Roll Call!

Name: Jacob or Sweed
Location: Omaha, Nebraska
Costuming since: this is my first time building but I’ve cosplayed in the past in high school.
About me: Ever since my first convention in 2015 I’ve been in awe of the cosplay communities and I’ve always wanted to be part of it. My first cosplay idea was my destiny hunter, but my 15 year old self wasn’t up to the task.
Favorite Con: Dallas Fan Expo
Costume/Props: I’ve been building a halo 4 master chief for the past three months and have painted it to look like Church from Red vs Blue. I’ve also built a magnum and hopefully will have a sniper rifle sometime soon?
Welcome, Sweed! We can't wait to see all your progress on your chief. Whats your next part you are crafting out for it?
Well the armor is all done, I’d like to build a sniper rifle but I’m looking in on how to do that
Here is a pretty decent thread about making one from foam and other materials:

Name: Michael Crane
Location: Zionsville, IN (just north of Indy)
Costuming Since: I haven't, actually, but I'd like to start! (That's why I'm here lol)
About Me: I am finishing my Freshman year (as of Spring 2021) at IUPUI with a major in mechanical engineering. My main interests are Transformers and Halo (obviously lol). I've been collecting Transformers for practically all my life.
Favorite Cons: I don't typically go to conventions, but my favorite one I've been to was Outpost Discovery, where I discovered this forum from the panel there. I somehow forgot and now here I am!
Costumes/Props: None so far. I'd like to start, but I don't really have the confidence to do so on my own.

I've always kinda struggled with making friends, and I thought that in joining this forum I'd finally find some people with common interests. I was hopefully looking for someone near me to teach me how to build a suit and help me along the way :)
I've always kinda struggled with making friends, and I thought that in joining this forum I'd finally find some people with common interests. I was hopefully looking for someone near me to teach me how to build a suit and help me along the way :)

Welcome! We do have some members out of IN, and there are plenty of people on the forums who are more than happy to help you get started or answer any questions you have. I'd suggest you take a look at the Halo Costume Tutorials section of the forums begin. Also, we have a Discord where you can ask questions and share updates on whatever you're working on (or just come hang out with us).
Welcome! We do have some members out of IN, and there are plenty of people on the forums who are more than happy to help you get started or answer any questions you have. I'd suggest you take a look at the Halo Costume Tutorials section of the forums begin. Also, we have a Discord where you can ask questions and share updates on whatever you're working on (or just come hang out with us).
Cool, thanks so much!! Is there an easy place to find templates and such? And out of curiosity, how practical/easy is it to 3D print the armor?
Cool, thanks so much!! Is there an easy place to find templates and such? And out of curiosity, how practical/easy is it to 3D print the armor?
If you check out the Tutorial section that Megan linked you to, you will see that all templates for Pep and Foam can be found sorted by game, faction, and armor set in the File Armory, located here:

3D Printing Files made available for free to the community can be found here:

Multiple members have created fully 3D printed suits, so, it is practical, but as for easy? Like all methods, no one build technique is inherently superior, easier, or accurate than another. Each has its pros and cons, things that make it comparatively more difficult and also easier than another style and at the end of the day depends on the user skill level and personal preference.
Name: My name is Brandon
Location: Originally from Fort Wayne, Indiana. I now reside in Rapid City, South Dakota.
Costuming since: I have not started yet, but intend to start printing some props then work my way into armor eventually.
About me: I love the Halo books and lore, I am currently reading Halo: Broken Circles. I love to ski and hike with my dog, so I frequently visit Colorado for both. I enjoy all the games and I am currently replaying HW2 on Legendary.
Favorite Cons: I recently worked as staff down at FanExpo in Denver. It was my first and only con I have been to and I got to meet Argus from the 405th, that is how I ended up here.
Name: Joshua/Mr White

Location: Bad Axe Michigan, if you look and your handy map of michigan (your right hand) right dead center of the thumb

Costuming since: 2018? Not a whole lot but want to start doing more

About me: Wake up at 5, get to my job as and electrical apprentice at 6, work till 5, browse social media (don't post much myself) or play games with my online friends if my potato internet will allow it :) Don't do a whole lot on weekends and want to start fabricating costumes in my free time. Also occasionally play D&D if anyone needs another player hmu.

Favorite Cons:
None! But after I get my first outfit made (hopefully a odst bike suit) I would love to meet up with some of y'all at whichever you would suggest!

Costumes/Props: Put together a Bizantean/Rus kit for a low fantasy larp I attend (weekend warrior experience for any interested).
Name: Chaos (Chris)
Location: Northwest Ohio
Costuming since: 2013
About me: Avid motorcyclist, cycling, lifting, running, board games, cons... Little bit of everything I can get. I used to be an auto tech, a soldier, and now I'm a boring data analyst.
Favorite Cons: Anime Central, Ohayocon, Matsuricon, Colossalcon
Costumes/Props: As shown in my photo, Gambit is my staple cosplay, seconded by Trevor Belmont. My skills lie in random electronics and band saws. With access to a compound miter saw, a plunge router, and a drill press, I can make stuff happen.
Name: Joshua/Mr White

Location: Bad Axe Michigan, if you look and your handy map of michigan (your right hand) right dead center of the thumb

Costuming since: 2018? Not a whole lot but want to start doing more

About me: Wake up at 5, get to my job as and electrical apprentice at 6, work till 5, browse social media (don't post much myself) or play games with my online friends if my potato internet will allow it :) Don't do a whole lot on weekends and want to start fabricating costumes in my free time. Also occasionally play D&D if anyone needs another player hmu.

Favorite Cons: None! But after I get my first outfit made (hopefully a odst bike suit) I would love to meet up with some of y'all at whichever you would suggest!

Costumes/Props: Put together a Bizantean/Rus kit for a low fantasy larp I attend (weekend warrior experience for any interested).
Welcome welcome and im about an hour away from you, I'm in Bay City
Name: Tyler/Quantum
Location: The Twin Cities area
Costuming since: 2013, always loved the idea even when I was just a kid
About me: What can I say, I love making, building computers, props, costumes, working on my truck, gaming, reading. Love it all!
Favorite Cons: Twin Cities Comic Con, C2E2
Costumes/Props: I've finished a handful of lightsabers, prop weapons from Halo, a Reach CQB helmet, and I'm currently working on my Infinite Mark VII suit!
Keeping in line with the other regiments, we will use this thread to introduce ourselves. I'll admit, I took the format from the Aussies, lol. Feel free to add more or less if you like!

Name: Aaron
Location: Mi mcbain
Costuming since: beginner haven't build any yet
About me: 13 goes to school works a little and is a big halo fan.
Favorite Cons: none till i am at the age 185 years from now
Costumes/Props: none yet


Name: Matthew aka Colonel Fork
Location: Kalamazoo, Michigan(if you look at the back of your left hand, I'm in the lower left corner near your wrist)
Costuming since: I kinda got started around this time in 2011
About me: I work, and I come home, and occasionally get the chance to hang out with friends. In fact, just had a nice casual meet up with HaloGoddess and thorn696 this past Sunday. I really enjoy aviation and the history of it. My favorite period of aviation was the war planes of WWII. If I were to pick a favorite aircraft from the era, it'd either be the F4F Wildcat or the ME109.
Favorite Cons: So far I've attended 4 different conventions, most of them in the Detroit area, but I've been to Anime Central in Chicago, YoumaCon and Midwest Media Expo in downtown Detroit and Motor City Comic Con in Novi, MI. I mostly prefer staying in MI, as it's much easier for me to get around.
Costumes/Props: So far my Reach armor consists of both parts made by me with friends and a few commissioned parts. I'm currently trying my hand at building a Reach DMR out of foam and PVC pipe.

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Name: Tyler
Location: North East Ohio
Costuming since: 2020
About me: Im just a nerd trying to make my way in the universe, lol
Favorite Cons: Most stuff around the Ohio Area. FanExpo (formerly wizard world), ColossalCon, Ohayocon. Trying to get out of my comfort zone and travel to some cons out of state though! Although I will say I've attended some big ones, not in costume though: (Star Wars celebration 2017 and 2019).
Costumes/Props: 2 Mandalorian Armor kits, and currently am working on my Sean Bradley ODST kit (currently in the armor assembly phase, main trimming and sanding of the armor/backpack I wrapped on last week)
Name: Tyler
Location: North East Ohio
Costuming since: 2020
About me: Im just a nerd trying to make my way in the universe, lol
Favorite Cons: Most stuff around the Ohio Area. FanExpo (formerly wizard world), ColossalCon, Ohayocon. Trying to get out of my comfort zone and travel to some cons out of state though! Although I will say I've attended some big ones, not in costume though: (Star Wars celebration 2017 and 2019).
Costumes/Props: 2 Mandalorian Armor kits, and currently am working on my Sean Bradley ODST kit (currently in the armor assembly phase, main trimming and sanding of the armor/backpack I wrapped on last week)
Hey SoleofDeath look! You got a friend!
Name: Mike (Pnut, E-17)
Location: Olathe, KS
Costuming since: In and out of costumes since 2008
About me: Happily married father of three. I work daily as a professor, and also help operate and maintain my families business. Been around costuming and cosplay for over ten years.
Favorite Cons: Planet Con, and C2E2
Costumes/Props: ODST Innie, ODST, Spartan Mk3. DMR, MA5C, M7-socom, M6-Socom full kit, M6K, spike rifle, spike grenade, and M6G reach magnum.
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