Ronin's Pep Armor

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For me it's absolutely perfect right now, just a litte bit of paint details here and there and you have yourself a really great armor :D the different shades of green makes it look realistic, you caould add more shades on the helm though, seems kinda a little plain.... But very, VREY nice work :D
Just think to yourself which part is going to see more dirt when in combat. Lots of ducking, crawling, etc in combat probably going to see more dirt on your arms then your head. Just my 2 cents though. Looking great BTW. I finished my bondo and spot putty so I just got one more sand job left before I begin priming and painting. You seem to be keeping in stride..which means I can only imagine how much work you've put into it because I know I don't sleep anymore ;)

Thanks guys! I think I will wait to see what it looks like after I paint the black parts. I might add some wash but not much.

@kensai111 I know how you feel! Whats bad I am driving 20min to work on mine(i'm using my dad's garage). BTW how are you attaching your boot pcs? I was thinking of using snaps.

@LastSpartan No walls. I am just putting thin layers on at a time. Some places to thin, I sanded through on a couple spots and had to go back and fix them!
Ronin said:
Thanks guys! I think I will wait to see what it looks like after I paint the black parts. I might add some wash but not much.

kensai111 I know how you feel! Whats bad I am driving 20min to work on mine(i'm using my dad's garage). BTW how are you attaching your boot pcs? I was thinking of using snaps.

LastSpartan No walls. I am just putting thin layers on at a time. Some places to thin, I sanded through on a couple spots and had to go back and fix them!

I did the one piece Robo boot, as far as attaching my boot to the fiberglass one. I laid the boot (fiberglassed one) down on cardboard, traced it then cut out about 10 slightly smaller versions of it and hotglued them all together and hot glued them to the bottom of the boot. I then hotglued the now cardboard sole to the fiberglass shell and I sealed the bottom of the cardboard with a layer of hotglue (for water proofing lol) and sprayed on that rubber grip stuff to the bottoms ;) Doing so I gave myself an additional couple of inches to my height and added more padding to my sure to be aching feet. So far works like a charm.

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I know what you mean about the wash. You really dont know when too much is too much until you get there. But the battle damage fills in alot of gaps. Looks nice keep it up.
Ok the whole suit is complete, but right now all I have are pics of are the helmet!! Just came back form Adventure Con (knoxville.TN).
I met up with a few others from the 405th at the Con and had a blast!!! There should be pics up later of the Con. So here's my helmet! Pics of completed suit will come later!


Your armor came out beautiful man. You should really take some photos of the inside of the helmet, superb wiring job in there, really really neat and tidy. 5 Stars for sure. Hope you enjoyed yourself, sorry about the costume contest.. I don't know how the hell two spartans lost to two cheap Indiana Jones... o.0 W-T-F. Anyhow, pics are coming soon, check for the links in the AdventureCon topic in General Discussion.

kensai111 said:
Your armor came out beautiful man. You should really take some photos of the inside of the helmet, superb wiring job in there, really really neat and tidy. 5 Stars for sure. Hope you enjoyed yourself, sorry about the costume contest.. I don't know how the hell two spartans lost to two cheap Indiana Jones... o.0 W-T-F. Anyhow, pics are coming soon, check for the links in the AdventureCon topic in General Discussion.

Yea that was really lame I thought one of you guys would win for sure and I really love how you got your pep so smooth.
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A few people wanted to see the inside of my helmet so I thought I would post some pics. The last picture is of my wiring harness that I made.



Sexy inside of the helmet man, I am jealous. I may have to come over one day and hire you to wire Scar up ;).

Sweet job dude. The aromor looks amazing. Nice BR by the way.

PS: What switch are you using in your helmate.
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