Roll Call!

Name: Spencer
Location: Jackson MI
Costuming since: I would have to say 2011 is when I started and "FInished" my first suit in early 2012. Since then I have been fixing and improving it.
About me: Right now im on the bumpy road of keeping a college schedule, as I try and become a Mechanical Engineer. Which will cause me to balance a job and a hobby that will feed into each other. Once in a while i'll power up my xbox to enjoy some Mass Effect (Favorite game ever) and of course Halo. Being a bit Carefree and sarcastic is not an amazing combination when dealing with people who dont know me well, but makes for great stories.
Favorite Cons: So far the only one Ive been able to go to is Motor City Comic Con, which is where I met ColFork85, and a handful of others. Though if I had the funds for it I would also go to Youmacon, and a few nearby ones.
Costumes/Props: So far I only have the Reach Grenadier. Though I do have a WIP Reach Sniper rifle, Mass Effect Omni blade, and a few suits I want to do down the road, like Mass Effect, Iron Man, Halo 3, and, fingers crossed, a Mechagodzilla 3.
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Name: Gary
Location: Novi, Mi
Costuming since: 2010
About me: Just transplanted from SoCal to Michigan. I'm currently a stay at home dad while my wife gets her career sorted. I've been away from the 405th for a few years but am back and am ready to pickup on some old projects
Favorite Cons: West Coast: SDCC, Wondercon and Comikaze
Midwest: Wizard World Chicago (the only I have been able to go to so far)
Costumes/Props: A few years back I did an ODST and I started a Jorge costume but put the breaks on it a few years ago to pursue my Street Judge project. I'm picking up where I left off from with Jorge in hopes for the next con season

Name: Grif
Location: Wichita, KS
Costuming since: 2014
About me: Senior in college. Avid Halo and RvB fan.
Favorite Cons: RTX, Planet Comicon, Air Capital Comicon
Costumes/Props: Completed mostly self designed CAMS cadet armor and casual/work dress uniform. Started pep work on Mjolnir Mk. VI. Finishing M6C Magnum
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Name: Daniel M
Location: Cincinnati OH
Costuming since: 1998
About me: I work for the Government, been costuming for years and wanting to increase my abilities. I am a martial artist.
Favorite Cons: Starbase Indy & Marcon
Costumes/Props: Finished (Ish): Klingon (TOS TAS and TNG versions)
WIP: Jorge
Space Marine
Idea planning stage: Olaf (from Frozen) Sith
Stormtrooper (Snow Regular and episode 7)
Hello Kitty Zombie
Name: Connor Murphy, "Murf" or "Chops" also! Spaceagedpolymer around the web!
Location: Wyandotte, Michigan
Costuming: since 2009 but building halo related armor in 2014
About me: run an art blog I'm an artist and a musician in the detroit area currently in college, hopefully studying to be an animator. Currently in two bands, Boyfrienders and Devil World, very local projects. All around love the halo series, it was my first real fps and I've been hooked since then!
Favorite Cons: pretty much only made it to colossal con in sandusky and Youmacon in Detroit but they were both great!
Costumes/Props: Finished and also scrapped odst build i made for youmacon this year, my first build and it really didn't hold together too long besides the helmet

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Soon to be building an actual serious build, probably out of foam, I am thinking Hayabusa and or ODST sniper, have not yet made up my mind lol!
I am also planning to make a few prop weapons, i am looking at making an M41 launcher and a SRS99C-S2 AM sniper!
Welcome! I'm sure you'll be happy to see all the people from Michigan around here :) Hopefully we can get you introduced to them pretty soon. I know with the holidays people are with their families and friends.
(sorry for the large photos)

Ben Cobb
Location: Centerville, OH
Costuming since: 2009, I was 12!
About me: I'm an 18 year old High School Senior, I joined the 405th when I was in the 7th grade and have really frequented the site ever since! I've seen members come and go and I very rarely post now, but trust me...I am watching...
I started costuming when I was 12 and thought "I'd like to wear Chief's armor!" two years later I was sporting a custom Gears of War armor :confused Anyway after a year since joining I released my Reach files I had been working on (I hate every single one of them now, so many things I have learned modeling wise since I made those!) Then I made the Gears suit and then a custom Mark VI (both just...horrible.) and finally I made a Master Chief, a Halo 4 one to be specific! It was after that that I tackled making two suits at the same time, Agent York and Carolina from Red vs Blue, HUGE SUCCESS! Some of the best work I've ever put into anything. I was able to sell the York but unfortunately I no longer have the Carolina (left it at an ex-girlfriend's house...yay...) Feeling dejected after that I stopped working on suits for awhile, but after 5 months of no work I picked up my ODST suit again and finished it. I'm not necessarily extremely happy with it but it still looks fantastic! That is the last thing I have worked on, I do plan on a Mass Effect suit very soon though...
When not costuming I work tech and act at my High School theatre, our productions rival professional theatre and is one of the best high school theatre's in the state of Ohio! I will be attending Miami University (Ohio) next year, majoring in Theatre and minoring in Interactive Media Studies.
So thats me! Now you know a bit more about Rhinoc!
Favorite Cons: Wizard World Ohio, (maybe RTX next year!)
I apologize for the crummy quality of photos...

Gears (oh how i dont like this one...)

Mark VI (poorly constructed honestly, but its alright! Thats my brother in the photo)

The Chief (I was actually pretty happy with this guy, forearms a bit small but it survived pretty well!)

York and Carolina (my pride and joy, I know it sounds horrible but I miss the suit more than the girl, long story)


ODST Codename THESPIS (I dont think there is an photo of the finished suit, i'll do some digging. This guy actually got to be scanned at Doppelgänger Labs, the first company to bring their 3d scanning and printing tech to the public. Instead of 5 minutes or more to scan it takes 12 seconds and the statue comes out 1/9 size and made of ceramic. Its pretty cool, they brought me in as the first cosplayer to use it and I got to do it free!)


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Name: Austin Karl, aka Spartan James Sierra-247

Location: Kirksville, MO!

Costuming since: I've been following this site for a year or two before I joined, but only just started building in December 2014.

About me: I'm a CS major at Truman State University. I enjoy playing and making video games, I also do some Web Development. I have a YouTube channel and Twitter, both usernames murishani047. Fun fact if you don't know, murishani means Bounty Hunter in Huttese. Also, the 47 is an inside joke with me and my friends, because then I can use AK47 as a clan tag in games and it's funny because it is actually my initials.

Favorite Cons: Haven't been to any yet! Hope to change that soon.

Costumes/Props: Here's my old pep build (left) and my current build (right):


Also made a Captain America Shield out of a Dish 500 satellite:

What's upEverybody,

Name: David Nicklas

Location: Pingree Grove, Illinois

Age/ statues: I was born in 1983 and I'm currently engaged and my fiancé barely tolerates my armor building and me talking about my armor.

Occupation: Security Officer

Armor: Halo Reach Commander with Jetpack

About: I'm a very simple individual and I'm really not that exciting.

Hobbies: I love video games and just recently got into the Halo series, I watch the Walking Dead, Big Bang Theory and Netflix. I've been working on my armor a lot so my hobby list was cut down to a very short list.

This is my first armor build and its been a fun learning process. I help out others with there builds and enjoy doing it. I cant wait to see you guys at C2E2 in April.

Thank you for accepting my request to join this regiment and I will see you guys later.
Name: Rachel Chojnacki

Location: Chicago, IL

Costuming since:
I started cosplaying in 2009, but didn't make my suit until 2012.

About me:
I'm 23, and I work as a graphic designer for a retail real estate company in Chicago. Even though I'm just starting out on the forums, I already know a good chunk of you through attending numerous cons throughout the year. I made my suit specifically to be Red vs Blue's Grif, which is why it's an yellowish-orange.

Favorite Cons:
I'm at every major con in Chicago, including C2E2, Wizard World, and ACen, and I've also added Youmacon onto my list of must-attends, as there are so many fantastic Michigan-based Spartans. Youmacon might be my favorite con. I also have plans to make the drive down to Georgia for Dragoncon, which will be my first time attending. I'm genuinely excited to meet all the new faces underneath the unfamiliar helmets of the Southern Regiment.

Since I'm super bored of the standard "now pose and look cool" pictures of armor, I thought I'd show you my armor doing stuff you don't normally see armor do.

Here's me drinking a juice box.

Here I am playing an arcade game.

Now I'm listening to Story Time with Cortana in my local Barnes & Noble 6.

Now I'm trying on dresses with Gio. He think's it would look better in green.

Here you can see me relaxing on a couch contemplating the great questions of life.

For example, were those the droids I was looking for?

My friend Alyssa and I recreating The Titanic. Look Jack, I'm flying!

And this is when I summoned an army of kids to take down my blue counterpart.
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Oh, who's that, you say? That's just Alan Tudyk, aka Wash from Firefly, photobombing us at Wizard World.

And here's a photo of my friend's dog for no reason.
Name: Christopher
Location:Flushing, MI
Costuming Since: 2008
About Me: Halloween has always been my favorite holiday. Most of my costumes are thread and cloth, but tried a bit of pepakura. The only problem I've been having making armor is that I can't get the resin mixes right.
Favorite Con: I haven't really been to one. There is a small convention in Flint (Koyo fest) that I've been to. Won a prize with my "Assassin's Creed" costume.

I really wanted to make my ODST three years back, but weather and resin difficulties set me back.
These are Hugh Holder's models that I got from here

My "Assassin's Creed"

One that was inspired by the claw from "Prototype" but not based on.
Name: Jamie
Location: Columbus, Ohio
Costuming since: 2011
About me: Professional Freelance Illustrator.
Twitter: Jsnellart
Instagram: Artist_JamieSnell
Favorite Cons: Dragon Con!
Halo: Complete ODST
Star Wars: Tusken and Tie Reserve. Ordered an Anovos TK kit. Should have Fall 2015
custom Mandalorian Merc
Maybe working on a GhostBusters this summer.
Name: MattLocation: Greenville, Ohio (west central)
Costuming since: 2009, when I joined the 405th
About me: Husband, and father to 2 wonderful kids. I work in two-way communications sales and service, and work primarily with first responders.
Favorite Cons: Have yet to attend
Costumes/Props: I completed a Halo 3 Master Chief build back in 2008, and have started a couple different projects since. Items on my to-do list are a Halo 3 ODST, Reach Recon Spartan and Didact.
Name: Chase314
Location: Aurora IL
Costuming: Cosplaying since 2013, but I always have put together very elaborate Halloween costumes :)
About me: I love gaming (videogames, tabletop and roleplaying), in addition to Cosplaying. Unfortunately, I work in IT and recently got engaged, so I don't have as much free time for my hobbies as I would like :)
Favorite Cons: Dragoncon
Costumes/Props: Dexter, Axton from Borderlands, Grammaton Cleric, ODST (Still in progress)

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Name: Scott Shuttleworth a.k.a. CptIns8n087(xboxlive)
Location: Clawson, MI
Costuming: started 2014 still kinda a begginer
About Me: I love HALO, it has been a big part of my life for many years. I work for AppleCare as a senior technical advisor.
Favorite Cons: Youmacon, Shutocon, MotoCity Comic Con
Costumes: ODST(almost complete), ODST Dress Uniform(just starting)
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