Roll Call!

Name: Garrett
Location: Near Minneapolis, Minnesota
Costuming since: Really got into it around 2012
About me: Long time fan of Halo since CE, I remember having LAN parties with Halo 3 way back in the day. I have my bachelors in psychology. I generally like outdoorsy stuff, shooting, camping, hiking. Also love anything mechanical. I used to have an old profile on here but it is long gone so I have made a new one here hoping to be more active now that life has settled down. You can catch me on the facebook group as well!
Favorite Cons: Hoping to make it to Galaxy Con, Animinneaopolis, Anime Detour, Convergence, will occasionally make it over to wisconsin for Kitsune con.
Costumes/Props: I unfortunately had to restart all my work! It got ruined in a move so i am starting fresh! Working on an old school pepakura odst build!
Name: Garrett
Location: Near Minneapolis, Minnesota
Costuming since: Really got into it around 2012
About me: Long time fan of Halo since CE, I remember having LAN parties with Halo 3 way back in the day. I have my bachelors in psychology. I generally like outdoorsy stuff, shooting, camping, hiking. Also love anything mechanical. I used to have an old profile on here but it is long gone so I have made a new one here hoping to be more active now that life has settled down. You can catch me on the facebook group as well!
Favorite Cons: Hoping to make it to Galaxy Con, Animinneaopolis, Anime Detour, Convergence, will occasionally make it over to wisconsin for Kitsune con.
Costumes/Props: I unfortunately had to restart all my work! It got ruined in a move so i am starting fresh! Working on an old school pepakura odst build!
Let's gooooooo another minnesotan. Welcome aboard Garrett.
Name: Garrett
Location: Near Minneapolis, Minnesota
Costuming since: Really got into it around 2012
About me: Long time fan of Halo since CE, I remember having LAN parties with Halo 3 way back in the day. I have my bachelors in psychology. I generally like outdoorsy stuff, shooting, camping, hiking. Also love anything mechanical. I used to have an old profile on here but it is long gone so I have made a new one here hoping to be more active now that life has settled down. You can catch me on the facebook group as well!
Favorite Cons: Hoping to make it to Galaxy Con, Animinneaopolis, Anime Detour, Convergence, will occasionally make it over to wisconsin for Kitsune con.
Costumes/Props: I unfortunately had to restart all my work! It got ruined in a move so i am starting fresh! Working on an old school pepakura odst build!
Welcome to the 405th Garrett! Im the midwest membership officer feel free to message me if you have any questions!
Name: Garrett
Location: Near Minneapolis, Minnesota
Favorite Cons: Hoping to make it to Galaxy Con, Animinneaopolis, Anime Detour, Convergence, will occasionally make it over to wisconsin for Kitsune con.
I'm near the dells, if you come for kitsune, maybe consider daisho con in the wisconsin dells? They just expanded the convention center and it's huge now at the kalahari. Also i've thought of going to galaxy con so we might see eachother some day!!
I'm near the dells, if you come for kitsune, maybe consider daisho con in the wisconsin dells? They just expanded the convention center and it's huge now at the kalahari. Also i've thought of going to galaxy con so we might see each other some day!!

My girlfriend is from Green Bay so its one we both wanted to go to together. I will definitely look into Daisho Con! Its been yeeeeaaars since ive been to the dells! itd be nice to go back! Itd be kind of cool to get a whole bunch of members and do a photo shoot on a duck boat, kind of like a landing party type of deal.
Name: Dylan Sparks aka D
Location: Currently North Fairfield, OH
Costuming since: I am only just starting but I am receiving some amazing help from the 405th.
About me: Well there is quiet a bit about me even though I don't really do much with it. I have a wife and two kids my wife's name is Micala and my children are Ian and Ella if you ever play or chat with me more than likely you will hear them. I was in the USMC as a Mortarman for six years and was Honorably Discharged as a E-5 and have two deployments one combat, the other Training. I currently work as a Plant Mechanic for a Pepperidge Farm factory where i do the Mechanical and Electrical work so a specific zone. The downside to this is I work afternoons and its seven days a week with two days off per month usually ( so if you are wanting to hang out Ill need to make specific plans so that I can call off)
Favorite Cons: I have zero idea as I have never done it before
Costumes/Props: Waiting on Foam delivery.
My girlfriend is from Green Bay so its one we both wanted to go to together. I will definitely look into Daisho Con! Its been yeeeeaaars since ive been to the dells! itd be nice to go back! Itd be kind of cool to get a whole bunch of members and do a photo shoot on a duck boat, kind of like a landing party type of deal.
Awesome!!! I'm thinking about hitting kitsune for saturday if the con doesn't get canceled this year. Daisho is in November, so that probably won't get canceled, and i'm doing all 3 days :)

Welcome TrUeKiLa glad to see the children of the corn expanding.
Awesome!!! I'm thinking about hitting kitsune for saturday if the con doesn't get canceled this year. Daisho is in November, so that probably won't get canceled, and i'm doing all 3 days :)

Welcome TrUeKiLa glad to see the children of the corn expanding.

We arent expanding anymore though so the two is all you get lol but my son is about to turn 6 so hey may disappear here soon
Name: Chappy aka TheCrimsonChapperling
Location: Detroit - ish area MI
Costuming since: Slowly and consistently since 2012, I love making!
About me: Work fully time craft the rest of the time. Huge fan of both Halo, Doom, and Anime... so much anime... Not on here as often as I like but I always enjoy seeing the work everyone does.
Favorite Cons: Still mourning the loss of Motor City Comicon this year... Really wan to hit Youmacon assuming it doesn't bite the dust!
Costumes/Props: Right now me and my buddy are building a set of reach armor through pepakura, we plan to cast the finished armor because we are basically the same size. Gonna get started on a foam build of the Magnum and DMR this weekend! Also 3D printed a ODST for the rest of that foam build... unfortunate its about 10% too small...

Name: Adam. Bootstrap
Location: lincoln, NE
Costuming since: 2014
About me: I really enjoy costuming. I have been part of the 501st star wars group since 2014 with a wide array of costumes. I have 3 kids and 2 of them enjoy costuming as well.
Favorite Cons: O! Comic con
Costumes/Props: not sure where to start really.
Name: Adam. Bootstrap
Location: lincoln, NE
Costuming since: 2014
About me: I really enjoy costuming. I have been part of the 501st star wars group since 2014 with a wide array of costumes. I have 3 kids and 2 of them enjoy costuming as well.
Favorite Cons: O! Comic con
Costumes/Props: not sure where to start really.
Oh my god! Someone from Nebraska!!! Finally! Welcome aboard my friend!
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