Reach Build 3.0

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Lucky for me, I always have antihistamines in my system so it didn’t stick around long. I still picked up topical cream when I went to the store for more paint. I just wish I knew what exactly caused the reaction, but I’m not gonna roll in that patch of grass...
You might be hypersensitive to some type of grass or weed (not the medicinal type). You would have to go to your dermatologist to determine if you are.......or it could just be something you came in contact w/ in the yard.
I've already done dozens of allergy tests in the past and I think I'll just avoid the grass...Having your entire back covered in possible allergens is not something I want to relive....
I've already done dozens of allergy tests in the past and I think I'll just avoid the grass...Having your entire back covered in possible allergens is not something I want to relive....
Could be worse. You could have a patch of Poison Ivy growing in your back yard.
I discovered that the hard way and had a really bad reaction to it. My arms were bandaged up like these guys for a couple of weeks. I had to mis work too.
Could be worse. You could have a patch of Poison Ivy growing in your back yard.
I discovered that the hard way and had a really bad reaction to it. My arms were bandaged up like these guys for a couple of weeks. I had to mis work too.
View attachment 282762

If only they were shorter, then the resemblance would be uncanny ;)
I was trying to work with the weather for I don’t have to worry about that because I turned my room into a paint booth. I also need to stress that I am doing this at my own risk and don’t encourage others to try this at home. While I’m still wearing a respirator and goggles indoors this is a lot. But I have less than a week left and a lot of work to do.
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