Roll Call

Name - Spoon, S-606
Age - Old
Where your located - Western Kentucky
Occupations - Law Enforcement
About you. - Avid shooter, Aviation, Modeling, Musician, and 25 years Military.
Favorite Conventions - Haven't been… Yet
Name: Kaitlin Wade or Kitkat
Age: 17
Location: Newnan Georgia
Occupations: student
About me: When I'm not doing school I'm either eating, sleeping, playing video games, or making things from video games. Basically I wanna make everything from Halo and Skyrim. I hope to one day make a career out of building things for others once I am confident enough with my skills, because it is my passion. I'm constantly hoping to learn new things and improve my work, and I'm somehow lazy and also a perfectionist??? I dunno how that works but it's true lol. I'm almost done building my own multiplayer Reach armor and then I will complete my friends Reach armor, and she will be sewing our undersuits because sewing is currently my enemie. Halo:Reach is my favorite halo game because it was the first one I became addicted to and the reason I bought an Xbox 360 (which was the best decision ever). Also I really enjoy forcing myself to play halo games on solo legendary because I feel so friggin accomplished after that lol.
Favorite conventions: dragoncon, momocon, anime weekend Atlanta
Name: cha0spr1nces5 or Ash
Age: 25
Location: Moody, Alabama
Occupation: team leader at The Westin brimingham
About me: I've been cosplaying/building armor with my husband cha0skn1ght or john moody for a little over 7 years. I love playing video games, any kind of outdoor activities, and watching anime. I'm a girly girl but I know how to hang with the guys ^_^. I'm excited to be apart of this group!!! Can't wait to meeat everyone.
Conventions: anime weekend atlanta, and kamicon birmingham are the only 2 cons I've attended and I've been attending AWA for 7 years now. I hope to attend dragoncon this year!!
Name: Sean "Raven"
Age: 38
Where are you located: Port Saint Lucie, Florida
Occupation: Jack of all trades, master of none
About me: By trade, I am a carpenter. But I have dabbled in a little bit of everything. I have dreamt of making my own ODST armor since playing H3: ODST. I am hoping to see that dream become reality soon.
Favorite conversations: I don't really get to go to any. But I can be found on XBL a lot as well as Facebook
Name: Barry Kiker
Age: 33
Located in Pensacola, Florida
Occupations: Office janitor, but I've started my own commission services business: Geek Out Studio. You can check it out on Facebook or Instagram.
About Me: The most identifiable and interesting thing about me is that I'm a 3 time kidney transplant patient. I only just started really building props/costumes and going to conventions in the last year, but I've been a geek all my life. The cons that you'll probably see me the most at are the ones in and around the Panhandle area: Pensacon, Mobicon, Geekonomicon. The biggest convention that I usually attend is Dragoncon, but I plan to only attend that every other year My hobbies are video games and tabletop gaming. Currently I'm working on my ODST armor and 40k Space Marine armor.

Thanks for the inclusion, and hope to meet you all in person soon.
Jarred (Gibbon)
Age: 35
Where your located: Gainesville, FL area
Occupations: Network Cable Tech
About you: I've been into medieval re-enactment and stage combat for about 15 years, I've been flying R/C airplanes for longer than that, and I've done some basic (true) armoring. Guns, Swords, Spears, they're all tools.
Favorite Conventions (Dragoncon, Might make Megacon in Orlando, and/or Comic con in Tampa)
Name: Matt Clarkson (Commander Siv)
Where your located: Louisville, KY
Occupations: UPS World port Driver
About you: I have been playing halo since day one, I love sci-fi and fantasy, and going to conventions is my biggest hobby
Favorite Conventions: Fandomfest, Derby City comic con, Cavalcade of Comics
Name: Riley

Age: 21

Where I am located: Seoul, South Korea (Moving to North Carolina in a few months)

Occupation: U.S. Army

About me: Army has me stationed in South Korea for the next few months. Hobbies include airsoft, video-making, amateur photography, prop design, outdoorsing, video games. Also a bit a jack-of-all-trades, master-of-none kind of person. Willing to see why something breaks and make it work again. Planning on building an ODST suit with possible variants(such as a desert, winter, or jungle).

Favourite Conventions: Haven't been to any yet, but willing to travel a bit to go to one once I return the the States
Name: Rob Taylor (eventually to be Taylor-Case, hence TC, but paperwork is effort)

Age: 25... I think? I pay no attention.

Where your located: Roanoke, VA. I hit Greensboro, NC a few times a year too, sometimes for work, sometimes for family.

Occupations: Commercial and headshot photographer, technical and instructional writer, screen and print designer. (I usually shorten to Photographer/designer/writer!) From the looks of things I'll soon be adding "propmaker" to that list.

About you: My degree's in Physics, which clearly has nothing to do with anything I do, except maybe some of the technical writing. I moved from northern England to the US just after Christmas 2012. I don't really do much gaming any more other than a little of what I can get on Steam here and there, but Halo and its EU holds a similar position in my heart to Tolkien. I originally started propmaking to have another direction for the photography, like commercial advertising, but it seems to have taken a life of its own.

Favorite Conventions: Looks to be Dragon*Con, but I have no idea when I'll get there. Eventually, probably.
Name: Charles (Call sign) Spartan Zander 013
Age: 23
Where your located: Myrtle beach, Sc
Occupations: Game adviser at Gamestop
About you: just a laid back guy who enjoys halo and other video games
Favorite Conventions (where we can most likely meet up with you) Rtx Maybe Dragoncon next year
Name: Sidney M. Spartan A074
Location: Atlanta area, woo!
Occupation: Full Time Plumbing at The Home Depot
About Me: Love to craft, making things, being creative, and playing xbox.
Fav. Cons: I just went to Dragon*Con this past year and met a few of the 405th, and I will most definitely return until I can't!
Name: JD!
Location: Fort Lee/Richmond VA.
Occupation: Army Medic
About Me: Sketching, playing xbox, crafting things, playing with my dog
Fav. Cons: Dragon*Con is always going to be number one in my heart. I go to a few small ones around here every now and then but nothing compares.
Name - Kaitlyn M. I mostly answer to the nickname Drake though.

Age - 19

Where your located - Pensacola, FL

Occupations - Full time college student/Retail worker

About you - I started to mess with armor and prop making around 2012 but only recently started getting more experience in crafting both foam and resin pieces. Besides from armor making, I'm an avid video gamer that plays mostly fps such as Destiny and Halo as well as an artist. I do enjoy the Red vs Blue series amongst other series RoosterTeeth has produced.

Favorite Conventions - RTX in Austin, TX and Dragoncon in Atlanta, GA are my two favorites and plan to go to for years to come
Name: Seth Gage
Age 18
Location: Clermont FL
Occupation: Full time College student
About me: Been a halo fan for years now, and after stumbling across this site I wanted to build my own Halo Armor like many others have done. Still new to everything so hopefully all goes well.

Cons: I've never been to one considering I don't know anyone who goes to them, but maybe one day I will.
Name: Austin McGinnis
Location: St. Petersburg, FL
Occupation: Westerfield Studios
About me: I've been interested in Halo and making props and armor for it ever since I first saw my character dead on the ground. I recently started learning how to make them from Robert Westerfield in his shop where he's been making all manor of prop for a long time. There are old projects laying around to be finished and new ones ahead one we get our 3-D printer, and I'm looking forward to posting them here on the 405th.

Cons: Metrocon was my first convention, and is one of my favorites. Shadocon, and Nerd Fest over on the space coast.
well damn I guess my post never made it here lol

Name Michael/GUARD1AN
Where your located Jacksonville, fl
Occupation: US NAVY Aviation Structural Mechanic
About me: I love most all things sci-fi, real science, mechanical anything ( the more intricate the better), WW2 area anything, CARS !!!!! and of course video games, pep, designing and building cool sci-fi armor and props
Favorite Conventions (where we can most likely meet up with you) Never been yet hopefully soon once i finish getting my car done, and moving and finishing my armor etc lol
Name: Marc/Red Shirt 98
Age: 40s
Where your located: Gulf Breeze, FL
Occupations: Air Force Officer

Science fiction, military history, and automotive. I've just finished an outstanding classic car rebuild project and looking forward to drive time. I'm a long time airsofter with quite a few custom projects under my belt before I took up making Halo airsoft guns. I have a magnum and AR project in the works.

Favorite Conventions: PENSACON (local and surprisingly strong for a small city)

Name: Dalman (FaceBook) // Blade (Callsign) // ScooterAK022 (XBox Live)
Age: 33
Location: Central Georgia, Moving to Alabama
Occupations: Military
About you: Proud nerd and outdoorsman. Bungie player since Marathon. Turning my scale model skills toward props and costumes. Full up Sean Bradley ODST + M6C SOCOM. I have plans for a perfect prop (my first molding/casting experience) and a number of Bungie-based costumes beyond Halo. Fingers crossed I can finish one before DragonCon with a deployment in the way...
Favorite Conventions: DragonCon, KingCon, MGACon
Name: Cory(First name)/ Kristoff (nickname)/ DoctorCardwell(Xbox live)
Age: 18
Where your located: From Milton, Florida but I'm attending the University of Alabama as a Freshman.
Occupations: Student
About you: I am a freshman at UA who loves miyazaki films, power rangers, Halo and Titanfall. I plan to be a mechanical engineer and use that someway after college(lol at the job market). I have been a forum lurker since 2011 when I started my first helmet but it was too small. I have alot more freetime now so I hope to create a full suit before I graduate(4 years, i think ill be done by then).
Favorite Conventions: I have never been but the closest one to me is the one in birmingham so I will be attending it this year.

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