- Member DIN
- S111
Hello anyone who is actually reading this!
I doubt anyone remembers me, but in September of last year I did my best to assemble a Mark V in time for Halo-ween using Moz's awesome pdo files. This is what it ended up looking like:
Needless to say, I was never really happy with it. So I’ve decided to go back.
I’ve started by starting to make a new helmet. On my old bucket, when I resined the outside and fiber glassed the inside, I had removed the internal visor support built into the model, which holds the chin section up. As such the face of the helmet was elongated, and made it look odd in most of my pictures. So, I am not going to repeat that mistake, and as you can see, the internal support is still in place and will remain there until I have finished fiber glassing the helmet.
As for the rest of the costume, parts I think I can salvage:
The shoulders/upper arms. Cut them back a bit more to fit more like TK (Stormtrooper) shoulder bells, pad them out a bit and clean up the fiberglass more. Most of my sanding and attaching of parts were rush jobs in time for halo-ween. I think to help fix some of the problems I had with arm movement (see the clipping of the shoulders into the chest in any video or machinima from Halo: CE) I might detach the shoulders from the chest armor, and maybe attach them directly to the flight suit, like a lot of Biker Scouts do.
The back pack was pretty good two. Just need to clean it up and add detail, maybe cut out the shoulder boxes and put in speakers. Also I will put the lights down the sides.
Thighs might be salvageable as well. Just need some definite clean up on the fiberglass since I was in a rush and didn’t have access to my power sander. I also want to do the overlapped plates look in the gaps on the thighs that they have on the Mark VI suits, just to look cool. I know it’s not canon on the Mark V to have the plates there, but I will be shooting for something more like this digital painting my brother did for me:
Updating the Mark V a bit more, tweaking some parts a little.
Parts I know I will have to redo:
Butt and cod. I figure I might be able to make them attached to a belt, like some guys do for Boba Fett cods (I just realized I was relating a lot of my fixes to Star Wars costumes, that’s what I mostly know) and also have the thighs attach to that belt as well.
AB. I figure, this might actually be able to also attach right onto the flight suit, once again sort of like a Boba Fett ab plate. I will also build it up out of two layers of plastic, to get that nice two tier effect you sort of see in a lot of the renders of the Mark V ab.
Shins will also need to be remade, as well as the forearms. I want to do the forearms in sturdier and thicker material, like styrene or maybe even bondo’d cardboard.
Chest needs to be redone. I want to use some styrene to build up that layered plate look you can se above the chest on the Mark V, like around the neck, just above the main part of the armor.
I doubt anyone remembers me, but in September of last year I did my best to assemble a Mark V in time for Halo-ween using Moz's awesome pdo files. This is what it ended up looking like:
Needless to say, I was never really happy with it. So I’ve decided to go back.
I’ve started by starting to make a new helmet. On my old bucket, when I resined the outside and fiber glassed the inside, I had removed the internal visor support built into the model, which holds the chin section up. As such the face of the helmet was elongated, and made it look odd in most of my pictures. So, I am not going to repeat that mistake, and as you can see, the internal support is still in place and will remain there until I have finished fiber glassing the helmet.
As for the rest of the costume, parts I think I can salvage:
The shoulders/upper arms. Cut them back a bit more to fit more like TK (Stormtrooper) shoulder bells, pad them out a bit and clean up the fiberglass more. Most of my sanding and attaching of parts were rush jobs in time for halo-ween. I think to help fix some of the problems I had with arm movement (see the clipping of the shoulders into the chest in any video or machinima from Halo: CE) I might detach the shoulders from the chest armor, and maybe attach them directly to the flight suit, like a lot of Biker Scouts do.
The back pack was pretty good two. Just need to clean it up and add detail, maybe cut out the shoulder boxes and put in speakers. Also I will put the lights down the sides.
Thighs might be salvageable as well. Just need some definite clean up on the fiberglass since I was in a rush and didn’t have access to my power sander. I also want to do the overlapped plates look in the gaps on the thighs that they have on the Mark VI suits, just to look cool. I know it’s not canon on the Mark V to have the plates there, but I will be shooting for something more like this digital painting my brother did for me:
Updating the Mark V a bit more, tweaking some parts a little.
Parts I know I will have to redo:
Butt and cod. I figure I might be able to make them attached to a belt, like some guys do for Boba Fett cods (I just realized I was relating a lot of my fixes to Star Wars costumes, that’s what I mostly know) and also have the thighs attach to that belt as well.
AB. I figure, this might actually be able to also attach right onto the flight suit, once again sort of like a Boba Fett ab plate. I will also build it up out of two layers of plastic, to get that nice two tier effect you sort of see in a lot of the renders of the Mark V ab.
Shins will also need to be remade, as well as the forearms. I want to do the forearms in sturdier and thicker material, like styrene or maybe even bondo’d cardboard.
Chest needs to be redone. I want to use some styrene to build up that layered plate look you can se above the chest on the Mark V, like around the neck, just above the main part of the armor.