Active Member
hehe. the crackled would be cool... lightning six. lol. looking good my friend.
So, im a little more than half way done with your chest pice. It is a beauty let me say. Once i get to resining and fiber glassing, then neck hole is going to be too small for my head to get through but in order for it to be sized right that is going to be an issue. So, as the modeler, where are you planning on cutting so you can fit into the armor?
Hope you answer soon!
Hey, lganderson how have you been resining in cold weather... getting cold here in Montana too. I don't want quit working for a couple of months because its cold. any tips
Interesting. Well be sure to tell me how thats goes. Im like, 75% done now. Just need to to the sides.I'll probably section right where I cut it to fit it.
Maybe put a hinge thing on top and clip thing on the bottom pieces.
Interesting. Well be sure to tell me how thats goes. Im like, 75% done now. Just need to to the sides.
EDIT:: So, just finished the sides and was wondering how you (as your were saying and showed me earlier) connected the two pieces on the side when you removes the other piece.
awesome O_O!!! I'm no where near where you are, and im using the earlier models so my chest piece isn't as accurate but Im guessing your new goal is to finish by Halloween?
The helmet looks so sweet! I hope mine turns out that well. I just finished fiberglassing it.
Hey, question again, did you use structural supports, i know the pep model doesnt have them. D:
I'd hate to resin it and have it warp.
i suggest u use structural support or put it on a body cast of urself, cuz mine warped severely that i had to cut the lower armor parts and will now have to reattach them seperately.
btw iganderson how'd you get the curvier ear parts? did u build up layers of bondo?
Awesome work man,
How do you get these painting effekts?!
How far are you with the AR ?!