Roll Call

Real: Austin
Char: Authmion
Call: ARES (Advanced Range Elimination Specialist)
Age: 21
Where your located: Wilmington NC
Occupations: Call Center Rep, Gamer
About you: Hello! I am Austin, Character's name is Authmion, and my call sign is ARES. (see above) I am just starting out in the costuming aspect of the halo universe, and have been following the 405th's website for a couple of years. Even though I dont have any posts. :p My favorite weapon loadout in Halo is a DMR and a Sniper rifle, but when I eventually get to making my suit, I will include a magnum, because one can never have enough weapons :3 I plan on building mine, as well as some friends of mine a suit, so that maybe we can start out own little squad within the unit. (long term I enjoy video games (obviously...) LARPing, Cosplay, computers, and hanging out. Live in Wilmington.
Favorite Conventions: I have been to IchibanCon in Charlotte and Animazement in Raleigh, and will probably go to any other con I can within a fairly decent driving radius.
Name: Ryan (Rhino)


Location:Chattanooga, Tennessee

Occupation: Student

About: Had a more recent start to prop and costume making (a few months before my original joining of this forum).

I have however, since a young age, loved both papercraft/origami and computers.

I'm currently working on a yamne'e.

Cons: I have yet to attend one, but my first three will be chattacon (Last weekend in January [costume probably won't be completed and will be volunteering]), con nooga ( last weekend I febuary [will still not have costume done]), and dragoncon (costume may be completed by then).
Name: Jimmy Moua
Age: 24
Where your located: Greensboro, NC
Occupations: Student
About you: Mechanical engineering major @ NC A&T. Life revolves around school but on my spare time i play guitar, video games, build props, and before i went back to school, i did a lot of fishing, hunting, hiking, and target shooting. Currently building my Halo Reach ODST Spartan and its about 75% done. Glad to be in a community of like-minded individuals :D
Favorite Conventions (where we can most likely meet up with you): Havent attended one yet but i hope to esp when my armor is complete
Name: J. Rex Martens
Age: 30
Location: Arlington, VA close to DC
Occupation: Retail Management/Cycle Gear manager
About me: Been working on a Mk VI build off and on for 3 years, have had to scrap more pieces than I care to admit, lol. Just recently got married, and wont have a lot of time or spac3 to work on it for a little bit yet. However, I've been a lurker here for much longer than I've been a member, and have built many a piece of pep just to build up the skills and keep myself decent at it, even if my scaling needs work. Feel free to ask any questions. As I work in the motorcycle industry, I have access to helmet liners either really cheap or free, so if anyone needs one, let me know.

Cons: primarily just Otakon. Will be trying to head to more, but retail management is horrible to try and get time off.
Name: Andrew Santos
Age: 20 (or 21 once december pasts lol ;P)
Where your located: Miami Dade, Florida
Occupations: Bag boy at Publix Supermarket
About you: big gamer since i was young, going to collage for computer tech, ive always loved the idea of cosplays its always sounds fun but ive never had the space to make my own so im currently talking with someone to build me my own set.
Favorite Conventions: havent been to any yet but am looking forward to joining u all in most cons in florida
Name: Tyler D.
Age: 15
Where your located: Louisiana
Occupations: N/A
About you: I am a rookie at prop building. I am looking to learn a lot and build some awesome stuff! Haven't really built anything worth showing haha but that will change soon. I also have an Instagram coming soon and you guys can catch me around December/January because that's about the time I'm going to start my building!!! :D
Favorite Conventions: NO conventions as of now but I will hopefully attend NOCC and maybe some cons out of state.
Name: Michael Manus gamertag: PunisherEXE 117
Age: 22
location: Atlanta, Georgia
Occupation: associate at Home Depot
About you: I just recently got into costume building but I've been making little props and toys most of my life. recently my hobbies changed from playing guitar in all my free time to sitting in my floor making cosplays and props, and occasionally some guitar and maybe some xbox here and there
Favorite Conventions: I've only been to Dragon con so far, I plan on going every year unless something comes up. hopefully i'll eventually get out to more conventions in the future, but Dragon con is it for now
Name: Kyle Birdwell

Age: 16

Where your located: Sweetwater, TN

Occupation: Run the sound system and lights at church (if that counts)

About you: I have always enjoyed building props/armor but didn't really get into it until about a year ago. I also love film and cinematography.

Favorite con: I am going to attend Con Nooga this year and would love for some fellow Spartans to join me. (I will be sporting my ODST armor)
Ayo people.

Name: Jim Neff (add me on Facebook I wanna creep on your armor pics)

Age: 17

Location: Tampa, FL

Occupation: Technically legally jobless. I do crap around my neighborhood and a ton of armor commissions.

About me: I've been doing prop work on an amateur level since about 2008, but only in the past year or so have I stepped it up and gotten into commission work and "manufacturing" (several failed attempts at vacuumforming).
I've never attempted anything as complex as a Spartan before, but I'm hyped to do it. I'm not sure how quickly it'll happen; I make easy costumes on a budget, but I AM looking forward to getting a helmet done and hanging with you guys at cons here in the South!
Name: Matthew McGuigan
Age: 18
Location: Richmond, Virginia
Occupations: student, banquet server
About you: I'm a full time student at a local community college studying computer science. In addition to that I'm working part time so I wont have a lot of free time to work on my suit. My hobbies include longboarding, swimming, gaming, reading, and sleeping. The suit I'm working on right now is a Halo: Reach Spartan. In the future I want to do an ODST and a Titan from Destiny.
Cons: I haven't attended any cons yet unfortunately, however I am planning on going to NYCC next year.
Name: Justin M. / Ozone
Age: 26
Location: Sparta, TN
Occupation: Wholesaler
About you: Love sports and staying outside and active. Not new to costume building but not experienced either. Have tried in the past but had to put it all to the side due to family problems. Am definitely excited to get back into it though.
Favorite Conventions: Any conventions in TN. Have thought about branching.out to other states
age: 30
location: Raleigh North Carolina
My name is Hector Alfaro.
Occupation: auto industry
About You: ive been building my armor for a year now, I have learned how to make a few things such as vacuum forming, watching tutorials, although ive been doing a lot of research and im happy about my project, I found this forum and I feel part of a big group of people with the same things in common some of you already know me . I hope to make lots of friends and learn from y'all.
Cons: I will attend to the nc comic con this November
Name: Andrew Davis or Fancy Chief(will change when I complete my full set of armor)
Age: currently I'm 20 about to turn 21 this month
Where your located: Palm Bay/Melbourne, FL
Occupation: Currently a Customer Service Rep at Ebay under the StubHub verticle.
About you: Pretty laid back kinda of guy, so far I have yet to finish any part of my armor due to lack of time/money but the pieces I do own I bought through commissions. As soon as I can get the time/money to finish I'll definitely try my best to do so. I'm going for a heavy kinda build for my spartan just because I'm a heavy guy and I feel it suits me more.
Favorite Conventions (where we can most likely meet up with you): The main convention I'll be going to will be Megacon but I do travel and I use to live in the D.C. area so I used to go to Katsucon as well as Otakon

Both pictures are of me as Fancy Chief but the red helmet will be the one I'm basing the rest of my armor off of:

1505277_888467317833213_3195295658866445099_n.jpg 1148039_648628638483750_464067119_n.jpg
Name: Charlie Williams (GT:AIRDRAGON9
Age: 18
Where your located: Titusville, Florida
Occupations: Tour Guide/Rave Promoter
About you: I'm just getting into cosplay after going to Supercon and Shadocon this previous year. I have yet to begin constructing anything but I will start soon. I play a lot of video games like; Destiny, Halo 4, GTA 5, Battlefield 4, and Halo Reach. I work well with electronics and im trying to figure out if i can take my love for wiring and understanding of computer programming to the cosplay world. I'm hoping to finish my armor before my enlistment into the Army ships me to boot camp but if not it'll give me something to do when I get home.
Favorite Conventions: Supercon and Shadocon, next year I will be at Megacon, Metrocon, Supercon, Dragoncon, and Shadocon.
Charleston SC Here

Hey guys This is Nabzaf (William Covington). I from charleston sc I'm new to the group. I love everything halo and I have DJed a few midnight releases at game stop. I wore a cheap Master Chief costume every one loved it so I thought I should make my own.
Name: Edward Steven Chambless
Location: Gordonsville Tennessee
About me:Occupation: Trying the Youtube lets play life and part assembly at L&W Engineering
I'M ALIIIIIVEE!! Ahaha, hey guys my names Eddie, I've been a member since 2010 and I've seen some amazing things made by amazing people on this site. The amount of talent that each member here has in range of prop creation, to 3d modeling, all the way up to full costume creation, is beyond amazing and I can't wait to see more of the awesomeness :3 Sorry for being away for so long lol
Giordan Pergola aka Cryptic Props
18 years old
South Louisiana
Student at LSU
I got into Halo when Halo 3 came out and I've been making full sets of armor from Halo Reach and Halo 4 for about 2 years now.
I have attended New Orleans ComicCon and I might check out Dragon con if I can ever make it.
Name: Kristine
Age: 40+
Where your located: Orlando area
Occupations: Quality Assurance Specialist
About you: My husband made me an awesome Halo Kitty that has been very popular at Dragon*Con.
Favorite Conventions (where we can most likely meet up with you): MegaCon and Dragon*Con
Name: Walter Marlin
Age: 42
Location: Georgia
Occupation: Crushing Crime!!
About Me: I am always tinkering with something. I am a member of Stony Props. I am constantly trying a new technique that I have seen or read about (usually failing on the first shot at it but that is part of the fun of this).
where you would most likely run into me: Dragon Con, Momo con, and some times mega con.

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