Roll Call!

Name: Chloe Dumoulin
Location: St Louis, MO
Costuming since: I’ve been cosplaying since 2018
About me: I am a security officer who has a lot of free time to think and plan cosplays
Favorite Cons: Anime STL
Costumes/Props: I am working with some friends to help me make some ODST armor and my favorite cosplay was my May Marigold cosplay from RWBY


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Name: Chloe Dumoulin
Location: St Louis, MO
Costuming since: I’ve been cosplaying since 2018
About me: I am a security officer who has a lot of free time to think and plan cosplays
Favorite Cons: Anime STL
Costumes/Props: I am working with some friends to help me make some ODST armor and my favorite cosplay was my May Marigold cosplay from RWBY
Its wild how many members we got popping up in Missouri, welcome to the club! Happy to have you and you got some amazing builders in your area like Emp Frosty and Fallen !
Name: Freddie Ironbear AKA Ironbear Armory
Location: Indianapolis, Indiana
Costuming since: 2017
About me: Hello! My name is Freddie Ironbear! I've been making costumes since 2017 but I started making more elaborate builds and competing in fabrication contests last year. My build focus is armor of all kinds and genres but I tend to be attracted to historical/ medieval fantasy armor!
Favorite Cons: Indy PopCon, C2E2, DragonCon, ACen
I am so honored to have you in our regiment, Gotta say you Shovel Knight lit a huge fire under my butt to continue my plans to make him. And you are in very close range to ixRainShadowxi being in Indiana, another wonderful builder. :)
Name: Alex aka "Snake and Nape" or Snake for short

Location: I'm from Macomb Michigan about an hour outside of Detroit

Costuming since: Started back in 2020 during covid with an foam ODST build

About me: Always have been a huge Halo fan growing up. I'm a Sheriff Deputy so I'm often stuck at work but when I'm not, I'm tinkering with my 3d printers or participating in reenactments ww1 through Vietnam.

Favorite Cons: I've been to motor city comic con, grand rapids comic and youmacon. Hope to go to some larger conventions.

Costumes/Props: I've 3d printed a set of custom reach armor and multiple odst helmets for my friends, as well as help my dad with printing his reach armor. View attachment 324874
Your work is insanely clean, well done! You got plenty of folks it seems to collaborate with in Michigan and I'd love to find myself out there at some point or have you at our big cons like Planet and C2E2 one year! Welcome to the Midwest! :)
Keeping in line with the other regiments, we will use this thread to introduce ourselves. I'll admit, I took the format from the Aussies, lol. Feel free to add more or less if you like!

Name: Put what your preferred name is here, whether it's a real name or a moniker.
Location: Give a general geographic region to help find others near you!
Costuming since: When did you start costuming/building?
About me: Tell us a little about yourself. Twitter profile or autobiography.
Favorite Cons: What cons are we likely to see you at?
Costumes/Props: Share some of your work, completed or in-progress.


Name: Matthew aka Colonel Fork
Location: Kalamazoo, Michigan(if you look at the back of your left hand, I'm in the lower left corner near your wrist)
Costuming since: I kinda got started around this time in 2011
About me: I work, and I come home, and occasionally get the chance to hang out with friends. In fact, just had a nice casual meet up with HaloGoddess and thorn696 this past Sunday. I really enjoy aviation and the history of it. My favorite period of aviation was the war planes of WWII. If I were to pick a favorite aircraft from the era, it'd either be the F4F Wildcat or the ME109.
Favorite Cons: So far I've attended 4 different conventions, most of them in the Detroit area, but I've been to Anime Central in Chicago, YoumaCon and Midwest Media Expo in downtown Detroit and Motor City Comic Con in Novi, MI. I mostly prefer staying in MI, as it's much easier for me to get around.
Costumes/Props: So far my Reach armor consists of both parts made by me with friends and a few commissioned parts. I'm currently trying my hand at building a Reach DMR out of foam and PVC pipe.

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Keeping in line with the other regiments, we will use this thread to introduce ourselves. I'll admit, I took the format from the Aussies, lol. Feel free to add more or less if you like!

Name: Put what your preferred name is here, whether it's a real name or a moniker.
Location: Give a general geographic region to help find others near you!
Costuming since: When did you start costuming/building?
About me: Tell us a little about yourself. Twitter profile or autobiography.
Favorite Cons: What cons are we likely to see you at?
Costumes/Props: Share some of your work, completed or in-progress.


Name: Matthew aka Colonel Fork
Location: Kalamazoo, Michigan(if you look at the back of your left hand, I'm in the lower left corner near your wrist)
Costuming since: I kinda got started around this time in 2011
About me: I work, and I come home, and occasionally get the chance to hang out with friends. In fact, just had a nice casual meet up with HaloGoddess and thorn696 this past Sunday. I really enjoy aviation and the history of it. My favorite period of aviation was the war planes of WWII. If I were to pick a favorite aircraft from the era, it'd either be the F4F Wildcat or the ME109.
Favorite Cons: So far I've attended 4 different conventions, most of them in the Detroit area, but I've been to Anime Central in Chicago, YoumaCon and Midwest Media Expo in downtown Detroit and Motor City Comic Con in Novi, MI. I mostly prefer staying in MI, as it's much easier for me to get around.
Costumes/Props: So far my Reach armor consists of both parts made by me with friends and a few commissioned parts. I'm currently trying my hand at building a Reach DMR out of foam and PVC pipe.

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Spartan Name: Spartan 513
Mandalorian Name: Bengalorian
Location: Ohio proud! Cincinnati/Dayton
Costuming since: I started this journey 4 years ago! So excited to actually find like minded people who share this fun passion!
About me: I am a 14 year Army veteran who grew up on Halo. Master Chief is the ultimate character and over the years discovering new characters through reading the books and games I just felt falling in love with Halo more and more. I run a Twitter page called The Bengalorian and work very closely with the Cincinnati Bengals as a Bengals themed Mandalorian. Charity events, promotions and overall fun cosplay for the NFL! The page has exploded and I sit currently near 20k followers that I interact with regularly! Check it out! I also just started a Twitter page for my Spartan called Spartan 513!
Favorite Cons: I have never been to a con and want to go VERY badly! Just need to find one and pull the trigger!
Costumes/Props: Below is some of my work!
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Spartan Name: Spartan 513
Mandalorian Name: Bengalorian
Location: Ohio proud! Cincinnati/Dayton
Costuming since: I started this journey 4 years ago! So excited to actually find like minded people who share this fun passion!
About me: I am a 14 year Army veteran who grew up on Halo. Master Chief is the ultimate character and over the years discovering new characters through reading the books and games I just felt falling in love with Halo more and more. I run a Twitter page called The Bengalorian and work very closely with the Cincinnati Bengals as a Bengals themed Mandalorian. Charity events, promotions and overall fun cosplay for the NFL! The page has exploded and I sit currently near 20k followers that I interact with regularly! Check it out! I also just started a Twitter page for my Spartan called Spartan 513!
Favorite Cons: I have never been to a con and want to go VERY badly! Just need to find one and pull the trigger!
Costumes/Props: Below is some of my work!View attachment 325098View attachment 325099View attachment 325100
Welcome I love the armor and you are right it is fun to do
Name: Freddie Ironbear AKA Ironbear Armory
Location: Indianapolis, Indiana
Costuming since: 2017
About me: Hello! My name is Freddie Ironbear! I've been making costumes since 2017 but I started making more elaborate builds and competing in fabrication contests last year. My build focus is armor of all kinds and genres but I tend to be attracted to historical/ medieval fantasy armor!
Favorite Cons: Indy PopCon, C2E2, DragonCon, ACen
Wooo!! Happy to have ya with me in Indianapolis!! Get that Halo suit grind on! Looking forward to the future of possible trooping with you!
Name: Arion (middle)
Location: Milwaukee Wisconsin
Costuming since: hard to remember, since I was a kid, I remember that.
About me: Loves Anime and Horror
Favorite Cons: Anime Milwaukee or anywhere close to Wisconsin
Costumes/Props: Am working on a custom Rakshasa armor, will be eying out everything and using foam.
Name: Arion (middle)
Location: Milwaukee Wisconsin
Costuming since: hard to remember, since I was a kid, I remember that.
About me: Loves Anime and Horror
Favorite Cons: Anime Milwaukee or anywhere close to Wisconsin
Costumes/Props: Am working on a custom Rakshasa armor, will be eying out everything and using foam.
Welcome aboard just joined not to long ago but already have met some amazing people who are always willing to offer tips and tricks. Haven't seen to many rakshasa builds so im excited to see the finished build
Name: Arion (middle)
Location: Milwaukee Wisconsin
Costuming since: hard to remember, since I was a kid, I remember that.
About me: Loves Anime and Horror
Favorite Cons: Anime Milwaukee or anywhere close to Wisconsin
Costumes/Props: Am working on a custom Rakshasa armor, will be eying out everything and using foam.
I'll see you at AMKE! i'll be in my fallout power armor though for that one.
Once i get my entrenched armor going i'll hit you up, let me know if you have an insta or anything.
I'll see you at AMKE! i'll be in my fallout power armor though for that one.
Once i get my entrenched armor going i'll hit you up, let me know if you have an insta or anything.
Am currently deciding if I should go to amke this year, last year wasn't so great in my opinion but most likely am going. Hopefully I can get my armor finish before then and will definitely share my progress here and on my Insta(Shyly_eyes)
Name: Arion (middle)
Location: Milwaukee Wisconsin
Costuming since: hard to remember, since I was a kid, I remember that.
About me: Loves Anime and Horror
Favorite Cons: Anime Milwaukee or anywhere close to Wisconsin
Costumes/Props: Am working on a custom Rakshasa armor, will be eying out everything and using foam.
Ayy, welcome!
Name: Super Dave
Location: Macomb, MI
Costuming since: 2020
About me: My son and I have always been interested in Comic Cons/Cosplay/Costuming. We made our first costume using form. During Covid we bought two 3D printers and have enjoyed using them ever since.
Favorite Cons: So far I have just been to the Motor City ComicCon
Costumes/Props: This is my son and I with our first 3D printed costumes. I'm the short one LOL


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Been on here awhile, but figured I would be post this here. Maybe done one before but that was a few years ago and things have been strange.
Name: J.T..
Location: Alma,Mi
Costuming since: I started in 2019 with a Jedi and tried my hand at building an ODST which failed when life happened.
About me: I'm a dad,musician,and gamer.
Favorite Cons: Have never been to a con, but will be at almacon in March of 2023 for my first. Looking forward to it.
Costumes/Props: I have a custom Mandalorian I've been working on which is already in the forums, and starting a new ODST for myself, and one for my daughter. She loves the ODST and we play firefight all the time together..
After joining in 2019, life happened (as it does), but now I'm able to focus on what I want to do with my time, I just released my solo guitar instrumental album online which was in the works for almost 20 years, and now I'm getting back to cosplay and building my character.


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Name: Lene
Location: Ohio (around 30-45 minutes away from Columbus)
Costuming since: N/A
About me: I’m a 15-year old cis female. My pronouns are she/her, and I’ve been a HALO fan for about 2 years now. I’m super excited to be working with all of you, and gaining inspiration from all of your amazing works!
Favorite Cons: I don’t have any experiences in going to conventions yet, but in the future I plan to look for conventions in my area.
Costumes/Props: I don’t have any HALO projects in progress quite yet, but I am working on a Mandalorian helmet as my first overall costume project because it’s something I can do as a beginner.
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