kansas City Info and Roll Call: March 8th 2024 -March 10th, 2024 (Kansas City, MO)

1) No Minimum is being established, just commit to one/two and I am happy. Only thing im not sure of at the moment are how many passes being provided.

2) Lets plan this for a early day visit. I also would like to get a "Midwest" themed gift bag together for him as we did for Jeff Steitzer of local Midwestern goodies.

3) Yes, as long as it is available I will encourage use of the changing room space for our crates. Secure your things as always

4) Saturday, we are probably going to do potluck style due to size to make sure we can all socialize and have a lil more control over our space we choose to set up in. I want it to be a space we can all interact and catch up for the start of 2024. I'd love for folks to be able to check out the PCKC Cosplay Contest, we just need to get it on our schedule and plan accordingly.
Has there been an update on passes? I may have missed it but I would definitely like one for myself. Thanks
I'm looking for a room to stay in, does anyone have space to offer? I do usually bring a cot to sleep on so I won't take up bed space.
I have gone through logistic needs, event participation, and those who are attending from out-of-state. Here is who I am distributing the passes to for Planet at this time.

- Emp Frosty
- NobleofDeath16
- Fallen
- Spidermonkey60
- Skidmorpheus
- Wayward Flood
- WandererTJ
- SSGLordBert
- JTF4

We are also looking into the viability of folks who engaged in the outreach opportunities leading up to this event, are potentially able to transfer a pass to another member. If that is the case BobRossIsMaDad and CrimsonViper97 are on deck for these passes at this time if that's the case.

We appreciate your participation in this event and contributions this coming year and prior. Being given an exhibitor pass comes with multiple expectations:

- You are a pillar of our presence at the event. Members may come to you with questions, or you may be looked upon for superb outreach capability for the 405th. Lead by example and with your best foot forward.

- This is a privilege that at anytime, can and will be revoked if abused. That means your pass is only meant explicitly for you. We have one floater pass to cover moving those into build and tear down if needed. Please do not bend the rules of this pass usage for any reason without explicit permission.

-This pass is given with the idea of participation in booth, outreach, and photo op participation. Please make sure you are signed up for slots accordingly to best utilize yourself as an accessory to the 405th's success at this activation.

I look forward to seeing everyone in what feels like a few short weeks away.
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Looking forward to it! Can't wait to meet you all!

We are showing up to Planet like:

Halo Wars Army GIF by Halo
Hey all, I'm thinking about booking a hotel room. Is there anyone else out there who needs a place to stay?
I know youve been trying to find a spot, if needed I will join you. should leave 2 spots correct?
HoundsofMeath and i got a hotel room booked with 2 queen beds. It's at Hotel Lotus about 10 minutes east of bartle hall. If anyone else needs a place to crash for the weekend, my door is open. I'm not asking anyone to split costs as I've got it covered. Also willing to pick anyone up along the way from Dodge Center minnesota
Currently the plan for setup on Thursday is to be at Bartle around 4:00-4:30 in the afternoon. There is public parking available on either side of the convention center, but be aware it might fill up so coming a bit early wouldn’t be a bad idea. Thread will be updated as further details are worked out
Currently the plan for setup on Thursday is to be at Bartle around 4:00-4:30 in the afternoon. There is public parking available on either side of the convention center, but be aware it might fill up so coming a bit early wouldn’t be a bad idea. Thread will be updated as further details are worked out
I don’t get off work until 4. It’d be more like 5 when I get there.
Anyone planning to help with setup on Thursday please respond or reach out to me with when you'd be available to help out. I want to get a list going so we know who to reach out to when booth stuff arrives to avoid people just standing around waiting with nothing to do.

I've already got SSGLordBert, SpartanSweed, CherriDragon +1, and Emp Frosty down.
Anyone planning to help with setup on Thursday please respond or reach out to me with when you'd be available to help out. I want to get a list going so we know who to reach out to when booth stuff arrives to avoid people just standing around waiting with nothing to do.

I've already got SSGLordBert, SpartanSweed, CherriDragon +1, and Emp Frosty down.
I’ll be there!
Is there a possibility of adding a Thursday sign up on the spreadsheet for table shifts? Either way I'll be there at 4 or whenever we are ready to begin
Is there a possibility of adding a Thursday sign up on the spreadsheet for table shifts? Either way I'll be there at 4 or whenever we are ready to begin
Added another sheet and added anyone who I saw said they planned to be there.

I appreciate the willingness of many to help out, and we'll keep everyone informed. If you aren't in the Discord chat for Planet I'd recommend it as most real-time info will end up getting shared there including how far out people are on Thursday to allow others to plan their arrivals at the convention center. Don't want anyone showing up at 10am and sitting around waiting because there's nothing there to set up until 4pm.

Anyone planning to help with setup on Thursday please respond or reach out to me with when you'd be available to help out. I want to get a list going so we know who to reach out to when booth stuff arrives to avoid people just standing around waiting with nothing to do.

I've already got SSGLordBert, SpartanSweed, CherriDragon +1, and Emp Frosty down.
I'll be there on Thursday
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