No comments? Well, I got more pics of stuff.
So, phase 2 of this build has begun: the molding.
Over the last week I've been working on molding one of my hand plates and casting out copy's, and I gotta say, for $20 in supplies for all the silicon and resin/bondo, im really liking the results.
Here is all the hand plates together. The white one in the upper right is the foam original.
A close up of the original
This Jorge hand plate turned out flawed
Best cast so far
This one is also a bit flawed, it's missing the part on the from that sticks out a bit further (and this is Carter's hand plate, and I am aware that its supposed to be sliver, but I'm gonna keep it blue for now)
But so far, I'm happy with the results. The casts are not very strong, so when I'm casting the biceps and bigger pieces, im going to use pieces of fiberglass mat in the mold with the rondo to help add strength, because these hand plates are just cast in rondo and they aren't very strong.
Here's a quick teaser of the molded biceps-
I've been using lip balm and some type of hair cream (which is very similar to vaseline) as mold release agents, the the silicon comes off BEAUTIFULLY, as seen here-
There is a lot of air bubbles in the molds, but there's not much I can do about that, and its not that big of a deal to just sand the casts a little bit to get rid of the bumps where there's bubbles in the mold.
Thanks for looking in everyone, I hope you are enjoying this as much as I am.
One last thing, I'm flying out to upstate NY tomorrow to visit my grandparents, so you won't see any updates for the next week and a half while I'm gone. I might be on to answer questions, but no pics for the next week.
Again, thanks for looking in!
Edit: since I know someone will ask, this is NOT rebound 25. It is regular window and door silicon from Walmart (make sure it's 100% if you want to try this yourself, btw). It's pink on the first layer because I add a drop of red acrylic paint on top of some liquid glycerine to help it have even more non-stick. The glycerine is clear, so I add the red to help tell when I have it evenly mixed in. And because I like the color. Maybe I'll experiment with more paint in my silicon to make different color molds!