Here is some info on my fiberglassing experience:
I have finished my pep armor and have on 1 coat of resin on most peices (2 on the helmet)
Just to let you know I spent over $100 on the fiberglassing materials so far.
I bought the Large Bulk amounts because it would be a lot cheaper in the long run I figured I would need it to complete a whole suit. I found a place that sold only Fiberglass and plastics (FiberTek)
They were a lot cheaper than any of the retail places (50% cheaper) so look around an check prices.
The 5.9 oz cloth was the best bang for the buck, the lighter stuff was going to be too weak.
Also use the unwaxed resin, it drys tacky so multi layers will stick together. The waxed type is for final gloss coats only.
Heres my breakdown:
3 L of resin $50.00 Hardener $6.00 ( 1 L will only be enought to do the Helmet)
2 Yards of 5.9 oz cloth (36" wide) $15.00 ( I will probably need more )
Gloves and Brushes $15.00
3L of Bodyfiller and hardener $25.00
I will post pics of my suit soon.
Hope this helps