Reach Build 3.0

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Agreed with Healthbar. A quick pass with the rotary tool for an external bevel is likely the best bet. If it's an internal valley fold it might be time to do some surgery.
I purposely didn’t show the horrible surgery I did, but you’re right it is and internal fold I forgot to do.
It’s okay Healthbar I think you’ve seen the wonderful variations of my name.
That’s funny love the build progress I have not started mine it’s a little hard with work (the army)
Thanks! I’ve seen people recommend starting small or from the boots up, a hand plate or boot might be a good way to get your feet in the water with your build! I’m a dork that wanted the forearms done first so I could wear them when ever I got discouraged and man where they a pain. I definitely recommend the hand plate.
I would be lying if I said I wasn’t severely discouraged by the chest piece...but I’m happy to say that despite it looking bad during the progress it came out a lot better than I could’ve hoped! Here’s some progress photos:
This is it finished:
The side buckle causes the bottom to be uneven a bit but I’ll take it since I can put on the chest piece by myself~
I keep forgetting to update the thread...seasonal job is physically exhausting. I have all the pieces for the belt and started attaching them to the nylon belt. Issues I’m running into is how to route the nylon strap for the thigh pieces through it since the way I made the belt leaves no room...
i decided to go to sleep after trying to figure it out and today worked on the hand plates. Turns out I did the male ones but I think they are nicer!
I’ll see about figuring out the belt today.
Guess who’s avoiding figuring out the belt?
To be fair I was going to have to do this eventually! I didn’t want to struggle with a foam helmet this time around and purchased an IconProps helmet maybe a year or two ago? It’s been sitting in a box this whole time :( but I’m glad I finally get to use it! It took me two days to cut out the visor section, day one of ever using a dremel I had a small panic attack and had to stop leave the area and check the seal on my respirator to reassure myself. Then the battery on my dremel died, day two was easier with a fully charged battery I was able to finish and sand down the rough edges. I might go back to carve out some areas to help with air flow but for now I’m happy.
Still avoiding the belt, but for good reasons, figured I should paid the pieces before finishing the belt and the weather outside was ideal for a short time to paint. So I bounced back to the boots, there’s and old thread on here from Callandar on how to make reach boots that I’m partially trying to follow along with studying RandomRangers progress photos and reference photos in game. Since I cannot get some boots for the boots I’m having to go the boot cover route. Figuring out the bend was a pain, the issue wasn’t so much the sides but the toe having that curve cut into it.
(Edited to add links to mentioned references)
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Started priming parts recently! And I gotta say I still hate spray painting >:c it’s a challenge since I’m having to do this outside and monitor the humidity for ideal painting weather. So far I have the following primed with plastidip (since its all I was able to find locally): forearms, thighs, chest piece, and one bicep. I also learned the difficult way that spray painted parts need to stay outside the living spaces for a day to a day and a half. I brought in the pieces I sprayed and they completely stunk up my room, I now feel pretty horrible and won’t make the same mistake again. :c
The second bicep has a piece I for got to cut out, the shins still need knees and knee plates. As for the shoes...they are being a pain sizing wise, and the belt needs to still be figured out and possibly torn apart.
The helmet...this is my first time working with a cast and I didn’t realize that there’s a lot more sanding I have to do. I was lucky enough to have someone nearby, who’s worked on a cast before, trace out the areas I need to further sand. And I also got schooled on other stuff I need to clean up on the I need to make a small run for supplies again.
Either way welcome to end game, with two weeks or less till Pax South.
You'll get it done......bad lungs and all. Please be more careful in the future. Paint fumes are not the most healthiest of things.....especially when a persons constitution is in a weakened state.
I know.... ;A; I even made it a point to read the safety thread before sanding or painting anything, and still made a rookie mistake. I'm feeling a lot better now and don't intend to make the same mistakes.

Don’t forget to do your Space Laundry!

The weather has been great for painting, I was able to prime the second shoulder, the shins, and the belt...before realizing that there was an allergic reaction going on my leg...thanks grass/weeds >:C I had to stop but I’ve moved around my set up closer to the concrete so I shouldn’t have to be stepping in grass. Pro tip: Long sleeve shirt, and pants when working outdoors. I won’t lie that every time I get 3 steps forward on this project I feel like I get slammed back 2 steps....
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