Roll Call!

Hey guys. Um I've had this account for a while but this is the first time I've actually used it properly so... yea.

Name: Cheyenne, but most people call me Orka
Location: Wellington, OH
Costuming since: 2017
About me: Went to College, hated it. I did photography for my HS Yearbook and I want to get into cosplay photography. I'm also a RvB nerd and I know way too much about Killer Whales and Dolphins
Favorite Cons: Ohayocon!
Costumes/Props: Casual Washington, Captain America, and I'm working on my ODST armor I named Rosebud
Name: LT. Azimuth
Location: Toledo, OH
Costuming since: Costuming since I was very young (Was in theater and loved renaissance faires) maybe single digits. Didn't start "Cosplay" until about 2015.
About me: Veteran of the U.S. Coast Guard (was in for 7 years) now I'm a security officer. Member of the Michigan Misfits Cosplay Battalion. Love the outdoors, love being active, love playing halo and building cosplay.
Favorite Cons: What cons are we likely to see you at?
Costumes/Props: View media item 4022
Name: LT. Azimuth
Location: Toledo, OH
Costuming since: Costuming since I was very young (Was in theater and loved renaissance faires) maybe single digits. Didn't start "Cosplay" until about 2015.
About me: Veteran of the U.S. Coast Guard (was in for 7 years) now I'm a security officer. Member of the Michigan Misfits Cosplay Battalion. Love the outdoors, love being active, love playing halo and building cosplay.
Favorite Cons: What cons are we likely to see you at?
Costumes/Props: View media item 4022

Medic up!
In the meantime MMB is working on putting together a UNSC Army Weapons Company. So I’m gonna be looking for some hard to find Pep files.

I believe I saw Ian asking in the unaffiliated Halo Props Facebook page yesterday about some obscure UNSC weapon pep files for this project. Feel free to start a thread in the Halo Props section about what files you guys are looking for and we can see what we can do to help you track them down.
I believe I saw Ian asking in the unaffiliated Halo Props Facebook page yesterday about some obscure UNSC weapon pep files for this project. Feel free to start a thread in the Halo Props section about what files you guys are looking for and we can see what we can do to help you track them down.
Hahaha, yep, that's me! Will do.
Name: Darryl - off__earth on Instagram & Twitter
Location: Dayton, OH
Costuming since: 2014
About me: Amateur Prop Maker, Father, Facility Manager and Pro Tinkerer!
Favorite Cons: Cincinnati Comic Expo, Lexington Comic Expo, Dragoncon
Costumes/Props: ODST Weta Inspired in progress

Name: Cody
Location: Dubuque, Iowa
Costuming since: Been cosplaying since 2012, started doing foam crafting in 2017
About me: Currently work two jobs, and attending school to become a paramedic. First foam crafting project was my original retired ODST, took a week this year to build a reach ODST and purchase a new helmet online. I've staffed at a lot of conventions over the years, and love to try to drive for improvements for the next year.
Favorite Cons: Fur squared, Midwest furfest, mostly furcons but I'd love to do a con that's less furry and more haloy.
ODST 1.0 (Retired)
Half-Life 2 Civil Protection
Reach ODST
Name: Jonah Zajdzinski (NobleofDeath16)
Location: Central Illinois
Costuming since: 2008, my first convention was Wizard World as Young Link.
About me: Outside of deployments and costume building, I work as a Shift Supervisor with Starbucks Corporation and am heading into the tech field for my career! I also have an absolute passion for the Culinary Arts and Theatric Arts!
Favorite Cons: C2E2, Anime Central, Anime Milwaukee (AMKE), and I'd love to make it to Dragon or Katsu one day~
Costumes/Props: I have made a full ODST suit, reiterated on it three times over the course of a few years, and have made an Assault Rifle and Silenced SMG. Currently working on an SPnKr Rocket Launcher, and a new set of SMGs as well as a suit commission!

Here are some completed photos of my suit! (Assault Rifle pictured provided by The WarDrobe Armory, my original AR has long since taken a dirt nap)

NobleofDeath16 it was a blast trooping with you this weekend, can’t wait until next time. Hopefully we can get some of these new faces to a local con soon too!
Name: Matthew aka Colonel Fork
Location: Kalamazoo, Michigan(if you look at the back of your left hand, I'm in the lower left corner near your wrist)
Costuming since: I kinda got started around this time in 2011
About me: I work, and I come home, and occasionally get the chance to hang out with friends. I really enjoy aviation and the history of it. My favorite period of aviation was the war planes of WWII. I also participate in WWII reenactment.
Favorite Cons: YoumaCon in downtown Detroit
Costumes/Props: So far my Reach armor consists of both parts made by me with friends and a few commissioned parts. I'm currently trying my hand at building a Reach DMR out of foam and PVC pipe. Though I bought a 3D printed DMR and did the finish work myself.

P.S. It's good to be back and I'm grateful for a 2nd chance.
Name: Foxcario.
Location: Kansas (good luck guess where in Kansas!)
Costuming since: 2 - 3 years ago-ish.
About me: I graduated college with a degree in Bakery Science & Management in December 2017 | I'm a noob cosplayer lol | Chinese-American (I was born in the US, my parents are Chinese) | I was born on March 29, 1992 | My username is a combination of two things: The fact that I like foxes, and Lucario is my favorite Pokemon.
Costumes/Props: I've only made an ODST suit and a Marine suit with Andrew DFT's templates. lol

I wish I could go to Halo Outpost Discovery. If was able to attend, I'd probably be able to say it's my favorite con. I've attended San Diego Comic Con in 2013 and 2017, Anthrocon in 2017 and 2018, Texas Furry Fiesta in 2017 and 2018, and Midwest Furfest in 2018. I haven't been able to go to any conventions this year.
Hmm, guess I never officially signed up for a regiment. Might as well do it now that I'm back into costuming again.

Name: Jason, went by Jason225 on here when we could change our display names. My current name is an embarrassing relic from the mid 2000's, wish we could still change them.
Location: St. Louis, MO
Costuming since: Well, it says I joined the 405th in... woah, 2007? I feel old.
About me: I'm a machinist, I can eat around 4 packages of Lunchable pizzas in a sitting (my guilty pleasure), and I'm obsessed with collecting Dragon Ball Z figurines.
Favorite Cons: To be honest, I'm not sure. Once I completely finish my ODST armor this year, I'll decide which cons I want to check out first.
Costumes/Props: Halo 3: ODST "Rookie" style armor currently in progress.
Hello Jason, I just want to let you know that posting in this thread does not get you automatically added to the Regiment. If you would like to Join the regiment, check out this thread:
Regiment membership - please all read
And follow the instructions there.

Additionally, while members can no longer change their own name, it can be done on the Site Admin side and Fangs can get your user name changed if you post in this thread:
Member Name Changelog
With your request and the new username you would like to have.
I can finally introduce myself here!

Name: Nicolas
Location: Milwaukee, WI
Costuming since: Costuming since I was 10 (2009) but it was another 10 years until I went from there to here.
About me: I'm a Software Engineering major at the Milwaukee School of Engineering (minors in Math, User Experience, Technical Communication) with a strong interest in artificial intelligence (online degree in Deep Learning as of this year). Beyond that I'm a huge DIY fan and gamer, so in my free time I'm either gaming it out, or building something crazy.
Favorite Cons: I'll be at Wisccon and HOD Chicago
Pictures: Coming soon. My suit should be done this weekend, otherwise see my profile page for a preview.
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Been on this site for 2 years, finally done enough to join the regiment!

Name: Heath, wonder how I came up with my username...
Location: Good ol' Wisconsin Dells, in you guessed it. Wisconsin.
Costuming since: I joined the forums in July of 2017 but didn't have the proper space to build, Bought A house in March 19' and have been slowly making progress since then(so since I was 22).
About me: I love to skateboard, probably would be done with my suit in a couple months if I didn't skate so often. Married as of May 19' and have 2 cats and one of them has only one Eye. I graduated from UW-Whitewater (2018) in Computer Science, but wasn't a huge fan of programming and have been working in IT infrastructure since then.
Favorite Cons: I was really hoping to go to Chicago Outpost but with my busy schedule and hobbies I think I will just be going to Freak Fest Halloween Event in Madison Wi this year. It's not a Con, just a bunch of drunks walking a city street in costumes, hope to stand out a bit.
Costumes/Props: I'll update this post once i'm actually done but for now...
Currently fiberglass Clothing the inside but here is where I am at. and what it looked like on me before this stage
res.jpg fullbod.jpg
As of Yesterday, I finally organized and added lights to my work bench. I will no longer be limited by weather and will hopefully be making progress much faster!
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Welcome to the regiment he4thbar! It's nice to see some other wisconsinites on here :) I feel like we're out numbered.
I'm finishing my major in software engineering next year... I think we have two differing opionions on programming lol.
Welcome to the regiment he4thbar! It's nice to see some other wisconsinites on here :) I feel like we're out numbered.
I'm finishing my major in software engineering next year... I think we have two differing opionions on programming lol.
Thank you! I agree with that statement, there will be more of us one day... once the MCC comes to PC i'm guessing. I agree, we more than likely do. I just didn't want to stay in school for another year. $$$
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