If I could fit my head in the opening it would be perfect size. I may wait til I harden it and cut the jaw section off. And have it as a 2 piece helmet. But as it stands I'm happy with it..... for now lol
It looks awesome up against the torso!!
Thanks. Yeah thats what I thought. I try the hardest bits first so it'll only get easier.... but when I think I've got another side to do, it makes me sad lol
It's a great way it seems though to do it. As someone else has mentioned it at least keeps the momentum up a little. Really nice work though, I'm on my third helmet pep and third torso as well. Just think of it as practice.On your helmet, after you harden it, you can dremel or sand the neck opening to make it wider. If you're close now it might just be enough to do the trick. Good luck!
Hahahah, I'm in the same boat. XD
BUT, I had to do all the pieces, the feet, thighs, helmet... 2-4 times to get them right... I was lucky enough to have scaled the chest perfectly on the first try. xD
But, keep it up! I'll workThe helmet looked nice and it didn't look too small.