Roll Call!

Name: Brandon, Some people call me Breezy
Location: Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Costuming since: 2015
About me: Go Pack Go! I rewind electric motors. Been doing that for about 2 years now. In my free time i enjoy longboarding, reading, and gaming. Recently got into costuming from a buddy a work who is part of the 501st Legion of Wisconsin[Star Wars for those who don't know, Feel free to join the dark side. We are pretty nice;)]
Costumes/Props: None so far but I am working on it.
Name: Joe
Location: Canton, MI
Costuming since: 2013
About me: I am an aviation flight tech. student at Eastern. I love gaming and do cosplay on my down time.
Costumes: 3!

My first was a cog soldier (now retired)


Second is my NCR vet. ranger. The first pic is the good one, the second is a low quality shot of it reworked for youma.

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Lastly, my ODST! also will be going to youma.


Look foreword to seeing you guys at cons!


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Name: Michael Zoyhofski [mikey please :)]
Location: canton ohio
Costuming since: when i was 12 but this is the first time I've created a 3d build i just did clothing not armor.
About me: well I'm 15, i am a nature lover, i can't live a day without drawing or photography mixed in with video games. i am a comic geek. i was born in solvakia and was adopted in america only a few days old. i grew up speaking english. i was always interested in being a hero of some sorts and halo just drew me in my first halo game was halo 3. i couldn't stop playing it and i wanted to be a spartan so i wanted to be tall and strong. i was little but now I'm 6' 1" and now i made my spartan armor and I'm 200lbs so i became what i wanted to be
Favorite Cons: not very familiar with cons. I've only been to comicon once. id like to find some cons close to canton!

my own
character. Spartan Buster

no undersuit in pics sorry
Photo on 10-21-15 at 9.20 PM #2.jpg

Photo on 10-26-15 at 6.22 PM #2.jpg



grenade (now painted green and silver)


and now for some bonus material

heres some of my photography i took in colorado this summer

deadpool 002.JPG

pic 123.JPG

jimm 033.jpg
pic 692.JPG
pic 890.JPG
pic 897.JPG
pic 468.JPG


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Name: James Dean
Location: Appleton, Wisconsin
Costuming since: 2011
About me: Married for 19 years and a father of 2 (son 14 yrs and daughter 18 yrs)
Favorite Cons: Kitsune Kon in Green Bay WI
Costumes/Props: Halfway through 3 Halo 4 helmets (Commando, Deadeye, and Raider). In the process of building 3 Halo 4 MK V foam suits for me and my kids.
Name: I'm most commonly called Syd or Chaos, but if I'm DJing I go by my moniker Sentri.
Location: Lake Orion, MI
Costuming since: I've been a cosplayer since 2006, but working on my first armor this year
About me: Guess you could call me a jack of all trades (or Jill in my case). I'm 29 and working in the Tooling field as a CAD Designer. I enjoy many sports and activities ranging from summer to winter, and from extreme to casual (trust me, it's a very long list.) I'm a DJ on the side, running my own Youtube music mix show, and I'm also a martial artist in the Korean style of Tang Soo Do. While I don't have my 1st DAN Black belt yet, I have what is considered a recommended black belt.
Favorite Cons: You'll see me at many Michigan cons including Shutocon, MEGGAcon, Midwest Media Expo, and Youmacon. My budget doesn't allow anything out of state *cry*
Costumes/Props: Pics will be added later, but I have a variety of costumes. Cid Highwind (Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children), Ozpin (RWBY), Yang (RWBY), Engineer (Team Fortress 2), lightsaber staff Jedi (Star Wars), and now working on 479er from Red vs Blue.
Never did post in here:

Name: Wiemer
Location: St. Louis, MO
Costuming since: Nov. 2015
About me: I work as a mobile developer at a small tech startup. In my free time I enjoy playing and watching sports, playing music and video games.
Favorite Cons: I've only been to one local con so far, but am hoping to start being able to afford to travel so if anyone knows of good cons semi-close to StL I'd like to know about them.
Costumes/Props: Still working on my first ever with my ODST build. Slow progress is better than no progress.
Name: Connor (Just call me Atomic)
Location: White Lake, MI
Costuming since: 2012 but never made a full suit until the one I'm making now.
About me: I build things and blow up stuff.
Favorite Cons: Never been, but want to go to RTX
Costumes/Props: Check out my thread here.
Name: Andy, some call me Drew
Location: Lake in the Hills, Illinois
Costuming since: 2015
About me: I have 3 kids all under 5 at the moment, they are a handful, and take up MOST of my free time. I am an engineering manager for a global motor/ gearmotor company, I'm a gearhead at heart, and I love to tinker. I have a 600 Horsepower 3000GT VR4 which nothing is stock and almost everything has been custom made and designed by me. I have a metal cutting lathe in my workshop in my basement and that is where all of my "tinkering" takes place. I'm an outdoors man, hunting/ fishing/ shooting/ camping/ hiking are my other passions.
Costumes/Props: i have made some costumes but nothing out of foam until my sons batman costume this year looking forward to making some Mark VI soon.
Favorite cons: never been to one but i hear they are awesome, so i would maybe like to go to the next Chicago con if i can make it.

I am looking forward to meeting some of you in real life, i hope you guys have regular prop parties or gatherings!
Name: Michael Koenig
Location: Outside Chicago western suburbs
Costuming since: 2015
About me: Well I im an athlete for a small sport with that I lose a lot of time to it and cant build as much as I want. I also play airsoft in the Chicago land area. with that i also am studying film and hope to make some of the movies that I have written eventually.
Costumes/Props: I Am currently working on a RVB Felix costume and a DMR to go along with it
Favorite con: Been to gencon but would like to go to pax and RTX some time.
Name: Kris
Location:South Central MN
Costuming since: With seriousness, earlier this year. Other wise i've been making random props and replicas for 4 years or so
Favorite Con: Only ever been to Metacon so far
Costume/Props: currently have a custom reach build thread, and I just completed a ghost from destiny
Name: Eddie
Location: Chicago, IL
Costuming since: I worked on a few different projects through high school but officially started an ODST costume about a year ago
About me: Hey guys! I'm currently a college student, but, in the little spare time I have, enjoy working on pretty much anything DIY. I've always been a fan of the little guys in the halo universe who don't have a suit of power armor to protect them, so you'll see most of my projects revolving around marines or ODSTs.
Favorite Cons: So far I've only been to Anime Zap and Anime Midwest, but you'll find me at Anime Midwest again this year!
Costumes/Props: Currently have an ODST suit in progress, the goal being to have it done for Anime Midwest.
Name: Ethan
Location: Wisconsin
Costuming since: Started in October
About me: Always been a but quirky. I've also always been one to take my own path rather than lead it.
Favorite Cons: Wisconsin Comic Convention (By Imaginarium)
Costumes/Props: This is the love of my life. I built her, and I will wear her
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Name: Frosty
Location: Northeast Ohio
Costuming since: Been building since 2016 I think.
About me: Been lurking the forums here a while trying to learn the techniques everyone uses but I've been trying to be more active recently.
Favorite Cons: I've been to both San Japan and realms con but that were both pretty good to me. Looking forward to hitting colossalcon this year.
Costumes/Props: Only completed one costume at this point but I'm working on another for a friend as well as trying up the quality of me own. Here is what it used to look like.

Glad to have you. Once you hit 50 posts here on the Forums we can get you officially added to the Regiment!
Name: Fissoffury
Location : Michigan
Been costuming since: Halloween was always a highlight to me, always stoked to dress up! Ive been cosplaying at my local renicance fair for over 15 years were I always dressed up to fit the occasion. This year I finally had enough money to commition snowtigerdesigns to make my Air assault (noble 2) cosplay armor. I couldnt be more stoked!
Favorit cons: motor city comicon
About me: well I'm a very busy mom and wife. I am a gamer and collector, a tattoo artist, and a freelance illustrator. I am a admin for Halo Lives On and a Halo content creator. I suport my family and I am a very strong individual I guess you can call me a natural leader. I lead through example and always put my best foot forward. I am a team player and humble.
Costumes: as of right now I had to commison out my noble 2 airassult suit to a wonderful studio, a husband and wife team snowtigerdesigns. They also made my br55.
Side note: cant wait to show off my boss armor at future dream came true!
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