Ronin's Pep Armor

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Thats a great start for the forearms, they should turn out really well once you smooth out some parts.
Ronin said:

SPARTAN II I used to paint and draw , so I had some illustration board laying around. I tried it on my chest pc and it worked out fine. I did go buy some more. I bought medium weight (.050-.060) hot press line board at Hobby Lobby. That is what I used on my forearms.

This week I'm going to make time to fiberglass the inside of my helmet and chest pc, and second coat some other pieces! ( it finally quit rainning)

After I went back and re-read some of your thread, I saw a post where you'd mentioned you were using illustration board for the details. Guess I missed it the first time around, lol.

NZ-TK said:
Thats a great start for the forearms, they should turn out really well once you smooth out some parts.

Indeed! Gives me some ideas on how to add those details to my own when I'm that far along with it. The helmet and torso look really good, too.

Just out of curiosity, did you find or make a template for the recessed details on the back of the torso?

It's just, they look too symmetrical and precise for having been done free-hand, so I would imagine you'd had some sort of design template to work from.
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Wow, teh update!!1

Nice looking forearms. Have you weathered the boots anymore or left them as they were? The pep helmet is going to look good if you put as much effort in as the forearms!
@NZ-TK Thanks I'm going to try the Rondo on a test PCs if that works I will do that to them

@SPARTAN II I drew out the back PCs (from reference pictures) in Auto-Cad and printed them out and transfered them to my illustration board! Cut them out and bam! I posted pictures below of what they look like before I glued them together.
If anyone wants the templates I can see if I can put them a jpeg format(or Other) and post them.

@TF_Productions Thanks! I haven't messed with the paint anymore . I hope my helmet does!! I purchased LED's and fans other day! $$

@smilie120 Thanks! and I hope so!!


Ronin said:

SPARTAN II I drew out the back PCs (from reference pictures) in Auto-Cad and printed them out and transfered them to my illustration board! Cut them out and bam! I posted pictures below of what they look like before I glued them together.
If anyone wants the templates I can see if I can put them a jpeg format(or Other) and post them.


Ah... I figured it had to be something like that; they looked too good to be done by hand, lol.

Seriously, if you could post those templates for download here, it'd be much appreciated, buddy. That would help me immensely in detailing that area of the torso ;)
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OK here my hand plates. I would like to know if the color looks right. I don't want to use to much silver, but I want it to look right also. I have also been sanding on my helmet and chest piece. Been glassing a few other parts, Oh yea did I mention sanding.



Do I need more black??

Also here are the back templates I used. Just print them on a regular size sheet of paper and they will be the size I used.

good work. great idea for adding detail to your torso. do have templates of your forearms as well?
the helm is looking good to. it just seems that adding the simple detail makes a huge defference in peoples helm/armor.
i need to redo my helm (aka, start fresh with a HD pep)
can't wait to see the next steps!
Wow very nice armor! I love the detail variation on the back piece its really nice. I think I might use that template if you don't mind.
Thanks! As far as the templates go they are free to use! If I can help someone else with tips and things I will !!
Waht do you think of the paint scheme?

Here are some details i added to my thigh pcs. After I resin them a couple of times I am going to add the ribbed area on the inside.
Ronin said:
Thanks! As far as the templates go they are free to use! If I can help someone else with tips and things I will !!
Waht do you think of the paint scheme?

The color is great but you could have gone a little lighter on the battle damage with the hand plates.
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Thanks Falling_Jihad thats what I kinda thought to. Hey a I can always repaint. this was a test run any way
Personal opinion, i think you hit the battle damage spot on, hands are going to get worn of. I like it Now, if i could just do the same :cautious:
I agree with TF, the weathering job on your gauntlets looks good. It stands to reason that particular part of the armour would show more wear and tear than the rest of it, as one does everything with thier hands. So, I'd say keep them as is.

And nice work on the thigh details. You'd mentioned you were going to apply a couple layers of resin to them... does that mean you haven't done so yet?
@TF_Productions Yea thats what I worried about, getting it all the same. I think I will start over and just leave them green untill I finish everything

@SPARTAN II If I am adding details to a piece I apply one coat of resin to give it support. After adding the details I apply at least two more coats

@Skullcandy Girl Yea slowly but surely. Hey have you stopped on yours or just taking a break? Or are you just working on your models?
Skullcandy Girl Yea slowly but surely. Hey have you stopped on yours or just taking a break? Or are you just working on your models?

I have the entire upper body done and the cod piece, I also cut the torso in half for fit and fiberglassing. I was able to put a shell of Aqua resin on everything to give it some more stability until I get to the fiberglassing. The ODST models are being unfolded and tested. Hahah so a bit of everything XD

It's hard for me to find 2 hours to fiberglass stuff. I'm hoping by June I can work on my armor, that's when my free-time will return (I hope).
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