Started priming parts recently! And I gotta say I still hate spray painting >:c it’s a challenge since I’m having to do this outside and monitor the humidity for ideal painting weather. So far I have the following primed with plastidip
(since its all I was able to find locally): forearms, thighs, chest piece, and one bicep. I also learned the difficult way that spray painted parts need to stay outside the living spaces for a day to a day and a half. I brought in the pieces I sprayed and they completely stunk up my room, I now feel pretty horrible and won’t make the same mistake again. :c
The second bicep has a piece I for got to cut out, the shins still need knees and knee plates. As for the shoes...they are being a pain sizing wise, and the belt needs to
still be figured out and possibly torn apart.
The helmet...this is my first time working with a cast and I didn’t realize that there’s a lot more sanding I have to do. I was lucky enough to have someone nearby, who’s worked on a cast before, trace out the areas I need to further sand. And I also got schooled on other stuff I need to clean up on the I need to make a small run for supplies again.

Either way welcome to end game, with two weeks or less till Pax South.