Hey Rhinoc! i just got done with your Jorge R Shoulder add on and it is friggin sweet! Very smooth pep and great large tabs to fold. I give you a cookie! unfortunately if i gave a picture cookie it would count towards my pic limit and after these brief words i will show you how awesome the file was!
and without further ado.....
So once again AWESOME!!!!!! and i really cant wait until the other shoulder piece comes out!
@Artek: the only thing of jorges suit that i believe is not modeled and unfolded is the Left Shoulder attachment. If you want more files check the first post on this thread were Rhinoc lists his awesome files or check HERE for a list of other Reach files made by others.
If it is not made yet then i am sure others are already on the project...but remember everyone has a busy life and cannot just be doing this 24/7 to make things.
My suggestion to you would be to make everything else before worrying about the currently not made pieces.
OK so I had a few minutes, not enough to make Jorges shoulder from scratch, but someone (Breci) requested a reach boot. Since I already made one, I took the old and made a new! http://www.4shared.com/file/iM5OFr-s/Full_Reach_Boot.html
Hope you guys like it!
Well that would ultimately depend on the unfolder.... But seeing as how its the second unfold ive ever done, I think I did a pretty good job of it!
Only thing is... I need a password to export it into a pdo., so would there be anyway of doing this without a password?
OK because I said I would do this before I said I would do Jorges Shoulders... I have here... for the ladies... something needed... uber cool... KAT'S ROBO ARM!!!!! YAY!!!!!!
there you go, this is 3 parts... shoulder, upper forearm, lower forearm, easy slide on parts. You probably want to wear a thin black shirt with long sleeves.
Hey man, I just found out that I need a password to save or export a unfold from pep designer 3, so would it be cool if I just make the cod piece I unfolded, and just give credit to you?
Sweet! You do know that that means I wont be able to release it..... I would just be able to build it, but all credit would go to you of course (for the model).
You would still be cool with that? =/