Second try at Master Chief! Fingers crossed [Pic Heavy]

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Re: Second try at Master Chief! Fingers crossed

Just a quick update on where I'm at now.... got pep to do lol.

Gotta say tho that this is a hard build for my third attempt at pepakura and to do it without numbers (not my fault), I must be insane lol.

As you will see below. I've completed a third of the torso.




Now I must go and get this bad boy finished.....


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Re: Second try at Master Chief! Fingers crossed

That is an amazing job for your third time. Great work. Keep in mind this piece will need some extra condo work on the back as it is missing some detail.
Re: Second try at Master Chief! Fingers crossed

Thanks guys :)

@Philthy - The numbers didn't print for some reason. Even tho they were displayed on screen. Some lines didn't print either :s

@Al Blue - yeah, I plan to study reference pics and take notes after the build is complete. Gonna see if I can route some peices on my CNC at work... should make things easier
Re: Second try at Master Chief! Fingers crossed

Think I made a boo boo.... I been shopping for resin but I wanted to find an alternative to the bondo brand resin. I found a resin by Stevens on Ebay so I made the purchase. After laying the dollars down I noticed I hadn't read the label properly. It's a fiberglass laminating resin. So I had a look at the bondo resin and read that the bondo stuff is a finishing resin. Do you think a laminating resin will do the job? I'm gonna make a test structure like a low res forearm and test the Stevens resin anyway. Just wondered what the 405th thought :)
Re: Second try at Master Chief! Fingers crossed

That should work just fine. I'm fairly certain the epoxy resin i use is considered laminating.
Re: Second try at Master Chief! Fingers crossed

Ah cool. I've just been looking at your build Meatwad. Awesome stuff! Can I ask tho.... how did you glass the forehead bit of the helm?
Re: Second try at Master Chief! Fingers crossed

Tonight's session consisted of finishing the pep on the upper torso (minus the details)




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Re: Second try at Master Chief! Fingers crossed

For next time I would Google aqua resin great product two step mixture simple easy and you can purchase in bulk ,just be careful not to purchase in the dead of winter because of the liquid part b will cyrstalize and will not work , just contact the supplier they will resend it out as needed , GREAT WORK coming along great
Re: Second try at Master Chief! Fingers crossed

Ah cool. I've just been looking at your build Meatwad. Awesome stuff! Can I ask tho.... how did you glass the forehead bit of the helm?

To be honest with you, not very well haha. I actually ended up sanding through the paper, into a pocket where the resin and fiberglass weren't applied well. The entire inside of the Grenadier helmet is full of ridges and places you can't reach (behind the ear piece especially). It was certainly a learning process and if i could go back and do it all over, i would. That being said, I'm also extremely happy with how it turned out for my first build. I can't wait to get the time to start working on it again.

Let me know if you have any other questions i can help answer.
Re: Second try at Master Chief! Fingers crossed

Think I made a boo boo.... I been shopping for resin but I wanted to find an alternative to the bondo brand resin. I found a resin by Stevens on Ebay so I made the purchase. After laying the dollars down I noticed I hadn't read the label properly. It's a fiberglass laminating resin. So I had a look at the bondo resin and read that the bondo stuff is a finishing resin. Do you think a laminating resin will do the job? I'm gonna make a test structure like a low res forearm and test the Stevens resin anyway. Just wondered what the 405th thought :)

Might be time to take back the first helmet from your kids for some resin testing.
Re: Second try at Master Chief! Fingers crossed

Thanks guys...

Meatwad - ok thanks buddy. Will do :)

@Philthy - Yeah. As soon as I purchased, the first thing that came to mind is you post lol. Sadly it's too late for that cheif helmet. Kids will be kids. I'm thinking about testing on the Abs section for the torso. It only took just over an hour to build so I could make that again no probs
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Re: Second try at Master Chief! Fingers crossed

LOL, yeah I figured that old helmet was done for. But couldn't resist pointing out the obvious.

Good luck with the resin though.
Re: Second try at Master Chief! Fingers crossed

Now the Torso and Abs are complete, it's time to tackle the helmet again.... hopefully at the right scale this time lol.

Here's where I'm at....


I find it funny how small this is compared to the first lmao.


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Re: Second try at Master Chief! Fingers crossed

For next time I would Google aqua resin great product two step mixture simple easy and you can purchase in bulk ,just be careful not to purchase in the dead of winter because of the liquid part b will cyrstalize and will not work , just contact the supplier they will resend it out as needed , GREAT WORK coming along great

I just had a look at aqua resin on Google and found a UK alternative called Jesmonite. I like the fact that both are non toxic. I'll definitely try one if I don't like the one I got. It kinda sucks that I'm nearing resin stage in winter :(
Re: Second try at Master Chief! Fingers crossed

I just had a look at aqua resin on Google and found a UK alternative called Jesmonite. I like the fact that both are non toxic. I'll definitely try one if I don't like the one I got. It kinda sucks that I'm nearing resin stage in winter :(

I've tried Jesmonite myself. It's a decent product, but unfortunately it has a tendency to soak the card quite thoroughly and can cause your form to warp. I'd suggest using it only if it's absolutely necessary.
Re: Second try at Master Chief! Fingers crossed

Thanks for the info. I'll stay away from that then because warping I don't want :)
Re: Second try at Master Chief! Fingers crossed

When you run out of this supply of resin, have you put any thought into using epoxamite?
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