Ronin's Pep Armor

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Ronin said:
Thanks for the complements!! Helping out others..hey thats whats this is all about!! I know I went through different pieces just to get the scale right!! I think I used a whole pack of card stock on getting the scale for my body just right! If it would help anyone I can measure my arms and things to give you a idea of the scaling. Oh one more thing if you use DF4L smooth helmet use Version 2. I used version 1 and had to cut the raised parts at the top of the helmet out. They stuck up past the top of the helmet. I printed off the V2 top part and replaced it with that.

If it's not to much trouble post up your foot, arm, and other measurements. I have the .PDO files from the wiki and I will get them started.

Also, I working on the plasma pistol now and will work on that AR a little later. Question is did you scale the weapons at all or did you leave them as they where?
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How many inches did you add to your height before you scaled it? and what kind of body build would that be?
yahhh, i kinda wanna get my chest piece right before i print 13-15 pages of work.

and i mean everyone reading this.
OK a few people have ask me about my scaling. Here is the whole breakdown. My body type is small frame, I'm 5'9'' and weight 166 lbs. Below is my body measurements and PDO's I used and the scale for them:

Head 21.25" dia used-DF4L:Smooth helmet version 1- scale 13.2
Chest 42" used-Robogenisis' Model Chest- scale 72.8188
Hands used-Robogenisis' Model HD Hand Plates- scale 58
Waist 34" used-Robogenisis' Model Crotch- scale 78.38143
Thigh 21.25" used-Robogenisis' Model Thigh- scale 65.65
Calf 14" used-Robogenisis' Model Calf- scale 70.6
Foot wear 9 1/2 used-Robogenisis' Model HD Boot- scale 61
Bicep 12.75 used-Robogenisis' Model Bicep -scale 22(I'm going to use hd version when he is finished with it)

It took me awhile to come up with some of the PCs that would fit me just right! I made a few of them two or three times. I hope this helps !
Update: today I finished a second coat on chest, helmet, calf's and feet so far so good!! :cool:
Wow, thanks for all those scalings... I did my boots with a scale of 62, and they fit perfect, but I busted up the calf/shin. oh well. oh yeah: hands are a bit too small at 52, but thankfully only the testers :D

are you going to fibreglass your pieces or just go with multiple resin coats? can't wait to see the progress.
kyzzzle360- The first chest I made I used this scaling chart here
It was just a little big. In the pep program at the bottom right it tells you the finished size, I used that after
scaling to give me an idea of what size I needed.

TF_Productions- Hey anything I can to do help out. Here is my chest after one coat of resin. Then I added the details with
illustration board. Here I'm getting ready to add the second coat. And yes I am going to glass the inside


OK here is a small update. I have been adding details and glassing the inside of of few things. Here are some details I have added to the forearms:

Also I had some test pcs so I glassed the outside of them for paint tests. I tried Adam's technique what do guys think?


looking good there, but for the paint job, I'd do a bit more silver on the tip of the boot because your simulating wear, and the tip/edges are going to get used the most -> moar silva! other than that: super!
it looks great

i made my own helmet but im am making another one

i used scotch tape<(NEVER DO THIS)>

i paper mached it(i dont like it)

on my new helmet im going to use hot glue and im am looking for fiberglass resin
Ronin said:
First of all I would like to thank everyone who took the time to come up with Pep armor!! I Just started mine this week!
It was tough to get the scale correct I made three biceps before I got it right!! The only thing I am going have to remake is my helmet. I read a few things on the forum and come up with a few more ideas for the helmet! On with the pics!! :D



What does everyone think? Does it look alright??

should put a motor cycle visor on that.
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Skullcandy Girl said:
I Love those details ya added Ronin. :D Great work as usual!

Ditto! Nice job on the fiberglassing, and the details really add a good deal of depth to the armour. I take it you're using sheet styrene for the detailing, correct?
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@TF_Productions Yea I should have put more silver, but I was just a getting feel for the technique. On the final one I will

@mastermarine Paper mache works good for crafts but I don't think it would hold up for this. It looks like you did a good job putting the helmet together, but if you can I would use resin. One thing I found out the hard way make sure on your new helmet leave the visor in or put supports in, because it will collapse when you resin it

@Skullcandy Girl Thanks! I did not feel like putting together new forearms with more detail so I kept the ones I had and just added to them!

@daredevil71789 Yea that was my first helmet it was trashed when I resined it. As far as the rest of the armor the only thing I kept was the forearms. I remade everything else ( with more detail)

@SPARTAN II I used to paint and draw , so I had some illustration board laying around. I tried it on my chest pc and it worked out fine. I did go buy some more. I bought medium weight (.050-.060) hot press line board at Hobby Lobby. That is what I used on my forearms.

This week I'm going to make time to fiberglass the inside of my helmet and chest pc, and second coat some other pieces! ( it finally quit rainning)
:p Double Post OK I had a few computer issues finally fixed them. so now I can post. My helmet is ready for bondo!! I just hope I can find some tubing to fit in the vent holes. Also forearms are ready for bondo!! I have to clean up the chest and it will be ready!


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